This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Thomas Willats of Chertsey in Surrey Grocer I nominate and appoint Joseph Rusbridger of Chertsey Linen Draper and George Harcourt of the same place Surgeon Executors of my Will and Guardians of my Children or Child I give & bequeath to my wife Sarah Willats one thousand and five hundred pounds in addition to the Settlement made on her at our Marriage I give and bequeath All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my personal Estate and Effects Goods Chattels rights and credits whatsoever and wheresoever unto the said Joseph Rusbridger and George Harcourt Upon trust to convert the same into ready money as soon as conveniently may be after me decease and to invest the same in some but of the Public ffunds and to apply the Interest and Dividends thereof in the maintenance and education of my Child or Children during their his or her Minorities and when and as he she or they shall attain the age of twenty one years Upon trust to pay and divide the said principal Stock unto and equally between all such Children if more than one and if but one then to that only Child and if I shall have no Child who shall live to attain the age of twenty one years then I give and bequeath the whole of such Stock unto and equally between all and every my Nephews and Nieces who shall be living at the death of such surviving Child And revoking all former Wills I declare this only to be my Will and Testimony whereof I the said Henry Thomas Willats have Hereunto set my hand and seal the 28th day of November 1829 / Henry Thomas Willats / Signed sealed published and declared by the said Henry Thomas Willats as and for his last Will and Testament in our presence Jno Willats _ Burley Grazebrook Proved at London 10th September 1835 before the Worshipful William Robinson Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of Joseph Rusbridger and George Harcourt the Executors to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.