This is the last Will and Testament of Mary YOUNG of Farnham in the County of Surrey, Southampton. Made, signed, sealed, published and declared this twenty fifth day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one. And first I resign my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it in humble hopes that he will receive it to his favor in and through the merits of my most blessed redeemer Jesus Christ. My Body I commit to the earth to be buried in an handsome manner as near as conveniently easy to the remains of my late dear father and agreeable to such particular direction as I shall leave in writing relative to my funeral and as to such worldly Estate as it has pleased God to bless me with. I dispose thereof as follows, that is to say, I give and bequeath unto the children of Susanna PHILLIPS, late the wife of William PHILLIPS of Odiham in the county of Southampton and before her marriage with the said William PHILLIPS, named Susanna WEIGHT, Spinster, the sum of five hundred pounds, equally to be divided between them, share and share alike. Also I give and bequeath unto the children of Elizabeth BRYANT, daughter of my late uncle John YOUNG, the sum of three hundred pounds to be divided equally between them, share and share alike. Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Mary PRICE, daughter of Elizabeth, also former wife of Mr. William PRICE of Richmond in the said county of Surry, the sum of five hundred pounds and my diamond ear rings and pin. Also I give and bequeath unto John PRICE, brother of the said Mary PRICE by her said Mother, the sum of twenty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Mary TREE?, wife of .....TREE? and daughter of the Reverend? William COLLINS, the sum of two hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto each and every of the daughters of my cousin Mrs. Mary SHEPHERD daughter of my uncle, Mr. William COLLINS, the sum of twenty five pounds apiece. Also I give and bequeath unto each and every of the children of Mr. Edward COLLINS of Richmond aforesaid, the sum of fifty pounds apiece. Also I give and bequeath unto each and every of the children of Mr. MEASY of Farnham aforesaid. Affirm of Ex...? by his late wife, Mary, before her marriage, called Mary SHRUBB, the sum of twenty pounds apiece. Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin Sophia COLLINS, daughter of my uncle John COLLINS of Richmond aforesaid, the sum of fifty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth CARTER, daughter of John CARTER of Hartley Wintney aforesaid, the sum of eight hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto my cousins Elizabeth YOUNG, daughter of John FIGG and unto John FIGG, son of the said John FIGG, the sum of one hundred pounds apiece. Also I give and bequeath unto James FIGG, son of William FIGG, formerly servant to John MANWARING of Farnham aforesaid Esquire, the sum of two hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto the children of Susannah, late wife of Richard ROBINSON, now of Farnham aforesaid, Victualler and before her marriage, called Susannah FIGG, the sum of two hundred pounds equally to be divided between them share and share alike. Also I give and bequeath unto Richard FIGG, second son of the said William FIGG, the sum of three hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto John FIGG, son of (Sarah)WILKINSON, of whom the said William FIGG is the reputed father, the sum of one hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto my cousin William GADCOMBE, alias GATCUM of Farnham aforesaid carpenter, the sum of fifty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Anne GADCOMBE alias GATCUM of Farnham aforesaid Widow, the sum of twenty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Martha DOWDEN of Farnham aforesaid, Spinster, the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Mary, wife of John NEWNHAM of Farnham aforesaid, Surgeon and Apothecary, the sum of twenty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth STEVENS, sister of John STEVENS of Farnham aforesaid, Gentleman, and to Elizabeth JACKSON also of Farnham, spinster and daughter of the late Reverend James JACKSON, the sum of fifty pounds apiece. Also I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Mary SMITHER, wife of Stephen SMITHER of Farnham aforesaid, gentleman, the sum of twenty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto the Reverend John ... CHANDLER of Wisley in the county of Surrey aforesaid, the sum of one hundred pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto each and every of my executors hereinafter named and appointed, who shall take upon the burden and execution of this my Will, the sum of fifty pounds all which said respective expenses I will and direct shall be paid in lawful money of Great Britain and within twelve months next after my demise. Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto the said Elizabeth CARTER all my Rights and Interest of in and to an annuity of thirty nine pounds which I have in the stock or fund called the Consolidated Annuities for twenty eight years established in the nineteenth year of his present Majesty’s reign. Also I hereby will and direct my executors hereinafter named retain the sum of four hundred pounds in order to pay the same to such person or persons and in such a manner and form as I shall direct or appoint in a paper in my own writing and signed by me and to whom such care I will and give the same accordingly and it is my will and desire that such paper writing will be considered as part of this, my Will and in case I shall not dispose of the whole of the said sum of four hundred pounds by such paper writing, then I direct that the surplus shall sink into and be considered as part of the residue of my personal estate. Also I give and bequeath unto each of my servants that shall be living with me at the time of my death, over and above what shall be due to them respectively for wages, the sum of four pounds for each and every year they shall respectively have lived with me – it being my intention to reward them according to the length of time they shall respectively have lived with me. Also I give and bequeath to my executors hereinafter named, the sum of fifty pounds of like money aforesaid, in Trust, to lay out the same in the purchase of bread and to distribute the same to and amongst such poor persons of the parish of Farnham aforesaid as they shall think proper objects of charity. One half thereof to be distributed as soon as conveniently may be after my demise and the other half part thereof on the third day of June then next following. Also I give and bequeath to my Executors the further sum of fifty pounds of like money in Trust to pay and divide the same unto and amongst such poor widows of Farnham aforesaid as they shall think proper objects of charity share and share alike on the third day of June next after my demise. Also I give and bequeath unto Mrs. Mary CARTER of Hartley Wintney aforesaid all such household goods and furniture as I may have in and about her dwelling house at Hartley Wintney aforesaid at the time of my demise. Also I will give and devise unto Mrs. Anne JENNINGS of Castle Street in Farnham aforesaid and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life an annuity or the yearly sum of four pounds of like money aforesaid to be charged upon and payable out of all that Messuage or Dwelling House wherein I now live with the buildings, garden and premises thereunto belonging hereinafter given and devised to Edward COLLINS and his heirs. Also I will give and devise unto Susannah FIGG, widow of my cousin William FIGG and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or the yearly sum of ten pounds of like money to be charged upon and payable out of all that Messuage, Malthouse, Buildings Garden and Appurtenances situate near the Bush Inn of Farnham aforesaid in the occupation of Peter HUGHES and his assigns and all those other Messuages with the Buildings, Gardens, and Appurtenances thereunto, respectively belonging and adjoining or near unto the said last mentioned Messuage or tenement and previous at hereinafter given and devised unto William FIGG, oldest son of the said William FIGG and the heirs of his body. Also I will give and devise unto the said Ann GADCOMBE alias GATCUM of Farnham, aforesaid widow, and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or the yearly sum of twenty pounds. Unto my servant, William LORD and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life one annuity or the yearly sum of ten pounds. Unto my servant Ann CAWOOD and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, one other annuity or the yearly sum of ten pounds. Unto Elizabeth HOGSFLESH of Ash in the county of Surrey aforesaid, widow of George HOGSFLESH and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, one annuity or the yearly sum of five pounds And unto Elizabeth, wife of John TAPHOUSE of Farnham aforesaid, Wheelwright, and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life, one other annuity or the yearly sum of five pounds. The said five last mentioned annuities to be charged upon and to be respectively issuing? and payable out of all and singular, my Messuages, Lands and Hereditaments situate lying and being in the county of Southampton and hereinafter given and devised unto the said William GADCOMBE alias GATCUM and the heirs of his body, all which said respected annuities hereinbefore given and devised unto the said Ann JENNINGS, Susannah FIGG, Ann GADCOMBE alias GATCUM, William LORD, Ann CAWOOD, Elizabeth HOGSFLESH and Elizabeth TAPHOUSE, I will and direct shall be free and clear of all taxes and deductions whatsoever – parliamentary or otherwise – and shall be respectively paid by equal half yearly payments on the two most usual feast or days of prayer out of Rent in the year, that is to say, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel, the first half yearly payment to be made on such of the said feast days as shall first and must happen after