Main Index
The following views move along Guildford Road from Victoria Arch, towards Turnoak Corner (now the roundabout at the junction with Wych Hill);
also Jubilee Road (now Victoria Road) and that section of Station Road from Jubilee Road to Heathside Road. Within each section, the views are mostly in chronological order, oldest first.
Guildford Road c1960
Guildford Road c1960
Guildford Road c1930
Technical School c1915
Technical School
Technical School - Great Hall
Railway Hotel c1890s
Bowling green behind Railway Hotel 1931
The Cardinal 1970s
The Sovereigns c2000
Guildford Road c1900
Guildford Road c1903
Guildford Road c1905
Guildford Road 1906
Guildford Road c1905
Guildford Road 1915
Guildford Road c1905
Guildford Road c1950
Cotteridge Hotel
Guildford Road c1910
Turnoak Corner c1900