In the name of God Amen I James Stevens of Farnham in the County of Surrey Esquire late Banker being of sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament Whereby I humbly commend my soul to God Father Son and Holy Spirit rejoicing in his insouciant mercy exhibiting a Salvation fini?? as everlasting and free this is the foundation of my hope of Eternal life through Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and I dispose of each temporal estate as I am blessed withal in manner following (that is to say) I bequeath all my household goods and furniture plate linen china books prints and pictures stock of provisions wine beer liquors and firing which at the time of my decease may respectively be in or about my dwellinghouse unto my dear daughter Louisa Stevens spinster and direct that the same be respectively delivered to her within fourteen days from the day of my decease But it is my wish and I request her to give to care of her brothers any part thereof which they may particularly wish to possess and I devise to my son The Reverend William Henry Stevens all that freehold plot or parcel of meadow land situate in or near East Street in Farnham aforesaid containing by estimation three acres more or less and now in the respective occupations of Edmund Stevens and Charles Stevens and of William Mason to hold with the appurtenances unto my said son William Henry Stevens his heirs and assigns for ever And I do bequeath to my said son William Henry Stevens the several sums of Twenty thousand pounds part of the stocks now standing in my name in the three pounds and five shilling per centum reduced annuities at the Bank of England and Seven thousand pounds Bank stock and I direct that the same be respectively transferred to him within three calendar months from the day of my decease And I devise and bequeath unto my son Alfred Stevens all that messuage or dwellinghouse wherein I now reside with the buildings yard garden and appurtenances thereto belonging adjoining the last mentioned messuage on the south side thereof and now in the occupation of my sister Elizabeth Stevens spinster and also all that messuage or tenement and garden now in the occupation of Elizabeth Burrell and also all that cottage or tenement and garden now in the occupation of Henry Cooper And also all that plot or parcel of land being freehold and containing by estimation half an acre (more or less) now in my own occupation all which messuages or tenements buildings gardens land and premises are lying together in East Street and in Bear Lane otherwise Park Lane in Farnham aforesaid And also all that piece or parcel of meadow land situate in Farnham aforesaid called the Gost eye Meadow containing by estimation Three acres (more or less) And also four cuts of Grass in South Mead containing by estimation Two acres and a quarter (more or less) both now in the occupation of John Andrews And also a piece of land situate in Farnham aforesaid called Watermans containing by estimation one acre and a half (more or less) and now in the occupation of David Edwards And also all those two pieces or parcels of hop ground situate and lying on the North east side of Bear Lane other wise Park Lane in Farnham aforesaid containing respectively by estimation three acres and three quarters and one acre and three quarters or thereabouts adjoining the land of Edward Stovold and Richard John Stovold and also all that my hop field situate in Bear Lane other wise Park Lane aforesaid And also all that my freehold messuage or tenement situate in East Street in Farnham aforesaid now in the occupation of Hannah Hope And also all that piece or parcel of land called Sheephouse containing by estimation seven acres (more or less) late in the occupation of Henry Nash and now of my said son Alfred situate in the Parish of Farnham aforesaid And also all that my undivided part or share of and in the land called B?????? Holt ???? with the buildings and appurtenances at Weyhill in the parish of Wey in the County of Southampton and also all and singular my freehold copyhold and leasehold messuages buildings lands tithes tenements and hereditaments situate and being or arising in the parish of Ash and Tithing of Tongham in the County of Surrey with the rights members and appurtenances And also all that my farm and land with the messuage and buildings thereto situate and being in the several parishes of Long Sutton Crondall and Odiham in the County of Southampton containing in the whole by estimation one hundred and fifty acres more or less and now in the occupation of James Basham with the rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging To hold all and singular the said messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and every part thereof unto my said son Alfred Stevens his heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the terms thereof respectively And I ?? ?? ?? bequeath the sum of One thousand pounds India Stock to my said son Alfred Stevens and direct that the same be transferred to him within three calendar months from the day of my decease And I devise unto my said daughter Louisa Stevens all that messuage or tenement with the yard garden and appurtenances thereto belonging situate in Castle Street in Farnham aforesaid late in the occupation of Mr James Knight and now unoccupied to hold the same unto my said daughter Louisa and her assigns during her life and from and after the decease of my said daughter Louisa I devise the said messuage yard garden and appurtenances unto my said son Alfred Stevens his heirs and assigns for ever And I bequeath to my said daughter Louisa Stevens the sum of Ten thousand pounds being part of the stock now standing in my name in the said three pounds and five shillings per centum reduced annuities and I direct that the same be transferred to her within three calendar months from the day of my decease And that the legacy duty in respect thereof be paid by my Executors hereinafter named out of the residue