my demise and I do hereby will and devise that if at any time or times, the said annuities, or any or either of them, or any part of them, or any or either of them shall happen to be behind or unpaid in part or in all by or for the space of twenty one days next over or after any of the said feast days or when the same are hereinbefore directed to be paid as aforesaid having been lawfully demanded then and so often and at any time or times thereafter, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Annuitants respectively, or their respective assignes, to enter into and upon the said Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premises so charged with their said respective Annuities or unto and upon any part thereof and Distrain for the same or for so much thereof as shall be so in arrears and the distress or distressors then made and taken to load, drive, carry away, sell and dispose of, as the law in such case directs for the satisfying every such arrear from time to time with all costs and charges relating to every such entry and distress. Also I do hereby will, give and devise all that Messuage and Dwelling House wherein I now live, with the buildings, garden, appurtenances thereinto belonging, situate in Castle Street in Farnham aforesaid, unto the said Edward COLLINS of Richmond aforesaid, his heirs and assigns for ever charged and that chargeable nevertheless with the annuity of four pounds a year to Ann JENNINGS as aforesaid. Also I do hereby will, give and devise all that Messuage or Tenement, buildings, farm lands, tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances situate lying and being at Tongham in the parish of Seale, in the said county of Surrey and now in the Tenure or Occupation of James PAIN, his undertenants or assigns, unto the said Elizabeth CARTER, her heirs and assigns, forever. Also I will give and devise all that Messuage or Tenement with the Malthouse Buildings, Garden and Premises, thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being near the Bush Inn in the town of Farnham aforesaid, now in the Tenure or Occupation of Peter HUGHES, his undertenants or assignes and also all those three other Messuages or Tenements with the buildings, garden and premises to the same, respectively belonging, adjoining or near unto the said last mentioned messuage or tenement, malthouse and premises and now in the several Tenures or occupations of David HOLE? and Thomas FARMINER?, their undertenants or assigns, unto the said William FIGG, the eldest son of William FIGG aforenamed and the heirs of his body begotten or to be begotten and in default of such heirs, I will give and devise the same last mentioned four several? Messuages or Tenements, Malthouse Buildings, Garden and Premises with their respective appurtenances, unto Richard FIGG, brother of the said William FIGG, his sons and assignes, for ever charged and chargeable nevertheless, with the annuity of ten pounds a year to Susannah FIGG as aforesaid. Also I do hereby will, give and devise all that Chalkpit situate, lying and being in the Parish of Seal, aforesaid with the appurtenances thereto belonging now, in the occupation of …….. BOXALL and also all that piece of meadow ground situate near Bowhunt? Mill and a piece of hopground in Mill Field in the parish of Farnham aforesaid and now in the occupation of the said Peter HUGHES his undertenants or assignes, unto John FIGG, the third son of the said William FIGG, his heirs and assignes for ever. Also, I do hereby will, give and devise all and singular, my Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of what cause or nature soever? situate, lying and being in the county of Southampton aforesaid with this and every of their appurtenances unto my cousin the said William GADCOMBE alias GATCUM and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten - charged and chargeable nevertheless, with the annuities of twenty pounds a year to the said Ann GADCOMBE his mother, ten pounds a year to the said William LORD and Ann CAWOOOD and of five pounds a year each to the said Elizabeth HOGSFLESH and Elizabeth TAPHOUSE as aforesaid and in default of such Issue? then as to for and comprising all and singular my Messuages, Lands, Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate, lying and being at Hartley Wintney with their and every of their appurtenances, I do hereby will, give and devise unto Edward COLLINS, the youngest son of the said Edward COLLINS, his heirs and assignes for ever and in such case, I do hereby charge the same with the payment of the said five last mentioned annuities to be paid to the said annuitants in manner aforesaid and with such power of entry and Distress as aforesaid And as to for and concerning all the rest of my said Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and hereditaments situate, lying and being in the said county of Southampton (save and except my Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments at Hartley Wintney aforesaid), I do hereby will, give and devise