This is the Last Will and Testament of me George Trimmer of Farnham in the County of Surrey Esquire I appoint Henry Goujon of Farnham aforesaid Bank Manager and my two Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer (hereinafter called my said Trustees) to be Trustees and Executors of this my Will and I bequeath to the said Henry Goujon as an acknowledgement of the trouble he will have in acting as an Executor and Trustee of this my Will the sum of five hundred pounds free of legacy duty and so long as he shall continue to act as and perform the duties of a trustee of this my I direct that he shall be paid the sum of Fifty pounds per annum as a remuneration for the services which he will have to render as such trustee And I further direct that a sufficient part of the residue of my estate before the distribution thereof shall be set apart to provide for the said payment I also direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses of every description shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I devise all that messuage or tenement with the gardens yard stabling outbuildings and appurtenances belonging thereto situate in West Street Farnham aforesaid and now in my occupation unto and to the use of my said two sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer their heirs and assigns in equal shares as tenants in common I bequeath all my household furniture plate plated articles jewellery linen china glass books stationery pictures prints wines liquors fuel house keeping stores and provisions and other household effects and also all my Carriages horses implements chattels and effects which shall be in and about the stabling Coachhouses gardens and premises adjoining and used with my residence at the time of my decease unto my said Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer in equal shares subject nevertheless to the right which I hereby confer on each of my other two Sons Horace James Trimmer and William Septimus Trimmer of selecting for his own absolute use such of the above mentioned articles hereinbefore bequeathed as he may desire to have to the value of three hundred pounds And I hereby bequeath the same to him accordingly And in case any dispute shall arise respecting the division selection or value of the said articles the same shall be determined by some indifferent Valuer to be nominated by my trustees and his decision shall be final and conclusive I bequeath the following legacies free of legacy duty videlicet To George Henry Barnett my late Brewer One hundred pounds To each of the men in my employment at the time of my decease who shall have been in my service for a period of twenty years and upwards whether consecutive or not Ten pounds And to each of the men and women in my employment at the time of my decease who shall have been in my service for a period of five years and upwards whether consecutive or not Five pounds I hereby declare that my said trustees shall have the sole power of determining as to the duration of any such service and as to the parties entitled to the last mentioned legacies I give to my late Collector William Legg an Annuity of Fifty five pounds for his life free of legacy duty to commence from my decease and to be payable weekly and for this purpose I direct my said trustees either to purchase such an Annuity out of my estate from the Government or from some Insurance or Annuity Company or to appropriate and set apart and invest such a sum of money as will when invested produce by the income thereof an annual sum equal to the amount of such Annuity and to apply the income or if necessary the corpus in payment of such Annuity the said fund on the cessese of such Annuity to fall into and form part of my residuary estate And I direct that until such purchase or investment shall be made my said trustees shall pay the said Annuity to the said William Legg out of my estate I bequeath a legacy of Two hundred pounds free of duty to the Surrey County Hospital at Guildford And I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer thereof for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge for the said legacy I devise and bequeath all those four Cottages situate on the North side of the road leading from Farnham to Alton with the outbuildings thereto erected by me upon the South East corner of the Mount Pleasant Building Estate with the gardens at the front and rear thereof and also the sum of Four thousand pounds free of Succession and Legacy duties respectively (if any) unto the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter of Farnham aforesaid Solicitor and the said Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively as joint tenants I also give and bequeath a further sum of Four thousand pounds free of Legacy duty unto the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer their executors administrators and assigns respectively as joint tenants I devise the piece of land situate at and being the South West Corner of the said Mount Pleasant Building Estate immediately opposite to the said four Cottages and also the Cottages which I contemplate building thereon similar to the said four Cottages before devised to them together with the appurtenances free of succession duty unto the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer their heirs and assigns as joint tenants But in case the same Cottages shall not have been erected