Main Index
The following views move along Church Street, from Goldsworth Road, towards the junction with Chertsey Road. Within each section, the views are mostly in chronological order, oldest first.
Commerial Rd & Church St from atop Ashby's Bank, July 1902
Commercial Rd & Church St from the air, 1924
Woking Co-Op c1905
RACS (junction with Percy
Street) c1960
Fire Station c1930
Fire Station c1960
Bond's Garage 1950s?
Bond's Garage 1950s?
Temperance Hall 1960s
Town Square & Christ Church, c1993
Centre Halls & Library c1975
Salvation Army Hall
Christ Church 1906
May Day Girls at Christ Church c1905
Christ Church 1910
Christ Church 1915
Christ Church 1925
Christ Church 1935
Christ Church 1960
Aerial view c1975 (foreground)
Aerco - junction with Chobham Road
Junction of Chertsey Rd and Church Street c1905