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1846 Tithe Map plot number:


1896 1:2500 OS Map plot number:



Round Meadow was a field of meadow, shaped roughly like a quarter of a circle, situated close to Newbridge. In the Tithe Award it was measured as 1 acre 1 rood and 14 perches; described on the OS map as 1.287 acres.

The Bisley Manor court rolls record Newbridge Mead as belonging to William Claverly (some time before to 1730). Immediately prior to 1742 it belonged to the Right Honourable Heneage Finch, 3rd Earl of Aylesford, held copyhold by the yearly rent of four pence; in that year he sold it to William Draper of Froyle in Hampshire.

In 1765, William Draper died and Newbridge Mead passed to his daughter, Mrs. Mary Nicholas, a widow. In January 1767, Mary sold Newbridge Mead to Thomas Loveland of Chobham.

In 1803, Thomas Loveland died. Newbridge Mead passed to his son James. James died in 1824 and Newbridge Mead passed to Thomas Loveland's grandson, also Thomas.

In 1852, Thomas sold Newbridge Mead (with other lands) to Joseph Hockley of Guildford (the steward of the Manor). In 1863, Newbridge Mead was enfranchised to Joseph Hockley and thereafter held freehold.