Bisley Manor Court Roll 1 October 1866

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Licence to Demise to Rev.d James Jerram
Be it remembered that on the first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six The Right Honorable Arthur George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor by me Joseph Hockley Gentleman the Steward thereof Hath given and granted and Doth hereby according to the custom of the said Manor give and grant to James Jerram of Fleet in the County of Lincoln Clerk one of the Copyhold or customary tenants of the said Manor full licence power and authority to demise and lease to any person or persons willing to take the same as Lessee or Lessees to the said James Jerram (but not by way of Mortgage) his or their executors administrators and assigns All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement (now used as two tenements with the Gardens Orchards Backsides edifices and buildings thereunto belonging with the appurtenances containing by admeasurement one rood and twenty eight perches (little more or less) and also all that piece or parcel of Arable land containing by admeasurement two acres two roods and twenty perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of the Strip And also all that piece or parcel of Arable land containing by admeasurement two acres and two roods and thirty one perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of the Long two acres And also all that piece or parcel of Meadow Land containing by admeasurement three acres three roods and thirty perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of Trully Meadow And also all that piece or parcel of Arable Land containing by admeasurement four acres and six perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of the Hatchett field And also all that piece or parcel of Arable Land containing by admeasurement one acre three roods and twenty eight perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of the Furze field with their and every of their appurtenances Also all that piece or parcel of Arable Land containing by admeasurement two roods and thirty five perches (little more or less) and commonly called or known by the name of Port Lane Plat And also all that piece or parcel of Meadow Land containing by admeasurement one acre three roods and three perches (more or less) situate in Wide Croft Common field and abutting on the land of John Robinson on the North East part and the land of Isaac Gosden on the South West part And also all that piece or parcel of Meadow land containing by admeasurement one rood and twenty nine perches (little more or less) situate in Churchbourne Meadow abutting on the land of Mr.s Bell on the North part and the land of William Chandler on the South part with their and every of their appurtenances And also all that piece or parcel of Arable Land formerly in two pieces containing by admeasurement exclusive of a piece of freehold land adjoining thereto containing thirty eight perches situate in the parish of Chobham six acres one rood and three perches more or less and commonly called or known by the name of North Hills And also all that piece or parcel of Meadow land containing by admeasurement two roods and twenty five perches (more or less) being part and parcel of a piece or parcel of meadow land called Barn Mead the remaining part whereof is in the said Manor of Chobham To which said premises the said James Jerram was admitted Tenant at a Special Court Baron held for the said Manor on the twenty sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven  To hold for any term or number of years not exceeding twenty one years to be computed from the twenty ninth day of September on thousand eight hundred and sixty six saving always and entirely reserved to the Lord of the said Manor and all and every Lord and Lady Lords and Ladies of the said Manor for the time being all and all manner of fines heriots rents escheats forfeitures casualties reliefs amercements suits of Court and other customs and Services now or hereafter to grow or become due for or in respect of the said premises or any part or parts thereof and all other usual remedies for recovery of the same by seizure distress or otherwise in as large full and ample a manner and form to all intents and purposes as if this present Licence had not been granted And for this Licence the said James Jerram hath paid to the Lord for a Fine the sum of ten shillings according to the custom of the said Manor – Joseph Hockley Steward

Exam.d by
Thomas Russell 