In the Name of God Amen I Robert Trimmer of ffarnham in the County of Surrey Gentleman being of Sound and Disposing Mind Memory and Understanding Do make Publish and Declare this as and for my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First and principally I Resign my Soul to Almighty God its Creator in all humble Hopes of its future happiness as in the disposition of a Being Infinitely Good And my Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Dear Wife Elizabeth And as to such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I Give Will and Dispose thereof as follows (that is to say) First I Give and bequeath unto my Sons Robert Trimmer James Trimmer and William Trimmer and to my Daughters Elizabeth Trimmer Mary Trimmer and Lydia Trimmer One Hundred Pounds apiece of Lawfull Money of Great Britain and to my Daughters Jane the Wife of Joseph Haslock Charity the Wife of John ffunter and Ann the Wife of Thomas Beare ffive Shillings a piece of like Money All which Legacies or Sums of Money I Will to be paid to my said Sons and daughters respectively at their respective Ages of ffour and Twenty Years And if any or either of them shall happen to die before their his or her attaining such Age without leaving any lawfull Issue of their his or her Body or Bodies then living Then I Will that the Legacy or Legacies of them him or her so dying to be paid to the Survivors Equally or Survivor of them But the Children equally or Child of such of them who shall happen to be then deceased having any Children or Child to have their his or her Parents part And for the payment of my Debts ffuneral Expenses and of all and every my said Legacies or Sums of Money I do hereby Charge All my Real Estate in case of any Deficiency in my Personal Estate to pay and Satisfy the same And Subject to the Payment of my said Debts Legacies and ffuneral Expenses I Give and Devise All and every my Messuages Buildings Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and Real Estate with the Appurtenances And all my Goods Chattels Rights Credits Ready Money and Personal Estate unto my Two Brothers James Trimmer and John Trimmer their Heirs Executors and Administrators To Hold to them my said Two Brothers James Trimmer and John Trimmer their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever In Trust to Pay and apply the Rents and Profits of my said Real Estate and the use Yearly Income and Profits that can be made of my said Personal Estate To my said Wife Elizabeth during her Widowhood She my said Wife maintaining and Educating all such of my said Children whilst unmarried until their respective Ages of ffour and Twenty Years And from and after the decease or Marriage again of my said Wife In Trust to Sell and Dispose of all my said Real and Personal Estate and to pay and Divide the Monies arising thereby unto and amongst all my said Children equally between then Share and Share alike Save that I Will that my said Daughter Jane shall have no part or Share thereof till the others of them shall have received thereout ffour hundred pounds a piece But in case of the Death of any or either of my said Children before the same Shall become payable without leaving any lawfull Issue of their his or her Bodies or Body then living Then I Will the part or Share of them him or her so dying to be paid to the Survivors Equally or Survivor of them But I Will the children or Child of such of them as Shall be then Dead leaving any Children or Child to have their his or her Parents part And I Nominate Constitute and Appoint my said Brothers James Trimmer and John Trimmer Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby Order and Direct that a full and fair Account of my said Personal Estate be taken in Writing as soon as may be after my Decease by my said executors And I Will that my said Executors Shall and may retain and reimburse themselves all such Charges and Expenses as they Shall or may be at in the Execution of this my Will and the Trust in them reposed and reasonably for their Trouble and I Will that neither of them shall be answerable for the Neglect or Default of the other of them nor either of them for any loss that may happen without wilfull default And I Give and Dispose of the Custody and Guardianship of such of my Children as are under the Age of one and Twenty years to my said Executors until their respectively attaining such Age And I Revoke all former Wills by me made In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth Day of May In the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty nine Rot Trimmer Signed sealed Published and Declared by the said Robert Trimmer the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto John Hewitt Mary Hewitt Wm Shotter This Will was proved at London the ffourteenth Day of June In the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty nine before the Worshipfull George Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull Edward Simpson also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of James Trimmer and John Trimmer the Brothers of the deceased and the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased having been first sworn duly to administer.