Bisley Manor Court Roll 16 oct 1772

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A View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of The Right Honourable Richard Lord Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor held for the said Manor on Friday the Sixteenth day of October in the twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and &c and in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Seventy two Before John Chandler Gent. Steward there.

Present Officers

John Whittall the Constable being called appeared & was swn.


Henry Try the Tythingman being called did not appear.


Robert Dover the Hayward being called appeared & was sworn.


Will.m Stovell the Aletaster being called appeared & was swn.


Jury to Inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King and the Lord of the Manor

George Remnant first Sworn
Henry Withall
Will.m Cobbett
John Styles
Will.m Stovell
Moses Everet
John Dudman

} Sworn

{ Tho.s Loveland
{ W.m Tunnell
{Rob.t Dover
{ John Carman
{ Sam.l Suddeby

Election of Officers


Arthur Harding is chosen Constable & Notice thereof is sent to him


Thomas Searle is Continued Tythingman there & Notice thereof is sent to him


Robert Dover is Continued Hayward there


William Stovell is Continued Aletaster there

Of the Court Baron
The Homage present a certain Surr.r taken out of Court & since the last Court to wit on the sixth day of June one thousand seven hundred and Seventy two Whereby W.m Cobbett one of the  Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor Did Surr.r by the Rod into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Accep.ce of the s.d Stew.d All the Estate right Title Benefit & Equity of Redemption of him the said W.m Cobbett of in to and out of All that customary Messe or Tenem.t with the Barns Buildings Gardens Orchards & Backsides tog.r with all and every the Copyhold Lands and Heredits whatsoever or wheresoever And all Arable Meadow Pasture and feeding Lands with their and every of their appurts were late the Estate of John Cobbett his late Brother deced and to wch the said W.m was adm.d as the only Brother & next Heir of the sd John Cobbett at a Court Baron holden for the sd Manor on the tenth day of October on thousand Seven hundred and Seventy To the only use and behoof of John Jarret of Horsell in the sd Co Husbandman his Heirs and Assigns forever  Provided always that if the said Wm Cobbett his Heirs Exors Admors or Ass did or should well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Jarrett his Exors or Admors the full Sum of forty Pounds then lent together with a former Sum of sixty Pounds thentofore lent by the said John Jarrett to the said John Cobbett & secured by a former Surrender made in open Court on the twelfth day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight Making together the Sum of one hundred Pounds on or upon the sixth day of Dec.r next ensuing the date thereof together with Interest for the same Sum of one hundred Pounds (All Interest for the said Sum of sixty Pounds having been paid off to that Day) after the Rate of four Pounds for one hundred for a Year without any Deducon Then the said Surr.r & the said former Surr.r were to be void.

The Homage also present that Wm Thick of Frimley in the County of Surrey Wheelwright one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor who held a Copyhold Messe or Tenement together with the Barn & all other out Buildings Orchards Gardens Yards Backsides and Appurtenances thereto belonging formerly in the Tenure of Wm Johnson or his Ass And also all those five Closes of Copyhold Arable Meadow Or Pasture Land containing by Estimation 7 Acres more or less in Bisley And also a Scite of a Cottage or Tenement called Vanits And one Acre of Land to the same belonging with the Appurts And also one Acre of Land late part of the Waste adjoind to a Close called Hassel Hill within this Manor Died since the last Court Seized of the said four Several Estates And that thereupon four Heriots became due and were Seized for the use of the Lord of this Manor to wit one Gelding and three Cows Compounded for with the said Wm Thick’s Widow at Ten Pounds and Ten Shill and that Wm Thick is his eldest Son and next Heir within Age  Whereupon at this Court the first Procd is made if the sd Wm Thick the Son or any other Pson or Psons who hath or have a right to be admitted to the sd four Several Estates will Come into Court and take the Same out of the Lords Hands he she or they shall be heard but Nobody came Whereupon the 1st Procl and default as to Each Estate are here inrolled

The Homage also present a Certain Surr.r taken out of Court and since the last Court to wit on the Eleventh Day of Nov.r one thousand seven hundred & Seventy one Whereby John Carman one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor Did Surr.r into the Hands of the Lord of the Manor by the Rod by the Hands & Accep.ce of Thomas Loveland & Sam.l Sudbury two other Customary Tenants of the S.d Manor All that his Cust or Copyhold Messe or Tenem with all the Lands & appurts thereunto belonging Situate & being in the Par of Bisley & Manor afsd To the use and behoof of his last Will & Testament & to such Pson and Psons & for such Estate or Estates as by such last Will and Testament in Writing Shall be Limited Specified or appointed.