of my personal estate hereinafter bequeathed And I bequeath to my said sons William Henry Stevens and Alfred Stevens the sum of Ten thousand pounds Three pounds per centum Consolidated Annuities at the Bank of England upon the following trusts ( that is to say) Upon trust to pay the dividends and annual produce thereof to Charlotta Stevens the Widow of my late son James Stevens until her daughter and only surviving child Elizabeth Charlotta Stevens shall attain the age of Twenty one years And upon that event happening Upon trust to transfer the sum of Six thousand pounds part of the last mentioned Capital sum unto the said Elizabeth Charlotta Stevens absolutely and the remaining sum of Four thousand pounds to the said Charlotta Stevens absolutely But in case the said Elizabeth Charlotta Stevens shall depart this life under the said age of Twenty one years Then upon such her decease Upon trust to transfer the said Capital sum of Four thousand pounds stock to the said Charlotta Stevens and to retain and transfer the remaining Capital sum of Six thousand pounds unto and equally between all my Children who may be then living And if there shall be but one such Child then the whole to him or her And in case the said Charlotta Stevens shall depart this life during the minority of her daughter Then Upon trust to apply the whole or such part of the dividends and annual produce of the said Capital sum of Ten thousand pounds as in the discretion of my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being may be necessary unto or for the maintenance education and clothing of the said Elizabeth Charlotta Stevens until she shall attain the said age of Twenty one years or otherwise at the discretion of the same Trustees or Trustee from time to time lay out and invest at interest the whole or any part of such dividends and annual produce in order that the same may accumulate at compound interest for the benefit of the person or persons who may respectively become ultimately entitled to the said Capital sum And upon trust to transfer the said Capital sum of Ten thousand pounds to the said Elizabeth Charlotta Stevens on her attaining the said age of Twenty one years in case she shall die under the said age Then upon such her decease as last mentioned Upon trust to retain and transfer the said Capital sum of Ten thousand pounds unto and equally between all my Children who may be then living And if there shall be but one such Child then the whole to him or her And I bequeath the same accordingly And I direct that all the Legacy duty in respect of the said sum of Ten thousand pounds Three pounds per centum Consolidated Annuities and the Annual produce thereon be paid by my Executors hereinafter named out of the residue of my personal estate hereinafter bequeathed And all the residue of my freehold copyhold and leasehold messuages buildings lands tenements appurtenances and chattels real And also all the residue of my goods chattels securities for money rights credits and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever I devise and bequeath unto and equally between my said two sons William Henry Stevens and Alfred Stevens their heirs executors and administrators absolutely as tenants in common subject nevertheless to the payment thereout of my funeral and testamentary expenses and all my just debts and also of the said Legacy duty And I appoint my said sons William Henry Stevens and Alfred Stevens Executors of this my Will and I declare that it shall be lawful for them and the survivor of them and for the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will and for the executors or administrators of any surviving Trustee from time to time as often as there may be occasion to appoint any person or persons to occupy the place of any present or future Trustee of this my Will who may die or become unwilling or unable to act in the execution of the trusts hereinbefore declared before the same shall be fully performed And that upon every such appointment the same monies stocks funds and securities which shall then be subject to the trusts of this my Will shall be respectively assigned and transferred so and in such manner as that they may rest jointly in any new and old Trustees or solely in the new Trustees as executors may require And that the said new Trustees shall be entitled to all such powers and authorities as are hereby given to the Trustees here by appointed provided And I further declare that the Trustees hereby appointed and to be appointed in manner aforesaid respectively and their respective executors or administrators shall in nowise be answerable for the acts or receipts of each other nor for any loss or damage which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid trusts without their own default and that it shall be lawful for the said Trustees respectively and their respective executors and administrators to deduct and retain out of the monies which may come to their hands under the trusts aforesaid all costs charges and expenses which they may sustain or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts And I devise and bequeath all the estates vested in me upon any trusts or by way of mortgage and which I have power to dispose of by this my Will with their appurtenances unto and to the use of my said sons William Henry Stevens and Alfred Stevens their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature thereof subject to the equities and trusts affecting the same respectively Witness my hand to the two previous sheets and this sheet the twenty fourth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine ~ Jas Stevens ~ Signed by the said James Stevens in the joint presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto ~ Jas Shotter ~ Geo Montagu Evans. Proved at London 6th May 1850 before the judge by the oath of The Reverend William Henry Stevens Rer?s and Alfred Stevens the Sons the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by commission duly to administer.