Bisley Manor Court Roll 28 oct 1774

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A View of frankpledge with a Court Baron of The Right Honorable Richard Lord Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Friday the Twenty Eighth Day of October in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and &c And in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Seventy four Before John Chandler Gentleman Steward there.

Present Officers

William Tunnell the Constable being called appeared & was Sworn.


James Knight the Tythingman being called appeared & was sworn.


Robert Dover the Hayward being called appeared & was sworn.


William Stovall the Aletaster being called appeared & was sworn.


Jury to Inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King and the Lord of the Manor

Henry Bartholomew first Sworn

Thomas Loveland
William Cobbett
William Stovall
John Dudman
Henry Whittall

} Sworn

{ Moses Everd
{ John Stiles
{ Robert Dover
{ William Tunnell
{ Thomas Searle
{ John Carman

Election of Officers

Henry Try is Chosen Constable there & Not. Thereof is sent to him


George Carman is Chosen Tythingman there and is Sworn in Court


Robert Dover is Continued Hayward


William Stovell is Continued Aletaster


The Homage present a certain Surrender taken out of Court & since the last Court to wit on the twenty third day of December one thousand seven hundred and Seventy three Whereby William Tunnell of the parish of Bisley Labourer one of the  Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Acceptance of Arthur Harding and John Styles two other Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor All that his Copyhold Messuage or Tenement and Garden and all the Appurts to the same belonging Situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid To the only use and Behoof of William Reed of the parish of Chobham in the County of Surrey Farmer his Heirs and Assigns forever according to the Custom of the said Manor Subject nevertheless that if the said William Tunnell his Heirs Exors Admors or Assigns should well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Reed his Exors Admors or Assigns the full Sum of Thirty pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain with Interest for the same at the Rate of four pounds  by the year for one hundred pounds on or upon the twenty third day of December which should be in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy four  without fraud or Delay Then that Surrender to be void or Else remain in full force and virtue.
[Margin Note: Memorandum that on the twenty ninth day of July One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven William Reed in this Surrender named did acknowledge to have received from William Tunnell in this Surrender also named all Principal and Interest Monies due on the said Surrender  And by a Warrant under his Hand of the same date Did authorize me to enter his satisfaction on the Court Rolls and Books of the this Manor. Joseph Pickstone Stew.d]

The Homage also present that George Rempnant who held to him and his Heirs by Copy of Court Rolls at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Manor All that Croft of Land called Bullrowson and three Crofts of Land and one Brook formerly parcel of a Tenement of Simon Butler’s parcel of the Customary Land of this Manor with the Appurts and all Buildings and Edifices thereupon Erected And also that one parcel of Land called Newcotts containing by Estimation four acres with the Appurts in Bisley aforesaid And also all that Customary Messuage or Tenement with the Appurts called or known by the Name of Collyers with the Edifices Buildings Barn Stable Garden Orchard and all and Singular the Customary Arable Meadow and Pasture Lands to the same Messuage belonging and appertaining Situate lying and being in the parish of Bisley within this Manor to which he was admitted on the Death of his Father And also all that Messe or Tenement with the Barn Stable and Edifices belonging with the Appurts called by the Name of Paynes one Close of Land by Estimation four acres One Close of Land by Estimation three acres One piece of Land called Brook Plott by Estimation one acre and one piece of Wood by Estimation one acre at Knaphill adjoining to Hankmore Coppice with the Appurts in Bisley aforesaid which he purchased of George Sterry  Died since the last Court Seized of the said four EstatesWhereupon there became due to the Lord of this Manor four Heriots and that four Horses were accordingly Seized which were Compounded for And that in and by his last Will and Testament he devised the said Estate called Bullhowson and the said Estate called Newcotts to his Son in Law John Street for Life with Remainder to his Grandson Henry Street for Life charged with the payment of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to his Grand Daughter Mary Searle at her age of twenty one years And from and after the deceases of the said John Street and Henry Street he devised the same to his lawful Heirs and Assigns forever And that the said George Rempnant in and by his said Will devised the said Messuage or Tenement called Collyers to his Daughter Mary the Wife of Thomas Searle for Life with Remainder to his three Grandsons Thomas William and James Searle and their Heirs And that he devised the said Estate called Paynes to his Grandson George Rempnant Searle and his Heirs Whereupon the first proclamation is made if the Heir at Law of the said George Rempnant or any other Person or Persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to the said four Several Estates will come into Court and take the Same out of the Lords Hands he she or they shall be heard but Nobody Came Whereupon the first proclamation and Default as to Each Estate are here inrolled.

The Homage also present that John Rogers who held to him and his Heirs by Copy of Court Rolls at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Manor All that parcel of Land with the Appurtenances called Butto containing by Estimation half an acre three acres of land with the Appurts lying in the Common Field called Widecroft and half an acre of Meadow with the Appurts lying in Churchborn Mead in Bisley aforesaid within this Manor  Died since the last Court Seized of the said two EstatesWhereupon there became due to the Lord of the Manor Two Heriots Viz.t the two best living Animals of the said John Rogers But he had not at the time of his Death any living Cattle And that he devised the same to his Son Ephraim Rogers and his Heirs who about three weeks after the Death of his said Father also died Seized of the said Estates But no Heriots were Seized Because he had not at the time of his Death any living Cattle And that who is his Heir the Homage know not Whereupon the first proclamation is made if the Heir at Law of the said Ephraim Rogers or any other Person or Persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to the said Two Several Estates will come into Court and take the Same out of the Lords Hands He she or they shall be heard but Nobody Came Whereupon the first proclamation and Default as to Each Estate are here inrolled.

At this Court Came into Court in his proper Person John Carman of Bisley in the County of Surrey Taylor and Surrendered by the Rod into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Acceptance of John Chandler Gentleman Steward of the said Manor according to the Custom of the said Manor All that Cottage or Tenement with all the Lands thereunto belonging containing by Estimation one Acre and an half or thereabouts formerly in the occupation of John Crouch and now of the said John Carman To the Use and Behoof of Robert Bonseys of Wokeing in the County County of Surrey Farmer his Heirs and Assigns forever Provided nevertheless that if the said John Carman his heirs Executors Admors or Assigns shall and do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Robert Bonsey his Exors or Admors the full Sum of Thirty pounds together with Interest for the same after the rate of four pounds and Ten shillings for one Hundred pounds for a year of lawful Money of Great Britain upon the Twenty Eighth day of April next ensuing the date hereof without any Deduction to be made or taken ouit of the Same on any Account whatsoever Then this Surrender to be void or else remain in full force.
[Margin Note: 23rd April 1784 I Robert Bonsey in this Surrender named do hereby acknowledge that I have this day received Thirty Four Pounds in full of all Principal and Interest due on the said Surrender.  Roberd Bonsy. Witness Tho. Sibthorpe]

Exam.d JC