At this Court upon the 2nd Procl Came into Court in his own proper person John Goreing and humbly prayed of the Lord to be admitted to All those two Closes of Arable Land called the Bisley Fields and Float Fields cont by Estim tog.r ten Acres more or less Sit lying & being in Bisley afsaid within this Manor with all & every of the Appurts Which came into the Hands of the Lord on the Death of Wm Goreing his Brother  To whom the Lord of this Manor by his sd Steward Granted the same To Hold to the said John Goreing his Heirs and Ass forever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Manor by the Yearly Rent of _______ Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Adm.ce as appears in the Margin [£7]  He is adm.d Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is respited.

At this Court Came into Court in her prop.r Pson Eliza Collyer Spinster and Surr.d by the Rod into the Hands of the Lord of the s.d Manor by the Acceptance of the said Steward According to the Custom of the said Manor All that Copyhold Messe or Tenem.t called or known by the Name of Staple Brooks with the Barn and all Buildings Orchard Garden Yards & one Close of Meadow Land by Estim two Acre more or less & one Acre of Arable Land To the use and Behoof of Wm Stovall of Bisley aforesaid Yeoman his Heirs & Ass forever Whereupon the sd Wm Stovall being present here in Court in his proper Pson prayed to be admitted to the said Premes in Pursuance of the sd Surr.r To whom the Lord of this Manor by his sd Stew.d Granted the same To Hold to the sd Wm Stovall his Heirs and Ass forever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Manor by the Yearly Rent of ______ [2s.2d] Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court & other Customs & Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Adm.ce as appears in the Margin [£4.4s]  he is adm.d Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod & his Fealty is respited.

At this Court Came into Court in her proper Pson Eliza Collyer Sp.r and Surr.d by the Rod into the Hands of the Lord of the s.d Manor by the Accept.e of the sd Stewd according to the Custom of the sd Manor All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Barn Yard Outhouses Workhouses Gardens Orchards & Backsides thereunto belonging together with a Close of Arable Land thereto adjoining containing by Estimation One Acre more or less heretofore in the Occupation of Wm Taylor To the use and Behoof of Alexander Dover of Horsel in the said County Yeoman his Heirs & Assigns forever Whereupon the said Alexander Dover being present here in Court in his proper Person prayed to be admitted to the said Premises in Pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the said Manor by his said Steward Granted the same To Hold to the said Alexander Dover his Heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Manor by the Yearly Rent of ______ [1s] Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court & other Customs & Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears in the Margin [£2.2s]  he is admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod & his Fealty is respited.

At this Court immediately after his adm.ce Came into Court in his proper Person Wm Stovall and by the Rod according to the Custom of the said Manor Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Acceptance of the said Steward All the said Premises called Staple Brooks with their Appurts To the use and Behoof of George Marner of Horsel in the County of Surrey Yeoman his Heirs & Assigns forever Provided always and upon this Condition that if the said Wm Stovall his Heirs Exors Admors or Ass do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said George Marner his Exors or Admors the full Sum of Eighty Pounds of good and lawfull Money of Great Britain with Interest for the same at the [rate] of four Pounds per Cents per Annum on or upon the Sixteenth day of April next Ensuing the date hereof Then this Surr.r to be void 

Exam.d JC

 [Margin note: Be it remembered that George Marner in this Surrender named did on the Seventeenth day of April 1802 Acknowledge to have that day had and received of and from James Loveland (in whom the Messuage and Premises mentioned in this Surrender are now vested) the sum of  Eighty one pounds and twelve shillings in full for all  principal and Interest due upon this Surrender And by a Warrant under his hand of this date Did authorise and desire the Steward of this Manor to enter such his acknowledgement on the Court Rolls or Books of the said Manor Witness my hand. Joseph Pickstone Stew.d]