Bisley ON Film
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Coldingley     Short film on Coldingley Prison, 1969  (1 min 15 secs)

Soft labour     Short film on Coldingley Prison, 1969/70 [similar to above] (1 min 30 secs)

Morris dancers     Morris Dancers at Bisley Fair, Sunday 27 June 2010 (57 secs)

Bisley church     Walk, past the holy well, to St John the Baptist church (6 mins 55 secs)

The Crown     Scene in Netflix's series The Crown filmed at Bisley Camp, 2016 (27 secs) [no sound]

Holy Well     Restoration of St John the Baptist Well, c.2019 (12 mins 40 secs)

Drone footage     Footage from a drone flying over the village, c.2021 (4 mins 40 secs)

51 Jopling Road     Estate agent's sales video (2023), for newly-built 51 Jopling Road (3 mins 59 secs)