This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Willatts of Chertsey in Surrey Gentleman I nominate and appoint my friends Thomas Gaff of Chertsey aforesaid Gentleman ffrancis Palmer of Chertsey aforesaid Timber Merchant and the Revd Thomas Schofield of Chertsey aforesaid Dissenting Minister Executors of my Will and trustees thereof for the purposes hereinafter mentioned and I give and bequeath to each of them the sum of fifty pounds as a mark of my regard I give and bequeath to George Harcourt of Chertsey aforesaid Mason Two hundred pounds I give and bequeath to my old and faithful Servant Daniel ffield one hundred pounds I give and bequeath to my housekeeper Mary Tanner if she shall be living with me at my decease ten pounds all which aforsd legacies I direct to be paid in six months after my decease out of my personal estate I give and bequeath to my Brother John Willatts all annuity of twenty pounds to be paid him by equal quarterly payments during the term of his natural life out of my personal estate the first payment to be made at the end of three calendar months after my decease I give and bequeath unto my my said Executors one thousand and five hundred pounds three pounds per Centum per annum Consolidated Bank Annuities Upon the trusts following that is to say upon trust to pay and apply the interest and dividends thereof when and as the same shall become due and payable to and for the use and benefit of my Granddaughter Mary Seawell Rusbridger during her minority and when and if she shall attain the age of twenty one years upon trust to pay and transfer the said sum of one thousand and five hundred pounds three pounds per Centum per Annum Consolidated Bank Annuities to her to for her own use and benefit absolutely and in case the said Mary Seawell Rusbridger shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years then I direct the said Bank Annuities to sink into and become a part of the residue of my personal estate hereinafter disposed of I give and bequeath unto my said Executors two thousand pounds of the like annuities upon the trusts following /that is to say/ Upon trust to pay the interest and dividends thereof when and as the same shall become due and payable unto or to pay and apply the same for the use and benefit of my Grand daughter Eliza Willatts and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease upon trust to pay and divide the said two thousand pounds Bank Annuities and the interest and dividends which may be then due thereon to and amongst all and every the child and children of the said Eliza Willatts lawfully begotten in equal shares and proportions (if more than one) and in case the said Eliza Willats shall depart this life without leaving any such issue then I order and direct that the said two thousand pounds three pounds per Centum Bank Annuities shall sink into and become a part of the residue of my personal estate hereinafter bequeathed and disposed of which provision for the said Eliza Willats I intend to be in addition to a certain annuity I have heretofore devized to be paid to her by my Bond] I give and devise to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Mr William Croft all that my messuage farm and lands situate at Chertsey Lane End in the said parish of Chertsey and now in the occupation of Richard Colebrook and also all that my field of arable land called the Hop Ground situate at Eastworth in the same parish in the occupation of Henry Gosden and also all that field of arable land adjoining thereto in the occupation of Mr William Clark together with the field of arable land being in front of the said Hop Ground in the occupation of the said Henry Gosden and also all that field of meadow land called Bush ffield situate at ffordwater in the same parish in the occupation of the said Henry Gosden and also all that other field of meadow land situate at ffordwater aforesaid and now in the occupation of the said William Clark to hold to her for and during the term of her natural life and then and after her decease I give and devise the whole of the aforesaid premises unto the said William Croft (in case he shall be then living) to hold to him for and during the term of his national life and from and after his decease I give and devise the same premises unto my grandson William Croft the son of the said Elizabeth and William Croft to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath all my household furniture plate pictures books linen china and effects unto and equally between my two Grand daughters Mary Seawell Rusbridger and Eliza Willats and my Grandson William Croft to and for their own use and benefit I order and direct my said executors and the survivors or survivor of them as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell and dispose either by private sale or public auction as to them shall think best of all and singular my ffreehold Copyhold and leasehold messuages lands tenements and heredits whatsoever and wheresoever (save and Except such part thereof as I have hereinbefore specifically devised) for the most money that can be obtained for the same and to convey bargain sell release and surrender the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and I direct that the produce of such sales after deducting the expenses thereof shall sink into & become a part of the residue of my personal hereinafter bequeathed and disposed of and for facilitating such sales I direct that the receipt or receipts of my said executors and the survivors and survivor of them shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers