In the name of God Amen, The twelfe day of June in the seaxteenth yeare of yhe Reigne of our sovreigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of god Kinge of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the Faith Anno ge Dm 1665. I John Tickner of Horsell in the County of Surry: yeoman Sicke in Bodye but whole in mynde and of perfect memory praise be to Almighty god doe here make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme ffollowing, (that is to saie) first and principally I give and bequeath my Soule to Almighty God hoping by the reconciliation by Jesus Christ to be saved only. And my body to the earth to be decently buryed according to the direction of my Executrix hereafter named, Item I give and bequeath towarde the Rofe of parish Church of Horsell aforesaid Three Shilling and fower pense; and towarde the reliefe of the poore of said parish ffive shillings, Item I give and bequeath unto Susan my daughter Tenn pounds to be paid unto her within one yeare nexte after my Decease, Item I give and bequeathe to my two daughters Ann and Jane my Coppise or Grove situate lyinge and beinge at Cawthes (??) in the parish of Horsell aforesaid equally for them & theire heires forever. Item I give and bequeath unto Alice My daughter twentye pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her when she shall attayne to her age of One and twentye Yeares, Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah My daughter twentye pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her when she shall attayne to her age of One and twentye Yeares. All the rest of Goods & Chattles not given nor bequeathed I give unto Elizabeth my wiffe, whom I make and ordeyne my sole executrix of this my last will and testament to pay my debts legacies and ffuneral charges. And I request of my loving friends and kinsmen John Slifield and Robert Emmett to be My Overseers, and I give them towarde ???? Two Shillings and Six Pence apiece; In witness whereof I the said John Tickner have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare ffirst above written in the presence of Rob Roake and Edward Cobbett The mark of the said John Tickner Elizabeth was duly sworn 19 July 1665