This is the last Will and Testament of me William Trimmer the Elder of ffarnham in the County of Surry Draper whereby I dispose of such Temporal Estate as I am blessed withall in manner following (that is to say) All and singular my Messuages Buildings Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or denomination soever in possession reversion remainder or expectancy or otherwise howsoever with those and every of their Rights Members and Appurt.s the Copyhold part whereof I have duly surrendered to the use of my Will and all and every my Goods Chattels Stock in Trade ready money Securities for money rights credits and effects and in general the whole of my Estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother Robert Trimmer and my Nephew James Shotter both of ffarnham aforesaid for them their heirs executors admons and assigns upon Trust nevertheless that they the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter and the Survivor of them his heirs executors or admons do and shall as soon as it conveniently may be after my decease absolutely sell and dispose of all my said Real Estate and such part of my said Personal Estate as doth not consist of my Stock in Trade and ffixtures and Implements used therein either by Public Auction or Private Contract or partly by Public Auction and partly by Private Contract as to them or him shall seem proper and release surrender assign convey and assign my said real Estate to the Purchaser or respective Purchasers thereof his her or their Appointees Heirs or Assigns and do and shall collect get in and receive all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be due and owing to me at the time of my decease And upon further Trust that they the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter or the Survivor of them his executors or admons do and shall within ten days next after my decease offer such part of my Personal Estate as shall consist of Stock in Trade and ffixtures and utensils used therein to my Son William alone or to my said Son William and such others of my Sons as my said Trustees shall think proper at a fair valuation to be made by two indifferent persons one to be chosen by my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors or Admons and the other by my said Son or Sons and in case such two persons cannot agree then at a fair valuation to be made by such third person as the said Referees shall appoint And in case my said Son or Sons shall neglect or refuse to ???? to and purchase the said Stock in Trade and Effects or to appoint a Referee in manner aforesaid within six days most after an offer for that purpose to be made by my said Trustees then upon Trust that they the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter or the Survivor of them his Executors or Admons do and shall sell and dispose of my said Stock in Trade and ffixtures and Utensils used therein either by public or private sale as they or him shall think proper And upon further Trust that they the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter or the Survivor of them or the heirs executors or admons of such Survivor do and shall by and with the money arising and to arise by such sale or sales and to be collected and got in as aforesaid and from the rents and profits of my said Real Estate until sold and which shall otherwise come to their or his hands by virtue of this my Will in the first place pay and discharge my funeral and testamentary expenses my just Debts and the costs charges and expenses attending such Sale or Sales and after payment thereof respectively Upon Trust to Pay apply and divide all the rest and residue of such money so to and as aforesaid and all other monies which shall come to their or his hands by virtue of this my Will unto and amongst my six Children namely William Mary Elizabeth Henry John and ffrederick their Executors and Admons equally to be divided between them share and share alike And I do hereby declare and direct that the receipt and receipts of the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter or the Survivor of them his heirs executors or admons or of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being acting in the execution of the Trusts hereby ?????ed under their or his hands or hand shall to all intents and purposes be a good and sufficient discharge and good and sufficient discharges to the Purchaser or Purchasers of my said Estates hereinbefore devised and divested to be sold and every or any part thereof and that after such receipt or receipt shall be so given such Purchaser or Purchasers of my said Estates or any part thereof shall in nowise be answerable or accountable for the application thereof and that all and every such Sale and Sales which shall be made and contracts for sale which shall be entered into and Conveyances and Assurances which shall be executed by the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter or the Survivor of them his heirs executors or admons shall without any further consent or concurrence by or on the part of the Person or Persons who for the time being shall be entitled to the monies arising or to arise by such Sale or Sales as aforesaid be binding and conclusive on them respectively in the same manner to all intents and purposes as if such sale or sales had been made and contracts for sale entered into and conveyances and assurances ???ted by them respectively And I will and declare that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter their respective heirs executors and admons by and out of the Monies which by virtue of this my Will shall come to their or either of their hands to devise retain and reimburse themselves and himself respectively all such costs charges and expenses as they respectively shall or may pay sustain or be put unto in or about the execution of this my Will and also so much money as they or either of them shall reasonably desire for their care and trouble in for or by reason of their performance of this my Will or the execution of the Trusts hereby in them reposed or the management thereof and also that they the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter their respective heirs executors or admons shall be charged and chargeable only each of them for and with his own respective Receipts Payments Acts and wilful Defaults and not otherwise and shall not be charged or chargeable with or for any Sum or Sums of Money other than such as shall actually come to their or his hands by virtue of this my Will nor with or for any loss or damage which may happen in or about the execution of all or any of the Trusts hereby in them reposed without their or his respective wilful and apparent neglect or default and that in case of any such loss or damage by wilful default the same shall be answered and made good by the person or persons only by whose default the same loss or damage shall happen or arise And I constitute and appoint my said Son William Trimmer and the said Robert Trimmer and James Shotter Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said William Trimmer the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper set my hand and seal to this last sheet the twenty ninth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixteen / Wm Trimmer / Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Trimmer the Testator as for and to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto / Richd Paine / Wm Clarke // John Anderson / Proved at London 27th June 1818 before the Judge by the Oaths of William Trimmer the Son Robert Trimmer the Brother and James Shotter the Nephew the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn (by Comon) duly to administer/