Post Office Directory of Surrey 1851

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BISLEY is a small village and parish 2 miles south-south-west from Chobham, in Godley Hundred. The population, in 1841, was 321, most of whom are engaged in agriculture. The church stands by itself, no house being within a considerable distance, The beneflce is a rectory, value £188, The parish contains 780 acres. The Income Tax assessment, in 1842, Was £1,125.

Robinson Rev. George
Street James, esq
Chandler William, farmer
Gosden Daniel, farmer
Gosden John, farmer
Herrington Thomas, farmer
Hone Joel, beer retailer
Loveland Thomas, farmer
Robinson John, farmer
Slyfield John, shopkeeper
Smith Edwd. 'Hen & Chickens '
     Letters received through Chobbam