unto James FIGG, the youngest son of the said William FIGG, his heirs and assigns forever. And it is my will and desire and I do hereby direct my Executors hereinafter named, to permit the said Mary SMITHER and Elizabeth STEVENS to have the direction and management of my funeral and also to look over my drawers, papers and other things in my dwelling house and dispose of my clothes, plate, jewels, goods, furniture and other things except Monies and Securities for Money and Deeds and Writings relating to my Estates in my said Dwelling House according to such directions as I shall leave for that purpose in Writing signed by me and which writing I direct shall be taken and considered as part of this, my Will. Also, all the rest, residue and remainder of my Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditements and Premises whatsoever and wheresoever situate, lying and being with their and every of their appurtenances and all my Estate Right, Tithes and Interest of in and to the same and also all the rest and residue of my goods, chattels, rights, Credits and personal estate whatsoever, I do hereby will, devise and bequeath, unto the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL of Farnham aforesaid Gentleman and James STEVENS, also of Farnham, Gentleman, brother of the said John STEVENS, their heirs, executors and administrators respectively to have and to hold unto them the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs, executors or administrators of the survivor shall and do so soon after my death as conveniently may be, sell and dispose of the said Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Chattels, Efforts and Estate both … and personal to them given and devised as aforesaid and every of them and every part of (except such part of my Personal Estate as shall be in ready money or out on Security at interest and except my household goods and furniture which household goods and furniture I do hereby direct shall be delivered by my said Trustees to such person or persons as I shall by such paper writing as aforesaid signed by me, direct and appoint. It being my particular wish and intention that a public sale shall be made of my household goods and furniture, together or in parcels for the best price and the most monies that may or may be had or for the same respectively and upon this further – Trust that they, the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs, executors and administrators of such survivor, shall and do by and out of the monies arising and to arise by and from such Sale and Sales and out of such part of my said Personal Estate as shall be in ready money and out on Security at Interest, in the first place, pay and satisfy my funeral expenses, the charges of proving this, my Will and all such just debts as I shall owe at the time of my demise and also the several and respective legacies or sums of money hereinbefore by me given and bequeathed and as to for and concerning all the surplus of the said respective Trust monies upon this further trust And my will, is that they, the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs, executors and administrators of such survivor shall and do pay, deliver, assign and transfer the same surplus and every part thereof unto and amongst the daughters of my before named cousin, Mary SHEPHERD daughter of my uncle, William COLLINS and the said Elizabeth CARTER originally to be divided between them, share and share alike provided always nevertheless? And it is my will and desire and I do hereby direct that in case the said residue of my real and personal estate hereinbefore given to the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS in Trust as aforesaid shall be insufficient to pay and discharge my funeral expenses, debts and legacies aforesaid then I do hereby charge and make subject all and every my said Real Estates in the county of Southampton hereinbefore devised with the payment of the same and for promoting and facilitating the sale of the said residue of Messuages, Funds, Covenants, Heriditements and Premises respectively hereinbefore given to my Trustees in manner as aforesaid, my will is and I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs, executors or administrators of such survivor, shall be good and affectual …… to all intents and purposes to the purchaser or purchasers of the Estates, Hereditaments and Premises so to be sold as aforesaid for the consideration or purchase monies to be given and paid for the same and that such purchaser or purchasers after such receipt or receipts given shall not be obliged to see the consideration or purchase monies by them given and paid as aforesaid applied in pursuance of this my Will or the Trusts thereof, or be answerable or accountable for any loss, misapplication or non-application of such purchase or consideration Money or any part thereof and I do hereby nominate, constitute? and appoint the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS, Executors of this my Will and my further will and mind