A Private Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held the Thirtieth day of Sept.r in the year of our Lord 1736 and in the Tenth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gent Steward there
At this Court came John Cobbett and Elizabeth his Wife and Richard Bicknoll of Warplesdon in the said County of Surry Yeoman and in full & open Court by their Surrender Lawfully stampt (She the said Elizabeth being first solely & secretly Examined and consenting thereto) did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by the acceptance of Steward All that Tenement with the Appurts called Hallers one Wood called Newcroft one Acre of Land called Widecroft Two Acres & an half more or less lying in great Westwood Two acres of Land lying near Palmers Land in South Earsh and one Barn & one Close thereto adjoyning between Hallers House & Hallers Grove with the Appurts in Bisley aforesd And also all that one Parcell of Land called Long Lanes containing by Estim three Acres more or less in Bisley af.d And also all that one parcell of Land called Hallers Grove containing by Estim three Acres more or less in Bisley af.d And also all that parcell of estate cont by Estim two acres in Bisley af.d abutting upon the Common Field called Westburn Mead with the Appurts in Bisley aforesd To the use and behoofe of John Cobbett the Younger of Bisley afsd Yeoman his Heirs & Ass.s for ever And the said John Cobbett the Younger being present in Court prayed to be to the premes af.d To whom the Lord by his Steward afsd Hath granted the premes af.d To have & to hold to the said John Cobbett the Younger his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Payment of the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord for a Fine as appears in the Court Roll & so he is admitted Tennant has Seizin by the Rod & did Fealty.
And afterwards in the same Court came George Rempnant in his proper person & in open Court demandeth against the said John Cobbett the Younger likewise present in Court in adm of Land the aforesaid Tenem.t & premes with the App.ts of the same of Two Tenem.ts two and twenty Acres of Arable ten Acres of Meadow ten Acres of Pasture & Ten Acres of Woodland situate in Bisley Af.d within the Jurisdiction of this Court and makes protestation to Present his Suit in this Court ag.st the af.d John in Forme & Name of the Kings Will De ingress and all distress in le Post at Common Law according to the Custom of the said Mannor and finds Pledges and presenting his Suit to wit John Doe & Richard Roe And thereupon the said George Rempnant in his proper person comes & Demands of the said John Cobbett the Tenem.ts & Lands af.d as his Right & Inheritance & into which the said John hath not Entry but after the Depoisin which Hugh Hunt unjustly & without endgm.t made thereof to the said George within thirty years last past &c And whereupon he declares he was raised in the said Tenem.t with the Appurts in his Demesne as of Free Right at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by taking in time of Peace in the time of our Sovereign Lord the King y.t now in the proffitts thereof to the Value xlx into w.ch &c & thereupon he brings his Suit And the said John being personally present here in Court comes & Defends his Right when &c And thereupon he Voucheth to warranty the aforesaid John Cobbett & Elizabeth his Wife & John Bicknoll who being present here in Court come & Defend their Right when &c & Freely Warrant the said Tenem.t & premes with the Appurts to him And upon this the said George demands ag.t the said John Cobbett & Eliz.th his Wife & John Bicknoll Ten.ts by Warranty the said Tenem.t & premes in Form af.d whereupon he saith that he was seized of the said Tenem.t with the App.s in his Demesne as of Fee & Right at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor in the Time of Peace in the time of our Lord the King y.t now is by taking the proffitts thereof to the Value xlx into w.ch &c And thereupon he brings his Suit &c And the said John Cobbett & Elizabeth his Wife & John Bicknoll tenn.ts by Warranty come & defend their Right when &c and they further call to Warranty Thomas Cheeseman who likewise being psonally present here in Court Freely Warrants to them the said Tenem.t & premes and with the App.s And thereupon the said George Demands af.d the said Thomas Tennant by his Warranty the said Tenem.t & premes with the App.s in Form af.d and when as he says he was seized of the said Tenem.t & premes with the Appurts in his Demesne af.d as of Fee & Right at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor in the time of Peace in the time of our Lord the King that now is by taking the Proffits thereof to the Value xlx into w.ch &c and thereupon he follows his Suit &c And thereupon the said Thomas Cheeseman Tennant in his Warranty af.d in his proper person comes into Court & Defendeth his Right when &c And Saith that the said Hugh Hunt did not disseize the said George Rempnant of the said Tenem.t & premes with the App.s as the said George by his Plaint af.d Supposes and upon this putts himself upon the Homage of this Court According to the Custom of this Manner And the said George thereupon craves Leave of this Court to Imparle till two of the Clock in the afternoon of the same day & he hath & was And the same Hour was given To the said Thomas Cheeseman &c And afterwards the said George Rempnant