of my said messuages lands lands tenements and heredits or of any part thereof who after paying his or their purchase money & taking such receipt or receipts shall not be compelled to see to the application thereof or be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonappli-cation thereof and all the rest and residue of my personal estate goods chattels monies debts stock in the Government funds mortgages bonds rights and credits whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said executors and the survivors and survivor of them Upon trust to convert the whole thereof into money as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and after paying thereout of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses and the aforesaid pecuniary legacies and making provision for the payment of the aforesaid annuity and investing the two aforesaid sums of one thousand and five hundred pounds and two thousand pounds three pounds per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities upon trust to pay and divide the rest and residue thereof and all interest and accumulations thereon unto and equally between my two aforesaid Grand daughters Mary Seawell Rusbridger and Eliza Willats and my aforesaid Grandson William Croft and all and every my nephews and nieces the sons and daughters of my late Brothers ffrederick Willats and Henry Willats as shall be living at my decease to and for their respective use and benefit for ever I order and direct that the shares of such of them as shall be under the age of twenty one years when my aforesaid personal estate shall become ???wable shall be laid out and invested in some ??? of the Government funds to and for their respective use and benefit and the interest and dividends thereof be paid and applied for their respective benefit and advantage in the mean time and in case any one or more of my said Grand children or nephews or nieces shall depart this life under the said age of twenty one years then I order and direct that the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall be paid and transferred to the survivors or survivor of them in manner and at the times aforesaid and I do hereby declare that if the Trustees appointed in and by this Will or any of them shall happen to die or be desirous of being discharged from or refuse or decline or be incapable to act in the trusts hereby in them respectively reposed as aforesaid before the said trusts shall be fully executed then and in such case and when and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the remaining trustee or trustees by any deed or deeds Testament or Testaments in writing to be by him or them sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by one or more credible witness or witnesses from time to time to nominate and appoint any other person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the stead or place of the trustee or trustees so dying or becoming incapable or declining to act as afore said and when and so often as any new trustee shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid all the aforesaid trust monies and premises shall be thereupon with all convenient speed conveyed assigned and transferred in such manner and so as that the same shall and may be legally and effectually vested in the person or persons so to be appointed as aforesaid either solely or jointly with the surviving or continuing trustees or trustee as occasion shall require I give devise and bequeath all the estate vested in me upon any trusts or by way of mortgage and which I have power to dispose of by this my will with the appurts unto and to the use of my said executors and the survivors and survivor of them according to the nature and quality thereof respectively upon trust to hold and dispose of the said trust estates in the manner in which they ought to be held or disposed of pursuant to the said trusts and upon payment of the money secured on mortgage to convey or assign the estates in mortgage to the person or persons entitled thereto for the time being and I order and direct my said executors and the survivors and survivor of them to deduct and reimburse themselves and himself all reasonable costs charges and expenses which they may incur in carrying the trusts of this my Will into execution and that the one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them or for the acts deeds receipts and disbursements of the others or other of them or for any loss of the trust premises so as such loss happen through their or either of their wilful neglect act or default and revoking all former wills I declare this only to be my will In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Willats the testator have to this my last will and testament contained in four sheets of paper set my hand to the first three sheets and my hand and seal to this fourth and last sheet this sixteenth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty five Thos. Willats Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Willats the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the execution hereof. Burley Grazebrook / Wm Jackson Lovell / George Howard / A Codicil to be added to the last will and testament of me Thomas Willats of Chertsey in Surry Gentleman and which will bears date on or about the day of November one thousand eight hundred and thirty five I give and bequeath to each of my sons in law Joseph Rusbridger and William Croft one hundred pounds I give and devise to the said William Croft and his heirs all my real estate situate