is that my said Trustees and Executors shall and may from time to time retain unto and reimburse themselves respectively out of the Trust promises aforesaid, all costs, charges, damages and expenses which they shall or may respectively expend, pay, disburse, suffer or be put unto in or about the execution or defence of any of the Trusts hereby in them reposed or any cause relative thereto and that my said Trustees and Executors or any or other of them shall not be answerable for any money or other things save what shall actually cause? to their own hands respectively, nor for any loss or damage that shall happen of or in any of the Trust promises without their own wilful default respectively, nor shall they or any or either of them be answerable or accountable for the acts or defaults of the others or others of them, but each of them for his own acts and defaults only. And lastly I do hereby renounce all former and other Wills by me at any time theretofore made in witness whereof I the said Mary YOUNG the Testatrix have to this my Last Will and Testament, written upon this and the nine preceding sheets of paper put my hand and …. that is to say I have to each sheet subscribed my name and to this last sheet and also of the fastening of the whole together at the top. I have set my Seal this day and year first above written (Signed Mary YOUNG). Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Mary YOUNG, the Testatrix as and for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request have hereunder subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto: George WEST, Isaac? LAMPORT, John HOLLEST THIS IS A CODICIL to be annexed to and taken as part of the Last Will and Testament of me, Mary YOUNG of Farnham in the county of Surrey, Southampton and which Will bears date, the twenty fifth day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one, whereas John STEVENS and James STEVENS, two of my Trustees and Executors named in my said Will, are dead since the making and executing the same. Also I do by this codicil nominate Robert SHURLOCK of Farnham, aforesaid Tanner and James STEVENS, also of Farnham, Draper, son of the said James STEVENS shall and may act together with Thomas BEDDUS MILL the surviving Trustee and Executor named in the said Will in the execution and performance of the several Trusts, Matters and things mentioned in the said Will as fully and affectively as if they were therein particularly named and I do hereby will, give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my Messuages, Lands, Covenants, Hereditaments and Premises whatsoever and wheresoever of my goods, chattels, rights, credits and personal estate whatsoever unto the said Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHURLOCK and James STEVENS, their heirs, executors and administrators respectively, to hold unto them, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in the same manner upon the same Trusts and for the same ends, intents and purposes as I have in and by the said Will given, devised and bequeathed the same unto the said John STEVENS, Thomas BEDDUS MILL and James STEVENS and with the same powers of selling my said Real and Personal Estate and of applying the Monies arising thereby as in the said Will are mentioned (except such part as is therein mentioned) and I do hereby declare that the Receipt and Receipts of the said Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHURLOCK and James STEVENS my said Trustees or the Survivors or survivor of them or their heirs, executors or administrators or such survivor, shall be good and affective dischargers to all intents and purposes to the said purchaser or purchasers of the said Estates to be sold for the consideration Moneys paid for the same and that such purchaser or purchasers after such Receipt or Receipts given shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money, or be answerable or accountable for any loss, misapplication or non-application of the same or any part thereof. And it is my desire that my said Trustees and Executors retain to and reimburse themselves out of the Trust Monies, all costs, charges, damages, and expenses which they shall be put to in the examination or defence? of any of the Trusts hereby reposed? in them and that they shall not be answerable for any money save what shall …. to their own hands respectively nor for any loss not occasioned by their own wilful default. Also I do hereby will, give and bequeath unto the said Robert SHURLOCK and James STEVENS, the sum of fifty pounds apiece in case they shall act in the execution of the Trusts of my Will, but not otherwise and I do declare that the legacies of fifty pounds apiece given by my said Will to the said John STEVENS and James STEVENS are null and void and it is my desire and I direct my said Executors to permit Mrs. Elizabeth STEVENS of Farnham aforesaid, widow of the said James STEVENS deceased, to have the direction and management of my funeral in the room and place of Mary SMITHER and Elizabeth STEVENS