Bisley Manor Court Roll 15 SEP 1749

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View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held this Twenty seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty nine and in the Twenty third Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gent. Steward there.

Jury as well for
Our Lord the King
As the Lord of ye

Anthony Beauchamp
James Martin
Henry Whittall
John Whittall
Richard Hod
James Wye

William Goodener
John Crouch
James Towers
Thomas Loveland
James Hone
Anthony Harding

Who being sworn & Charged Present Elect & Amerce as follows

In the first place they present & elect Richard Turner Constable  Sworn
James Miles Pondborough, William Cobbett Aletaster Sworn
Arthur Harding Hayward Sworn
They also present that Elizabeth Goring died since the last Court siezed of two Copyhold  Messuages in this Mannor & there is a Fine due to the Lord of the Mannor for each

At this Court came Elizabeth Collyer Daughter & Heir of James Collyer dec.d and prayed to be Admitted to all that one Cottage & half an Acre of Land by Estimation little more or less lying in Bisley Green within the Mannor aforesaid with the Appurts which came into the Hands of the Lord of the Mannor by the Death of the said James Collyer To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid Hath granted the aforesaid To Have and To Hold to the said Elizabeth Collyer her Heirs & assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & she gave to the Lord as a Fine for such her Estate as appears in the Margin [£9.10.0] & so she was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod.

Witness Henry Walter Steward