This is the last Will and testament of me Robert Trimmer of ffarnham in the County of Surrey Gentleman whereby I commend my Soul to God and dispose of my Worldly Estate and Effects in manner following (that is to say) ffirst I appoint my Sons William Trimmer and George Trimmer and my grandson Charles Trimmer Executors of this my Will And I give and devise unto them the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer All and every my ffreehold copyhold and Leasehold Estates And also all and every other my real estates whatsoever and wheresoever of every kind and Nature soever which I may at the time of my decease be in anywise entitled to either in possession Reversion Remainder or Expectancy or otherwise howsoever To hold the same Estates Hereditaments and premises unto the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer their heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns absolutely according to the different Tenures and legal qualities of the same respectively Upon Trust nevertheless and I hereby direct that the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall as soon after my decease as they or he in their or his discretion shall think proper make Sale and dispose of my said Estates Hereditaments and Premises respectively at or for the best price or prices that can or may be had or gotten for the same by Public Auction or Private Contract and in such Lots or parcels and manner as they or he shall think fit and in the mean time do and shall apply the Rents Issues and Profits of my real Estates respectively in like manner as the monies to arise from the Sale thereof are hereafter directed to be applied And for facilitating such Sale or Sales I hereby direct and declare that the Receipt and Receipts of the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall from time to time be good and effectual discharge or good and effectual discharges to the Purchaser or Purchasers of all or any of the aforesaid real Estates Hereditaments and Premises for so much Purchase Money as in such Receipt or Receipts shall be expressed to be received without such Purchaser or Purchasers being obliged to ??? ???? or in any manner liable in respect of the Application of the Monies expressed in such Receipt or Receipts to have been paid by him her or them respectively Also I give and bequeath unto the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer All and every my Household Good and ffurniture Books Plate Linen and China Debts due to me on Security or Books together with such Securities and Books And all other my Personal Estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever of every kind and nature Upon Trust to make Sale and dispose of such part thereof as are saleable by Public Auction or Private Contract and to collect get in and receive all and every Monies whatsoever due and owing to me on Book Security or otherwise (including any Monies that may be due to me from any or either of my sons Executors or ??? Legatee or Legatees monies in this my Will which I direct shall be paid or accounted for in file by such Executor or Executors Legatee or Legatees) and generally to convert the whole of my said Personal Estate and effects into Money as soon after my decease as the same can conveniently be done And as to the Monies to come to the Hands of the said William Trimmer George Trimmer Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his heirs Executors or Administrators respectively from the Sale or Sales and Conversion into Money of my real and Personal Estates and from the Rents Issues and produce thereof in the interim or otherwise Upon Trust and I direct that the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall (after payment and deduction thereout of my just Debts ffuneral and Testamentary Expenses) pay distribute and apply the same in manner following (that is to say) As to one equal fourth part fourth part thereof Upon Trust to pay and equally divide the same unto and amongst the three Children of my late eldest Son Robert Trimmer deceased (that is to say) The said Charles Trimmer and Edward Trimmer and Mary Trimmer or in the event of their any or either of their dying before me unto their respective legal Personal representatives in equal proportions And as to one other equal fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies Upon Trust to pay the same to or permit and suffer the same to be retained by the said William Trimmer or in the Event of his death before me do pay the same unto his legal personal representatives And as to one other equal fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies Upon Trust to pay the same to or permit and suffer the same to be retained by the said George Trimmer or in the Event of his death before me do pay the same unto his legal personal representatives And as to Moiety or half part of the remaining fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies Upon Trust to pay the same unto Elizabeth Jackson Daughter of my late Daughter Elizabeth Jackson deceased or in the Event of her death before unto her legal personal representatives where said three fourth parts and Moiety of the remaining fourth part of the Residuary Trust Monies I give and bequeath accordingly And as to the other Moiety or half part of the remaining fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies Upon Trust and I hereby direct the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators to pay and divide the same in equal proportions unto and amongst all the Children of Charlotte Jackson deceased daughter of said late daughter Elizabeth Jackson deceased who shall live to attain the age of twenty one years or to be married which ever shall first happen or if but one child shall live to attain the Age of twenty one years or to be married then to pay the same unto such only child and I direct that each of such Children or that such only child shall take or ????? interest and be paid on his or her attaining the age of twenty one years or being married accordingly And in the Event of the death of all the Children of the said Charlotte Jackson without having attained the age of twenty one years or having been married Then Upon Trust to pay the said last mentioned Moiety or half part of the said remaining fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies unto the said Elizabeth Jackson (daughter of my late daughter Elizabeth Jackson deceased) for her own absolute benefit or in the Event of her Death before the death of the Survivor of the Children of the said Charlotte Jackson deceased unto the legal Personal Representative of my said granddaughter Elizabeth Jackson And Upon further Trust and I direct the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators to put and place out at interest the said last mentioned Moiety a half part of the Remaining fourth part of the Residuary Trust Monies in their or his Name or Names upon Covenant or private real Securities altering varying and transferring such Securities for others of the like nature when and as they or he shall think proper And to pay the Interest Dividends and Proceeds arising therefrom or from as much thereof as shall from time to time remain undisposed of unto William Jackson late the Husband of the said Elizabeth Jackson deceased until the Principal or Capital of the said last mentioned Moiety or half part of the remaining fourth part of the said Residuary Trust Monies shall become payable according to the directions hereinbefore contained concerning the same fully relying on his application and use thereof in the maintenance and support or otherwise for the benefit of his Children or surviving Child by the said Charlotte Jackson And I declare that the Receipt or Receipts of the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators for all such trust Monies as shall be payable or transferable to them or him by virtue of this my Will shall be a good and effectual discharge or good and effectual discharges to all intents and purposes what soever for so much Money and in such Receipt or Receipts shall be expressed to be received And I further declare that the said William Trimmer George Trimmer and Charles Trimmer or the Survivors or Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall be at full Liberty to debur? and retain out of the Trust Monies coming to their or his hands respectively by virtue of the Trusts herein contained all such Losses Costs Charges and Expenses as they or he shall sustain or be put into in the service or discharge of the Trusts aforesaid and shall not be answerable for any more Monies than shall actually come to their or his Hands by virtue of thereof Nor for any Loss Misapplication or Nonapplication thereof or any part thereof (except only as to such as shall happen by or through their or his own wilful Neglect or Default) neither shall the ???? of be answerable for the others or other of them his Heirs Executors or Administrators Acts Deeds Receipts Neglects or Defaults and each only for his own Acts Deeds Receipts Neglects or Defaults respectively in the Execution of the Trusts aforesaid In Witness whereof I the said Robert Trimmer the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and the three preceding Sheets of paper set my Hand and Seal (that is to say) my Hand only to the said three preceding Sheets and my Hand and Seal to this last Sheet the seventh Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight ~ Robt Trimmer ~ Signed sealed Published and Declared by the said Robert Trimmer (the Testator) as and for his last Will and Testament the Day of the Date in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto ~ Jas Shotter ~William Pullinger ~ John Anderson Proved at London 16th May 1828 before the Judge by the Oaths of William Trimmer George Trimmer the Sons & Charles Trimmer the Grandson the Exors to whom Admon was granted they having been first sworn by Comon duly to administer.