named in my said Will for that purpose and also in their room? and stead? to look over my Drawers, papers, and other things in my Dwelling House and dispose of my clothes, plate, linen, goods, furniture and other things according to such directions as I shall leave for that purpose in writing signed by me. And I give unto the said Elizabeth STEVENS the same for ever and authority to manage and perform the same as I have by my said Will, given to the said Mary SMITHER and Elizabeth STEVENS and as such compensation? for the trouble she will have therein, I give unto the said Elizabeth STEVENS, the sum of twenty pounds to be paid unto her within six months after my demise and whereas I have by my said Will given to Ann GADCOMBE alias GATCUM, widow, one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds, now I do by this codicil declare, that the same was meant and intended to be given to Ann GADCOMBE alias GATCUM, wife of Richard GADCOMBE alias GATCUM of Farnham aforesaid, Carpenter and in order to remove all doubts as to the person for whom the same was intended to be given, I give and bequeath the same annuity of twenty pounds unto the said Ann GADCOMBE alias GATCUM wife of the said Richard GADCOMBE alias GATCUM accordingly and direct the same to be paid and payable out of such Estate or Estates and at such times and with such powers of Entry and Distress in case of non payment as in the said Will are mentioned and contained in witness whereof I the said Mary YOUNG, have to this codicil contained in this and the preceding sheet of paper, put my hand and date, the thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand and eight hundred. Mary YOUNG. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Mary YOUNG, Testatrix, as and for a codicil to her last Will and Testament the day of the date in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have submitted our names as witnesses thereto: John BRADFORD, Thomas BUNCH (or BIRCH) John HOLLEST A May 4 1781 As I find myself altered a great deal and think I cannot live long, I intend (please God to give me health enough) to leave directions in this book what I would have done when I am dead, from that awful time till I am buried, respecting myself and afterward, how I would have my clothes, goods, linen, plate, goods and everything that is not in Land, Houses or Money, disposed of as by my Will I have ordered it to be disposed of according to such directions as I shall leave in Writing and have likewise ordered the sum of Two Hundred Pounds to be reserved for me to dispose of as I like if I should like to give a little Money to any person without altering my Will which is the reason of my reserving this Sum in case I should like to give all or any part of it by the Writing I leave in this Book or any other of my own Writing and in case I die before I have finished these orders those I have already wrote on several separate papers to be followed in every respect and I do beg and desire my Executors and those friends that I shall leave, to have the ordering of me, or anything that did belong to me, to comply with the orders I leave June 8 (or 5) It is my desire to be buried by my father and to be kept as long as possible, that is till that change as which always happens after death, and which my good friend Mrs. SMITHER has promised to see done. I would have a handsome shroud which have spoke to Mrs. BUDDLE about and if she is in business, she has promised me to order every thing in their way for my Burial. I would have every thing good in its kind, I would have a very thick coffin, covered with black and white plate and Nails and lined White. Staff?? to be carried to Church Mr. LOACH? Mr. John LOADEN (SOUDER) ?? Mr. Isaac ALLEN, Peter SMYTHERS – they to have very good hatbands and white gloves, to have a few friends follow me to Church but no relations here at Farnham as I do not love to have sorrow affected where it cannot be real and as what I leave them will give them joy and I wish it may make them happy. I wish to have Mrs. SMITHER, Mrs. and Miss STEVENS, the Miss DOWDENS, Mrs. and Julia? EYRE, Miss DAWSON, Betsey CARTER if well enough, Mrs. SCOTNEY, Mrs. BUDDLE. My servants to have very good Mourning. The Maids, two gowns each, Hat and Cloak, Quilted Coat, Cap, Handkerchief, and Must… Apron apiece and to follow me to Church. My friends that follow me to Church to have each a Ring of five Guineas value, each ring to have some of my hair in it and handsome white gloves. I desire my servant may stay in my house at the least a Month after I am buried and it is my most particular desire that some proper person of any acquaintance may be in the house from the time of my death to my Burial and I think there should be somebody afterward, besides Servants. Miss STEVENS sure? promised me to perform that office for me. I could wish she would but if not agreeable to her, hope her Sisters and she will think of some proper person as know not who to think of myself Oct? 1st 1782 Mrs. BUDDLE has this day told me that