This site enables me to share the research that I have conducted, into various aspects of family and local research in the historic county of Surrey, over the last 25-30 years. Please use the information freely, for non-commercial purposes, and in the knowledge that I will undoubtedly have made some mistakes. Constructive feedback is always welcome.
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Descent of Mr Charles Green’s balloon on Pirbright Common, in 1852
Cowshot Manor, 1905
Cowshot Farmhouse, 1905
Pirbright Lock, 1905
Westhall Farm, 1922
Westhall Farm outbuildings, 1922
Westhall Farm culvert & outbuildings, 1922
Causeway Farm, 1905
Causeway Farm cartshed, 1906
Wickhams front view, facing West Heath, 1906
Wickhams rear view, 1906
Wickhams side view, 1906
Old cottage on West Heath, 1922
Terry’s or Box Cottage front view, 1902
Cottage included in the Box Cottage property, 1902
Terry’s rear view, 1922
Apple Tree Cottage (old homestead of Goldmoor Farm) front view, 1906
Apple Tree Cottage front & east side view, 1906
Apple Tree Cottage rear & west side view, 1906
Pirbright church, 1808, by William Petrie F.S.A.
Pirbright church, 1823, by C T Cracklow
Pirbright church interior, 1833
Pirbright church, 1904
Church Cottage front view, Nov 1924
Church Cottage rear view, Dec 1924
Pirbright church east end, 1901
Gravestone of Henry Morton Stanley “Dr Livingstone I presume?“
Wooden grave board
Tomb – railed to prevent body-snatching, 1919
Grave of George Martin jun.r (d 1777), 1919
Old wooden grave boards, 1919
Vicarage, built 1877-8 on the site of the homestead of Burrow Hill Farm, 1910
Choir c1892. Back row: George Perham,John Mitchell, James Davey, James Parlett, Abel W Hill, Frederick Boylett, Walter Stonard, Emanuel Bailey, Walter Faggetter, Wm H Thompson. Front row: Andrew Fulker, Walter Harwood, Charles Thompson, Donald Hoey, Albert Wiggins, Rev J W Dunn, James Stonard, John Hillman, Tome Netherclift, William Harwood
Church-wardens’ oak chest, 26 Jul 1926
Church-wardens’ oak chest, 26 Jul 1926
Church-wardens’ oak chest, 26 Jul 1926
Mary Cawthorn with her father, George, c1890
Hatchers front view, 1906
Hatchers dining room, 1923
Hatchers drawing room, Miss Cawthorn writing, 1902
Hatchers front view, 1906
Linnards, 1919
Cottage next door to Linnards, belonging to the Martins family, 1919
The Old School House (formerly the stock house), 1906
Originally The Vine, later (by tradition) The Red Lion PH, 1908
Burrow Hill Cottage, 1906
Sandpit Cottages, 1906
Malden, 1906
The Cottage, sketch by Miss S C Rucker c1885-90
View from Cow Bridge, sketch by Miss E A Rucker c1885-90
Hatchers, sketch by Miss E A Rucker c1890
Hatchers & The White Hart, 1906
The White Hart, c1883
The Oddfellows, c1883
Ancient Order of Foresters – Last parade, c1906
Used for the ‘Audit Dinner’ at the White Hart (came from the Court House later Manor House)
Used for the ‘Audit Dinner’ at the White Hart (came from the Court House later Manor House)
From the White Hart, 1919
From the White Hart, 1919
Fire dogs from Box Cottage, other items from the church, 1919
Items found in Manor House moat prior to 1906, photo 1919
White Hart, sketch by Miss E A Rucker, c1890
White Hart, 1906
Village Green, 1909
Village shop, 1915
Village Green, 1909
Pirbright Green looking east, sketch by Miss E A Rucker, c1885-90
Pirbright Green south side, before 1880 perhaps 1850s
Grove Farm, 1906
The Cricketers
Thorner Cottage, 1922
The Pound, 1922
Humbles, a squatter’s hut in Hogsty Lane, 1906
Old Pottery House in Hogsty Lane, 1923
Two cottages on the site of the old pottery kilns, 1923
Old Cottage & squatter’s hut, East End Common, 1923
Two cottages on the site of the old pottery kilns, earlier photo of unknown date
White’s Farm front view, 1923
White’s Farm rear view, 1906
White’s Farm rear view, 1922
White’s Farm barn, 1906
Bullswater Farm side view, 1923
Bridge over Heath Mill stream, 1923
Hovers front view, 1906
Hovers side view, 1906
Court House aka Manor House, illustration from 1830
Manor House rear view? (not referenced by Cawthorn), 1920s?
Manor House front view, 1905
Remains of moat on E side of Manor House, 1910
Remains of moat on W side of Manor House, 1921
Upper MIll or Manor Mill front view, 1903
Upper Mill rear view, 1923
Upper Mill pond, 1903
Cottage in Manor House grounds, 1923
Outbuildings between Manor House & Mill, 1923
Farmyard belonging to Mill, 1923
Admiral John Byron, c1778
Admiral John Byron, Dec 1773
The Lodge (previously Mount Byron House), 1920
Pine woods, 1905
Pine woods, 1905
The Admiral’s Walk, 1905
Ross Lowes Mangles V.C., 1833-1905
Beam Tree, 1903
Sheep in the Park (a large field opposite The Lode), 1903
The Vineyards (previously The Common Field), 1904
Springfield, 1921
The Vines, 1921
Railes Farm front view, 1922
Railes Farm rear view, 1922
Chair from Railes Farm, Table from Swallow Farm
Railes Cottage
Collins pear trees near Burners Farm, 1902
Timber waggon, 1904; The carter’s surname is Ellis and the boy’s Chuter
Burner’s Farm outbuildings, 1921
Swallow Farm, 1906
Swallow Farm, illustration by Miss Cawthorn, 1890
Swallow Farm front view, 1905
Swallow Farm side view, 1905
Ford Farm front view, 1902. The day after this photograph, the right-hand wing was pulled down
Ford Farm side view, 1902
Stanford Farm outbuildings and The Royal Oak PH, from a sketch by Miss Cawthorn 1887
Stanford Farm front view, 1906
Stanford Farm rear view, 1922
Fellmoors/Fillmoor, 1922
Old Cottage on Aldershot Road, 1922
Henley Park laundry. 1903
Baker’s Gate front view, 1909
Baker’s Gate front view, 1902
Baker’s Gate kitchen: down hearth fire, 1909
Baker’s Gate rear view, 1909
Baker’s Gate outbuildings, 1909
Cartshed, 1902
Pullen’s Farm rear view, 1922
Sir William Fitz-William, Earl of Southampton, c1530. Lord of the Manor of Pirbright 1520-42
Sir Anthony Browne K.G. Lord of the Manor of Pirbright 1542-48
Anthony Browne K.G. Viscount Montacute (Montagu). Lord of the Manor of Pirbright 1548-1592
Henry William Richard Westgarth Halsey. Lord of the Manor of Pirbright 1807-85. Portrait c1834