This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry James Scriven of Knap Hill in the Parish of Horsell in the County of Surrey Yeoman whereof I appoint to be my Executors my dear Wife Ann Scriven my daughter Ann Scriven and Mr John Potts of Knap Hill I direct payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give unto my said dear Wife Ann Scriven the whole of my furniture linen plate and other household effects belonging to me in the house where I now live for her use so long as she shall live and on her death the same to be equally divided between my Daughters then living I leave the produce of the house and garden equally between my Wife and Single daughters Jane and Ann the expense of cropping the ground to be borne equally by those remunerated therefrom I give unto my said dear Wife the use and enjoyment of the house at Knap Hill in which I reside or the rents and profits thereof for her life and at her death I will that my then surviving Executors shall have powers to sell the Knap Hill property and in the event of the said property being sold I direct that out of the sale monies arising therefrom there be paid a sum of forty pounds free of duty to Mrs Henry Howard the same to carry interest at two pounds per centum per annum from the day of the death of my said Wife until payment And I will that the residue of the said sale monies less the expenses of sale be equally divided between my Daughters Jane Scriven (Mary the wife of Edward Townsend) and Ann Scriven and my reputed and natural Son Henry Scriven Glazier in equal parts I give devise and bequeath my property part freehold and part Copyhold at Mitcham in the County of Surrey to my Executors in trust to pay or permit my said dear Wife to receive and take the rents and profits thereof for her life and on her death I direct that the said last mentioned property be sold and from the monies arising from such sale I bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds free of duty to my said reputed and natural Son Henry Scriven Glazier and I especially charge this property with the repayment of the sum of twenty five pounds (£25.0.0) to Mr James Bridger of Mitcham for which amount he holds my I.O.U. and what balance there may be remaining of the said sale monies I direct shall be equally divided between my Daughters Jane Scriven Mary (the wife of Edward Townsend) and Ann Scriven in equal parts Lastly I appoint my said dear Wife Ann Scriven my Residuary Legatee whom failing my said three Daughters equally In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this thirteen day of October on thousand eight hundred and seventy seven _____ Henry James Scriven ___ Signed and published by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses _____ John Potts Fern Cottage Knap Hill ________ James Juleff Holly Villas Knap Hill Proved at London 18th December 1878 by the oaths of Ann Scriven Widow the Relict Ann Scriven Spinster the Daughter and John Potts the Executors to whom Admon was granted