she will be so kind to be with Miss STEVENS after I am dead. I would not have anything disposed of until after I have been buried a week and then my Clothes to be disposed according to my direction. October 15th As to the disposing of my Goods, I desire Mrs. SMITHER may leave my xxxxxxxx and the Window Curtains in my ….. Parlour. As to my Household Good and furniture after what I particularly mention is given, to give anything that may be useful to my relations that want it and the remainder to be sold as privately as possible. But it is my earnest and particular desire that if there is any things of any sort or kind that Mrs. SMITHER will like or be useful to her that she may have it. I mean Mrs. SMITHER only furnished her house Desire my Executors to give her Twenty Guineas for the trouble she will have on my account which I desire her to accept of - . If Betsey CARTER is alive, desire she may have the furniture of my own Bedchamber and Nancy CAWOOD to have her Bed and Bedding and the Draws in her room and Wm. LORD to have his own Bed and Bedding and the Garden Tools. I think some of my Kitchen and ordinary furniture may be useful to Wm. GADCOMBE but most of my Goods are too good for his use. Common pewter, Stoneware and things in proportion to that will be most useful and proper for him. NB I mean the Beds I have given to be complete as they are …. Blankets, Quilt, one pair of Sheets each such as they are. June 15 1783 I desire Mrs. SMITHER and Miss STEVENS will take what China they like and after what I particularly order is given and they take what they like, the remainder to be given between Mrs. Elizabeth STEVENS, wife of Mr. James STEVENS and Betsey CARTER if alive and my Silver Coffee Pot I desire may be given to Mrs. Elizabeth STEVENS, wife of Mr. James STEVENS. As Mrs. YOURK lives out of town I suppose she will not chuse to be at my Burying but desire she may have a Ring sent her. I desire that the sum of Five Guineas may be give to Mrs. MAYNE and Two Guineas to Mrs. MILLER for a pair of Gloves. Sep 1795 Dec 21 I desire that poor George WOODS that lives in my house may have a receipt given him in full for what rent he may owe at my death in full to that time as I know he is very poor and I would not have him distrest. As have ordered 55 pounds to the poor widows to be given on the 3rd of June doubt not but my friends will give it to proper objects. Mrs. Widow NASH the baker, Widow BUD, Widow TALL April 1792 As have received many presents from my friends, desire some of value may be returned. Mrs. MONKLAND’S picture as she may oblige a friend and a ring of 5 Guineas value. A valuable snuffbox to Mrs. COLLINS June 22nd 1784 As several of my good neighbours that I wished should follow me to Church, must think of some others. Mrs. J. MANWARING Snr., Mrs. SHERLOCK my neighbour Mrs. BRADLEY Snr, Mrs. Jemima? BRADLEY, Miss EYRE, Mrs HOLLEST, Mrs. SMITHER, Mrs. STEVENS and Miss Elizabeth STEVENS. As to my House Linen, after a pair of sheets to each servant and Betsey CARTER one and Betsey to have all the rest of my Table Linen that is good, that all and other Table Linen to be given to my Maids December 18 ‘86 As think I cannot live and Miss STEVENS may keep house, desire her to take any Linen she may think useful and Betsey have the rest. If I do not live to alter my Will, Miss Julia? EYER may have twenty pounds paid her by my Executors and desire she may have the new sattin not made up now May 29 1795 and I wish Miss Julia? EYRE to have my satin quilted coat and 3 of good aprons and 2 of my best laced handkerchiefs and other things wish to have given to Betsey CARTER my small silver candlesticks and four silver Salts? and the dozen of silver Tea spoons and Tongs Tea Caddy newest Tea Board and Waiter best Urn 86 Dcr. Any odd things that is not disposed of otherwise desire she may have as wish to mention more but am too ill but wish her to have more than I leave Miss Eliz. as she is very kind to me. I desire Betsey CARTER to have my watch and any odd things. November 1785 As I often think of some trifle I wish to have given to a friend I shall here mention it as I think of it April 1792 As forgot Mrs. Mary LAMPORT in my Will, desire my Executors to give ten pounds and my garnet flowered silk gown. I wish Mrs. Elizabeth KNIGHT to have the snuff box with a picture in the Lid? Mrs. J STEVENS if in business when I Desire her may serve at my Funeral Sep 20 1791 Desire Miss STEVENS to accept my new coat August 20 1799 I am too ill I fear to make a new Will which to do. I desire these monies to be complied with. I much wish to leave fifty pounds given to my God Daughter Miss Elizabeth MONKLAND in remembrance of many favours I have received from her. Mary YOUNG Sept 23rd 1799 I likewise desire Miss Julia EYER may have ten pounds given her and a silk Gown and some Linen about 4 Shifts? some aprons, handkerchiefs etc Mary YOUNG B 1802 February 23 I think I am dying. I beg of my Executors to give to my dear Betsey CARTER every thing of Plate, China, Linen or Goods for