Bisley Tithe Apportionment 1846 - Preamble

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Apportionment of the Rent Charge in lieu of Tithes in the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey

Whereas an Award of Rent Charge in lieu of Tithes in the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey was, on the Twelfth Day of February in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Six, confirmed by the Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales, of which Award with the Schedule therein comprised, the following is a Copy:-

To all whom these presents may concern I Francis Offley Martin of Lincolns Inn an Assistant with the Commissionr duly appointed according to the provisions of the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes Send Greeting.

Whereas I have held a meeting near the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey for the Purpose of awarding a total sum to be paid by way of Rentcharge in lieu of the tithes of the said parish of which meeting due notice was given for the information of the landowners and Tithe owner.

And whereas I find that the said parish comprises Nine hundred and forty eight acres and thirteen perches by estimation whereof Twenty acres one rood and two perches being the Glebe lands thereof and which are well known by meles and bounds are absolutely exempt from the payment of all manner of tithes by prescription.

And Whereas I find that of the remaining lands of the said parish Five hundred and three acres and thirty eight perches are arable; One hundred acres are Meadow and Pasture; Twenty acres are Copse; Two hundred and fifty nine acres two roods and nineteen perches are Heath and Common; Thirty acres are the Sites of Houses and Gardens; Fourteen acres three roods and thirty five perches are Roads.

And Whereas I find that the Rector of the said Parish for the time being is the owner of all manner of tithes in kind arising and accruing on all the lands of the said parish except the Glebe

And Whereas I have estimated the value of the said Tithes in the manner directed by the said Acts

Now know Ye that I the said Francis Offley Martin do hereby award that from the first day of October next preceding the confirmation of the Apportionment thereof the annual Sum of One Hundred and eighty pounds by way of Rentcharge subject to the provisions of the said Act shall be payable to the Rector of the said Parish for the time being in lieu of all the Tithes of all the Tithable lands thereof

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of February in the year One thousand eight hundred and forty six.
Francis Offley Martin

Now I Thomas Drewitt of R??ards Farm Guildford in the County of Surrey having been duly appointed Valuer to apportion the total Sum awarded to be paid by way of Rent Charge in lieu of Tithes, amongst the several Lands of the said Parish of Bisley Do Hereby apportion the Rent Charge as follows:-

Gross Rent Charge payable to the Titheowner in lieu of Tithes for the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey
One Hundred and Eighty pounds.

Value in Imperial Bushels and Decimal Parts of an Imperial Bushel of Wheat, Barley and Oats.
 Price per BushelBushels and Decimal Parts.

Wheat - - - - -
Barley - - - - -
Oats    - - - - -
s.    d.  
7   0¼
 3  11½
2    9  