by me at the time of my decease then I give and bequeath an additional sum of one thousand pounds free of legacy duty unto the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer their executors administrators and assigns as joint tenants And I hereby declare that I have made the above devises and bequests in favor of the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer having full confidence that they will dispose of the same respectively in the manner I have requested them to do but this expression of my confidence shall not abridge their absolute Partnership or create any equity in favor of any person or persons whomsoever I give and bequeath the further Sum of Fifteen thousand pounds free of legacy duty unto the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer Upon trust that they do and shall invest the same in some one or more of the securities hereinafter authorised and shall pay the income thereof until the Settlement of a scheme and the gift of land hereinafter mentioned unto and amongst such hospitals in England as they in their sole and uncontrolled discretion shall think proper But I declare that my real desire and the Chief purpose of the aforesaid bequest to the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer is for the foundation of a Cottage Hospital to be established in or near to the Town of Farnham and to be called "Trimmers Cottage Hospital" and I further declare that as soon as conveniently may be after my decease the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer shall appoint a Committee of not exceeding seven persons consisting of themselves the Chairman of the Local Board of Health of the Town of Farnham for the time being and such two other persons as they shall mutually agree upon and that such Committee shall frame a scheme for the erection management and endowment of such Cottage Hospital in such manner as they or the majority in number of them in their uncontrolled discretion shall think best And that when and so soon as such scheme shall have been settled and sufficient suitable land shall have been given and vested in the trustees or other persons nominated by such scheme the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer shall cease to pay the income of the said sum of Fifteen thousand pounds or other the investments for the time being representing the same unto and amongst the hospitals selected by them as aforesaid and in lieu thereof shall pay or transfer the said sum of Fifteen thousand pounds or other the investments for the time being representing the same unto the said trustees or other persons nominated by such scheme to be held by them upon the trusts and for the purposes declared by such scheme And I expressly declare that no part of the said sum of fifteen thousand pounds shall be applied in the purchase of any land which may be required for the erection of the said Cottage Hospital And I further declare that all legacies given by this my Will or by any Codicil thereto for any charitable purpose whatsoever and the legacy duties thereon shall be paid exclusively out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally bequeathed to charitable purposes and in priority to all other payments thereout And I hereby expressly direct and declare that my said two Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer shall not respectively participate in or take any benefit from my residuary Real and personal estate hereinafter devised and bequeathed unto and equally between them unless and until they shall to the entire satisfaction of the said Henry Goujon and Henry Potter or the survivor of them have respectively executed such deed of confirmation of all and every the devises and bequests hereinbefore made as may be requested by the said Henry Goujon and Henry Potter to further effectuate and insure the validity of all the said devises and bequests and until they shall respectively have executed such Deeds of Conveyance of the Real estate comprised in such devises or of assignment of the sums of money comprised in such bequests as may also be required by the said Henry Goujon and Henry Potter to effectuate the objects of such devises and bequests such satisfaction and the due performance of their requirements to be signified in writing under the hands of the said Henry Goujon and Henry Potter or the survivor of them But in case either of my said Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer shall refuse or neglect for three Calendar months after the said Henry Goujon and Henry Potter or the survivor of them shall have by written notes called upon these so to do to execute such deed of confirmation of any of such devises or bequests or to execute such Conveyance or Assignment in manner aforesaid I direct that the share of such of my said Sons refusing as aforesaid of and in my said Residuary Real and personal estate shall be absolutely and to all intents and purposes forfeited and I hereby revoke the devise and bequest thereof accordingly and (provided that he shall execute such deeds of Confirmation Conveyance or Assignment as aforesaid I hereby devise and bequeath such share unto the other of them But in case of such refusal or neglect as aforesaid of both my said Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer to execute such deeds of Confirmation Conveyance or Assignment as aforesaid I declare that the shares of both my said Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer of and in my said residuary Real and personal estate shall be absolutely and to all intents and purposes forfeited and I hereby revoke the devise and bequest thereof accordingly I devise all that farm with the Messuage or farmhouse stables barns and buildings thereon known as Oakhanger Farm situate at Oakhanger in the Parish of Selborne in the County of Southampton and all lands Cottages and premises which I purchased of Mrs Walker and her trustees in the year One thousand eight hundred and eighty three and all other lands tenements and hereditaments adjoining to and used in connection with the said Oakhanger Farm and belonging to me at the time of my decease (all hereinafter called "my Oakhanger Estate") unto my said Son George Trimmer for his life without impeachment of waste And from and after the decease of my said Son Robert George Trimmer I devise the same estates To the Children of the said Robert George Trimmer who being Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age and their respective heirs and assigns as tenants in common in equal shares And if there shall be only one such Child then I devise the same estate to such one child And if there shall be no Child of the said Robert George Trimmer who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that age then I devise the said Oakhanger Estate unto such of my Sons as shall be living at the death of my said Son Robert George Trimmer or at the death of his Children if they shall survive him but all fail to attain the age of twenty one years or marry as aforesaid in equal shares as tenants in common in fee simple I desire my freehold estate which I purchased of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England and Wales in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventy seven situate in the Parish of Farnham aforesaid and Crondall in the County of Southampton known as the "Old Park Estate" with the timber and underwoods thereon unto my said Son Charles Edwin Trimmer for his life without impeachment of waste with remainder To the use of his first and other Sons successively according to seniority in tail male with remainder To the use of his first and other daughters successively according to seniority in tail male with remainder To the use of his first and other Sons successively according to seniority in tail general with remainder To the use of his first and other daughters successively according to seniority in tail general with remainder to my own rights heirs I desire all that my freehold estate which I purchased in the year One thousand eight hundred and eighty seven of the trustees of the Will of the late Mr William Newton situate at Juryford in the County of Southampton and known as " the Juryford Estate" and all other hereditaments (if any) in the said Parish of Juryford which may belong to me at the time of my decease Unto my said Son Horace James Trimmer during his life without impeachment of waste And from and after the decease of my said Son Horace James Trimmer I devise the same estate to his Widow if any during her life if she shall so long continue his Widow And from and after the decease or second marriage of any Widow of my said Son Horace James Trimmer I devise the same estate to the Children of the said Horace James Trimmer who being Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age and their respective heirs and assigns as tenants in common in equal shares and if there shall be only one such Child then I devise the same estate to such one Child And if there shall be no Child of the said Horace James Trimmer who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that age Then in such case I direct that the said Juryford Estate shall go and devolve as if the same had formed part of my residuary estate hereinafter disposed of and I hereby devise the same accordingly I bequeath unto my said Son Horace James Trimmer the sum of Ten thousand pounds for his absolute use and benefit he having to pay thereout to my said Son William Septimus Trimmer on his being required to give up his occupation of the said Juryford Estate as joint tenant or occupier with him the said Horace James Trimmer the value of the half share and interest of the said William Septimus Trimmer of and in the household furniture crops acts of husbandry live and dead farming stocks implements and effects in and about the said Estate such value if not agreed upon by my said two Sons to be arrived at by a valuation to be made in the usual way I bequeath the sum of Fifteen thousand pounds unto my said trustees Upon trust to invest the same and to pay the income thereof to my said Son Horace James Trimmer until he shall do any act to charge assign or incumber the same or do or suffer something whereby the said income if belonging absolutely to him would become payable to or vested in some other person (whichever event shall first happen) And if the trust last hereinbefore contained shall determine in the lifetime of the said Horace James Trimmer then In Trust during the remainder of the life of the said Horace James Trimmer to pay and apply the same income for the maintenance and support or otherwise for the benefit of all or such one or more exclusively of the other or others of the said Horace James Trimmer his Wife and Issue for the time being (if any) as they in their uncontrolled discretion shall think best And from