her recent kindness to me 26th October 1802 APPEARED PERSONALLY Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHIRLOCK and James STEVENS esquires and George WEST and George MASON all of Farnham in the County of Surrey and made oath and first the said Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHIRLOCK and James STEVENS for themselves made oath and say’d that they are the Executors named in the Will and Codicil of Mary YOUNG late of Farnham aforesaid spinster deceased. The said Will bearing date the twenty fifth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety one and the said Codicil bearing date the thirteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred – that the said Will and Codicil were by the deceased deposited sealed up in the hands of the appearer James STEVENS and on her decease which took place this Sixth Instant viz? the succeeding day these appearers went to the dwelling house of the deceased situate in Farnham aforesaid and there in the presence of each other and of Elizabeth STEVENS widow and Elizabeth CARTER spinster aforesaid opened and perused the same that finding therefrom that directions were to be left by the deceased in her own handwriting as to her funeral and as to the disposition of four hundred pounds they were directed to retain in their hands in order to pay the same to such person or persons and in such manner or and form as she should direct or appoint in her own handwriting and also as to the disposition of her Cloathes, Plate, Jewels, Goods, Furniture and other things (except Monies and Securities for Monies and Deeds and Writings relating to her Estate) in her own Dwelling House there in conjunction with the said Elizabeth STEVENS and Elizabeth CARTER proceeded to open a Bureau situate in a Closet adjoining the Bedchamber of the said deceased where she usually kept her papers of Moment? and concern that on opening the same, among Deeds of the deceased, Freehold Estate, Securities for Money and other papers of value, they found a duplicate of the said Will and Codicil and also the Book containing the Directions and Dispositions of the nature reserved and aforesaid now hereunto annexed marked ‘A’ which on opening and in inspecting they found out ob….ted and ….. in the very manner and form the same ….. appears that on their enquiring of the said Elizabeth STEVENS and Elizabeth CARTER if they knew of any other Testamentary Schedule referred to by the said Will than those contained in the said Book, the said E. CARTER produced to them from her Pocket Book, the Testamentary Schedule hereunto annexed marked ‘B’ which she informed them had been written by the deceased on the day of its date when very ill and to her delivered and which she had from that period retained in her own custody and those appearers each for themselves say that they carefully searched but found no other Testamentary Papers or Schedules of the Deceased other than Wills and Codicils all of a preceding date to those in which they are as aforesaid appointed Executors, that the said Testamentary Schedules now marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ are delivered up and annexed in the very same plight and condition as when found by and delivered to them in manner aforesaid without Subdurtion? Embezzlement or addition whatever save the marking thereof and the said George WEST and George MASON for themselves made Oath and say’d that they knew and were well acquainted with the said Mary YOUNG deceased, for many years before and down to the time of her death and during such, their knowledge of and acquaintance with her, have frequently seen her write and write and subscribe her name and thereby have become well acquainted with her manner and Character of Handwriting and Subscription and having more recently viewed and perused the said Paper Writing marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ they say that they verily and in their consideration? believe the several Memorandum Dispositions and Directions therein contained as also the several Subscriptions thereto, to have been Written and Subscribed by and with the proper hand of the said Mary YOUNG deceased. Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHURLOCK, James STEVENS, George WEST, George MASON. Same day, the said Thomas BEDDUS MILL, Robert SHURLOCK, James STEVENS, George WEST and George MASON were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me, S. PARSON Sur prost?? Richard ADDAMS Not pub THIS WILL was proved at London with a codicil and two Testamentary Schedules marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two, before the Worshipful Samuel PEARCE ….. Doctor of Law and in Surrogacy of the Right Worshipful Sir William WYNNE Knight, Doctor? of Law, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Thomas BEDDUS MILL esquire, the Executor named in the Will and Robert SHURLOCK and James STEVENS, the Executors named in the Codicil to the Will of the said deceased to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to administration