at or near Reading and which has descended and come to me on the death of my brother John Willats and all my rights titles and interest therein and thereto I give and bequeath to my housekeeper Mary Tanner if she shall be living with me at my decease twenty pounds in addition to the legacy I have given to her by my said Will I give and bequeath to the Revd Thomas Schofield fifty pounds in addition to the legacy I have given him by my said Will as a mark of my great regard [I revoke and make void the appointment of the said Thomas Schofield to be one of the executors and trustees of my said will and of this codicil and instead Of him I appoint my said sons in law Joseph Rusbridger and William Croft to be executors and trustees thereof together with Thomas Gaff & ffrancis Palmer in my said will named] and I give and devise to the said Joseph Rusbridger William Croft Thomas Gaff and ffrancis Palmer and their heirs all and singular my freehold Copyhold leasehold messuages lands tenements tythes heredits and real estate whatso ever and wheresoever save and except such part of my real estate as I have specifically devised To hold to them and their heirs upon the same trusts nevertheless as I have in my said will directed with respect to my real estate and with the like appropriation of the monies which shall arise for the sale thereof I give and bequeath to my Grand daughter Emma Matilda Croft who has been born since the making of my said will a like and equal share in the residue of my personal estate as in and by my said will is given and bequeathed to her Brother William Croft and to my other Grand children and nephews and nieces and to be then laid out invested paid and applied in the same manner and with the like benefit of survivorship as in my said Will is directed I give and bequeath to my said trustees and executors eight hundred and fifty pounds three per Centum per Annum Consolidated Bank Annuities upon trust following that is to say upon trust to pay the interest and dividends thereof when and as the same shall become payable unto the trustees for the time being of the Meeting House or Place of Worship of Protestant Dissenters situate in Moins Lane in Chertsey to be by them applied in manner following that is to say upon trust to pay to each of the two poor cottagers who shall for the time being be resident in the two almshouses which I have at my own expense lately erected and built on a piece of land purchased of Miss Ann Chapman the sum of two shillings weekly on Saturday in each week and upon trust to pay and apply such part of the residue of such interest and dividends as shall be necessary in keeping the said almshouses and also the said Meeting House in good and substantial repair and the residue thereof to the Minister for the time being of the said Meeting House to and for his own use and benefit and I ratify and confirm my said will in all other respects in Witness whereof I the said Thomas Willats have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifteenth day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven / Thos. Willats / Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Willats the testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution hereof. Burley Grazebrook / James Wilson / George Palmer./ This is a second Codicil to be added to the last will of me Thomas Willats of Chertsey in Surry Gentleman Whereas I have by my said will given and devised to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Mr William Croft all that my messuage farm and lands situate at Chertsey Lane End in the said parish of Chertsey in the occupation of Richard Colebrook and also all that my field of arable land called the Hop Ground situate at Eastworth in the same parish in the occupation of Henry Gosden and also all that field of arable land adjoining thereto in the occupation of William Clark together with the field of arable land lying in front of the said Hop Ground in the occupation of the said Henry Gosden and also all that field of meadow land called Bush field situate at ffordwater in the same parish in the occupation of the said Henry Gosden and also all that other field of meadow land situate at ffordwater aforesaid in the occupation of the said William Clark To hold to her for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease I gave and devised the said premises unto the said William Croft for his life and after his decease I gave and devised the same unto my Grandson William Croft and his heirs for ever now I do hereby revoke and make void the said gifts and devises and in lieu thereof I give and devise the whole of the aforesaid messuage farm lands and premises with their appurts unto the said William Croft (my son in law) his heirs and assigns for ever and I ratify and confirm my said will and my former Codicil thereto in all other respects In Testimony whereof I have to this Codicil to my said will set my hand and seal the fifteenth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven / Thos. Willats / Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Willats the testator as and for a second Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution hereof Burley Grazebrook Wm Jackson Lovell # John Hurfield Proved at London with two Codicils 30th October 1837 before the Worsful John Haggard Doctor of Laws & Surrogate by the oaths of Thomas Gaff and ffrancis Palmer the exors named in the Will and Joseph Rusbridger and William Croft the Exors named in the first Codicil to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to admr.