and after the decease of the said Horace James Trimmer In trust to pay such income unto his Widow (if any) during her life if she shall so long remain his Widow And from and after her decease or second marriage (which shall first happen) In trust for all the Children of the said Horace James Trimmer who being Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age in equal shares and if there shall be only one such Child the whole to be in Trust for that one Child And if there shall be no Child of the said Horace James Trimmer who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that age Then and in such case the same sum of Fifteen thousand pounds or the investments representing the same shall sink into and form part of my residuary estate I direct my said trustees to appropriate and set apart and invest such a sum of money as will when so invested produce by the annual income thereof the annual sum of Five hundred pounds and to stand possessed of such principal sum of money Upon trusts for the benefit of my Son William Septimus Trimmer his Wife or Widow and Children precisely similar to the trusts last hereinbefore declared with respect to the said legacy of Fifteen thousand pounds for the benefit of my said Son Horace James Trimmer his Wife or Widow and Children and with the like ultimate limitation to sink into and form part of my residuary estate on failure of the preceding trusts I bequeath the sum of Fifteen thousand pounds unto my said trustees Upon trust to invest the same and to pay the income thereof to or to apply the same for the benefit of the said William Septimus Trimmer his Wife or Widow and Children (if any) in such manner as my said trustees shall in their absolute and uncontrolled discretion think fit And I empower my said trustees at any time or times if they shall in their uncontrolled discretion think fit so to do to transfer and pay the whole or any part or parts of the capital of the said sum of Fifteen thousand pounds or the investments representing the same unto or otherwise apply the same for the benefit of all or any one or more exclusively of the other or others of them the said William Septimus Trimmer his Wife Widow and Children And I expressly declare that it shall be in the absolute discretion of my said trustees whether they will make such payment of capital of the said sum of Fifteen thousand pounds or not And subject to the preceding trusts the said sums of Fifteen thousand pounds shall so far as the same has not bee paid or applied in manner aforesaid sink into and form part of my residuary estate I declare that I contemplate so soon as I can decide upon the objects thereof by Codicil to make out of my pure personal estate certain charitable bequests besides those hereinbefore contained and I may also make other bequests and the residue of my estate may be thereby to a considerable extent diminished I devise all the residue of my Real estate and bequeath all the residue of my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto and equally between my two Sons the said Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer absolutely as tenants in common I declare it to be my wish that my said two Sons Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer may as far as they can do so arrange between themselves for the division of the whole or greater part of my said residuary real estate instead of resorting to a sale thereof and for this purpose I desire them whether they can agree upon such a course to set a value themselves upon the several properties comprised in such devise or when they cannot agree upon the value themselves to have the value fixed by one or more indifferent persons in the usual way I direct my said trustees to invest all moneys liable to be invested under this my Will in their names in or upon any stocks funds or securities of or guaranteed by the Government of the United Kingdom or of any British Colony or Dependancy or in mortgage of freehold Copyhold or leasehold estates in England or Wales or upon the Bonds debentures or debenture stock preference or guaranteed Stock or Shares of any British or Indian Railway Companies at the time of the investments respectively paying dividends on their Ordinary Stock or Shares or in or upon any other investments in which trustees are by the law for the time being in force allowed to invest And I authorize them to vary or transpose at their discretion the stocks funds and securities whereon any such investments shall be made for any other stocks funds or securities of the description contemplated by the preceding direction and also to allow any sume of money which at the time of my decease may be invested to remain in such state if investment for such period as they may think fit notwithstanding that such investment may not be within the investments herein before authorised And I declare that it shall be lawful for but not imperative upon my said trustees at any time during the respective lives of the said Horace James Trimmer and William Septimus Trimmer upon their respective requests in writing to convert into money all or any part of the said two sums of Fifteen thousand pounds and the said sum of money producing an annual income of Five hundred pounds or of the trust funds for the time being representing the same and to invest the moneys arising thereby in the purchase of any messuage lands or hereditaments situated in England