Bisley Manor Court Roll 9 September 1919

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable Richard William Alan Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on the ninth day of September in the tenth year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord King George the fifth and in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen Before John Galden Knowles Gentleman Deputy of Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.

Absolute Surrender Edwin Albery Richard Sparkes to Frederick Wing
At this Court came here into Court Frederick Wing of “the Poplars” Bisley in the County of Surrey Gentleman in his proper person and delivered to the said Deputy Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven Whereby Edwin Albery of Midhurst in the County of Sussex Gentleman and Richard Sparkes of Guildford in the County of Surrey Gentleman two of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor in consideration of the sum of One hundred pounds paid to them by the said Frederick Wing Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the hands and acceptance of Alfred Moon of Guildford aforesaid Deputy Steward for that turn and purpose only of the said Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice according to the custom of the said Manor All that one messuage garden orchard and the land thereto belonging with the appurtenances lying and being within and held of this Manor formerly in the occupation of John Snelling afterwards of James Martin since of Richard Daborn afterwards of Stephen Collyer and late of James Collyer to which said premises the said Edwin Albery and Richard Sparkes were admitted tenants at a Special Court Baron held for the said Manor on the seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven To the only proper use and behoof of the said Frederick Wing his heirs and assigns for ever To Hold by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by and under the rents fines heriots suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that this Surrender was duly stamped.  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Admission of Frederick Wing
And thereupon at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Frederick Wing and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said one messuage garden orchard and the land thereto belonging formerly in the occupation of John Snelling afterwards of James Martin since of Richard Daborn afterwards of Stephen Collyer and late of James Collyer To whom the lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Deputy Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the Rod To hold to the said Frederick Wing his heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of four pence heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor formerly due and of right accustomed And so the said Frederick Wing was in his proper person admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£10] and his fealty was respited

Absolute Surrender Elizabeth Ann Day to Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing
Also at this Court came here into Court Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing of “the Poplars” Bisley in the County of Surrey in her proper person and delivered to the said Deputy Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the thirteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven Whereby Elizabeth Ann Day the wife of Stephen Day of Godalming in the County of Surrey Grocer a copyhold tenant of the said Manor in consideration of the sum of One hundred and ten pounds paid to her by the said Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing surrendered into the hands of the lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the hands and acceptance of Humphrey Percy Smallpeice of Guildford in the County of Surrey Gentleman Deputy Steward of the said Manor according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of garden ground (with the cottage thereon) containing by admeasurement forty rods little more or less being the North West end of the garden belonging to and parcel of all that customary messuage or tenement with the edifices buildings garden orchard and curtilage thereto belonging situate at Bisley Green in the Parish of Bisley abutting on the said Green on the South North and East parts formerly in the occupation of George Slyfield and then of ______ Lloyd and since of Edwards Hills to which said premises the said Elizabeth Ann Day was admitted tenant at a Special Court Baron held for the said Manor on the twenty second day of April one thousand eight hundred and ninety three To the only proper use and behoof of the said Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing her heirs and assigns for ever To Hold by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by and under the rents fines heriots suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that this Surrender was duly stamped.  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Admission of Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing
And thereupon at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said piece or parcel of garden ground (with the cottage thereon) containing by admeasurement forty rods little more or less being the North West end of the garden belonging to and parcel of all that customary messuage or tenement with the edifices buildings garden orchard and curtilage thereto belonging situate at Bisley Green in the Parish of Bisley abutting on the said Green on the South North and East parts formerly in the occupation of George Slyfield and then of ______ Lloyd and since of Edwards Hills To whom the lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Deputy Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing her heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor formerly due and of right accustomed And so the said Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing was admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the lord as a fine for such her admittance as appears in the margin [£10] and her fealty was pardoned

Absolute Surrender Stephen Day to Mary Ellen Emma Wing
Also at this Court came here into Court Mary Ellen Emma Wing of “the Poplars” Bisley in the County of Surrey Spinster by Charlotte Jane Catherine Wing her Attorney and delivered to the said Deputy Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the twenty sixth day of September one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine Whereby Stephen Day of Farleigh Holloway Hill Godalming in the County of Surrey Grocer a copyhold tenant of the said Manor in consideration of the sum of One hundred and thirty five pounds paid to him by the said Mary Ellen Emma Wing surrendered into the hands of the lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the hands and acceptance of Humphrey Percy Smallpeice of Guildford in the County of Surrey Gentleman Deputy Steward of the said Manor according to the custom of the said Manor All that one parcel of land called Newcotts containing by estimation four acres situate lying and being within and held of the said Manor and all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Stephen Day in and to the said parcel of land to which said parcel of land the said Stephen Day was admitted tenant at a Special Court Baron held for the said Manor on the fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight To the only proper use and behoof of the said Mary Ellen Emma Wing her heirs and assigns for ever To hold by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by and under the rents fines heriots suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that this Surrender was duly stamped.  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Admission of Mary Ellen Emma Wing
And thereupon at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Mary Ellen Emma Wing by her said Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said one parcel of land called Newcotts containing by estimation four acres situate lying and being within and held of the said Manor To whom the lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Deputy Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Mary Ellen Emma Wing her heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one shilling heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor formerly due and of right accustomed And so the said Mary Ellen Emma Wing was by her said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the lord as a fine for such her admittance as appears in the margin [£7] and her fealty was pardoned
[Margin Note: Enfd 12th July 1920]

Ferdinand Smallpeice 