came back in the said Court at the said Hour of Two in the afternoon in his proper person but the said Thomas Cheeseman tho solemnly called did not return but departed in Contempt of the Court & made default Therefore it is Considered by ys Court that the said George shall receive his Seizin ag.st the said John Cobbett the younger of the said Tenem.t & premes with the Appurts And that the said John Cobbett the Younger recover Lands of the said John Cobbett & Eliz.th his Wife & John Bicknoll to the Value And that the said Thomas Cheeseman be amerced And upon the said George Rempnant desires a preapt directed to the Bayliffe of ye Court returnable immediately to putt him into full seizin of the said Tenem.t Land & premes with the Appurts & it is granted to him and after at the same Court the Court yet sitting the said George Rempnant comes & James Stevens the Baylife of the said Court returned & certified to the Court here that by Virtue of the preapt to him directed he had putt the said George in Compleat possession of the said Tenem.t & premes with the Appurts as the preapt Commanded him and the said George Rempnant being present here in Court was admitted to ye said premes with the Appurts To have and to hold to him the said George his Heirs & Ass.s for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor &c And afterwards at the same Court came the said George Rempnant one of the Customary Tennants of the said Mannor and in full & open Court by his Surrender lawfully stampt did Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of the said by the Acceptance of the Steward All that the af.d Tenem.t with the App.ts called Hallers one Wood called Newcroft and One Acre of Land called Widecroft two Acres and an half more or less lying in Great Westwood two Acres of Land lying near Palmers Land in South Earsh and one Barn & one Close thereto adjoyning between Hallers House & Hallers Grove with the Appurts in Bisley af.d To the use & Behoofe of the said John Cobbett the younger of Bisley af.d Yeoman his Heirs & Ass.s for ever And the said John Cobbett being present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the premes af.d To have & to hold to the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord for a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [fine in all £14 14s] and he is admitted Tenn.t has Seizin by the Rod Verge & did Fealty.
And the said George Rempnant likewise did Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of the said Mannor as above All that parcell of Land called Long Lands containing by Est. three Acres more or less in Bisley af.d To the use of the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever who being present here in Court prayed to be Admitted To whom the Lord by his Stew.d af.d hath Granted the premes af.d To Have & to hold to the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever as above &c by the paymt of the Rents &c.
And the said George Rempnant likewise did Surrender as af.d into the Hands of the Lord of the said Mannor as above All that one parcell of Land called Hallers Grove containing by Est. three Acres more or less in Bisley af.d To the use of the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever who being present here in Court prayed to be admitted To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath Granted the premes af.d To have & to hold to the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever as above &c by the paymt of the Rents &c as above.
And the said George Rempnant likewise did Surrender as af.d into the Hands of the Lord of the said Mannor as above All that parcell of Pasture containing by Est. two Acres Situate in Bisley af.d abutting upon the Common Mead called Westburn Mead with the Appurts in Bisley af.d to the use & Behoofe of the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever who being present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath Granted the premes af.d To have & to Hold to the said John Cobbett his Heirs & Ass.s for ever as above &c by the paymt of the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due &c as above & he is admitted Tenn.t &c as above.
Whereas it appeared to the Lord of this Mannor that Robert Goodener the Elder of Bisley aforesaid by his Surrender lawfully stampt out of Court to wit on the twenty ninth day of Sept 1736 in Consideration of the Naturall Love which he bears towards his Son William Goodener & in Consideration of his paying to him the said Robert Goodener the sum of One pound & 15s by half yearly payments during the Naturall Life of him the said Robert Hath Surrendered all that his Copyhold Cottage or Tenement with the Turf House Garden Orchard or Backside and all other the Appurts thereto belonging situate lying and being at Bisley by the Hands & Acceptance of John Martyr & James Ivey two Customary Tenn.ts of the said Mannor To the use & Behoofe of the said William Goodener his Heirs & Assigns for Ever And whereas the said William Goodener Hath this day requested of Abel Walter Esq.r the Lord to admitt him to the said premes The said Lord Hath hereby granted the same subject to the above Conditions to Hold to the said William Goodener his Heirs & Assigns for ever as above by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estates as appears in the Margin [£8] & so he was admitted Tenn.t & had seizin by the Rod.
Henry Walter Steward