and being freehold or copyhold of inheritance with liberty upon any such purchase to accept any such title as my said trustees shall think fit without being accountable for any loss arising thereby And the hereditaments so to be purchased as aforesaid shall be assured to my said trustees and shall be held by them upon trust that they shall until the consent in writing of the said Horace James Trimmer or William Septimus Trimmer as the case may be and after their decease at the direction of my said trustees sell the same and shall stand possessed of the net moneys to arise from such sale after paying thereout the expenses attending such sale upon the trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions (including the power of purchasing hereditaments) by and herein declared and contained concerning the trust funds which or the proceeds whereon shall have been laid out in the purchase of the said hereditaments or such of them as shall be then subsisting and capable of taking effect And shall in the meantime and until the resale of the purchased hereditaments either to permit the same to be occupied by the said Horace James Trimmer or William Septimus Trimmer as the case may be or with such consent or at such discretion as aforesaid let or desmise the same or any part thereof either from year to year or for any term of years not exceeding twenty one years to take effect in possession at rack rent and pay and apply the rents and profits thereof to the person or persons and in the manner to whom and in which the income of the trust funds laid out in the purchase thereof would have been payable or applicable if such purchase had not been made I direct that my said trustees shall be responsible for so much money only as shall come to their own respective hands and that they shall not be answerable for the acts or defaults of each other or for involuntary losses and particularly that any trustee who shall pay over to his Co-trustees or Co-trustee or shall do or concur in any act enabling his Co-trustees or Co-trustee to recover any moneys for the general purposes of this my Will or with or for any general purpose authorized by my said Will shall not be obliged to see to the due application thereof nor shall such trustee be subsequently responsible by reason of an express notice or intimation of the actual misapplication of the same moneys but this clause shall not restrict the power of any trustee to require from his Co trustees or Co-trustee an account of the application of any moneys in his hands & to insist on his replacing money misapplied by him And I declare that the expression "my said trustees" shall throughout this my Will be considered as exonerising and including the trustees or trustee for the time being of my Will And lastly I revoke all Wills and testamentary writings heretofore made by me In Witness whereof I have hereunder and to the ten preceding sheets of this my Will set my hand this twenty second day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety _____ Geo. Trimmer ____ Signed by the said George Trimmer the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses ____ Ernest Crundwell Solr Farnham ____ R W Andrews Clerk to Messrs Potter & Crundwell Solrs Farnham ____ This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me George Trimmer of Farnham in the County of Surrey Esquire which Will bears date the twenty second day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety I hereby revoke the Annuity of Fifty two pounds given by my said Will to my late Collector William Legg Whereas by my said Will I have bequeathed a sum of Fifteen thousand pounds free of legacy duty to Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer Upon trust as therein mentioned And I have thereby declared that my great desire and chief purpose of the aforesaid bequest to them was for the foundation of a Cottage Hospital and that as soon as conveniently may be after my decease they should appoint a Committee of not exceeding Seven persons consisting of themselves the Chairman of the Local Board of Health of the Town of Farnham for the time being and such two other persons as they should mutually agree upon and that such Committee should frame a Scheme for the creation management and endorsement of such Cottage Hospital as therein mentioned Now I hereby revoke my direction to the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer to appoint the Chairman of the Local Board of Health for the Town of Farnham for the time being as one of the persons constituting such Committee and I declare that the persons to form such Committee shall consist of the said Henry Goujon Henry Potter Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer and such three other persons as they shall mutually agree upon In all other respects I confirm my said Will In Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this twenty fifth day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety one ___ Geo. Trimmer ___ Signed by the said George Trimmer the Testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at his request in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses ___ Ernest Crundwell Solr Farnham ___ R W Andrews Clerk to Messrs Potter & Crundwell Solrs Farnham ___ On the 5th Jany 1893 Probate of this Will with a Codicil was granted to Henry Goujon and Robert George Trimmer and Charles Edwin Trimmer Esquires the Executors .