Bisley Manor Court Roll 20 OCT 1763

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A View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of the most Honourable Richard Lord Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Thursday the Twentieth day of October in the Third Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Sixty three Before John Chatfield  Gentleman Steward there.

Essoigns None

John Hill being called appeared and was Sworn


John Whitall Junior being called appeared and was Sworn


Thomas May being called appeared and was Sworn


William Stovall being called appeared and was Sworn

Ale Taster

Jury to inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King

George Rempnant first Sworn

William Stovall
Henry Whittall
John Whittall Junior
John Stiles
William Patient
John Stedman Junior

} Sworn

George Martin
Moses Everit
Thomas Loveland
John Whitall Senior
John Rogers
Henry Pritchett

} Sworn

Election of Officers

William Gosden is Elected Constable there


James Walker is Elected Tythingman there


Thomas May is continued Hayward there


William Stovall is continued Ale Taster there

Ale Taster

At this Court cometh here into Court in his Proper Person William Patient a Copyhold or Customary Tenant of the said Manor and Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Acceptance of the said Steward  All that Cottage Turfhouse and Garden thereunto belonging formerly Henry Carter’s abutting on the Common on the North and East parts and the Lands formerly Thomas Marten’s on the South and West situate and being in the parish of Bisley To the use and behoof of Henry Pritchett of Bisley aforesaid Yeoman his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to and for no other use intent or Purpose whatsoever  Whereupon Cometh here into Court the said Henry Pritchard in his Proper Person and  humbly prayed to be Admitted to the said Cottage and Premises with the Appurts To whom the Lord of the said Manor by his said Steward Granted the same To hold to him the said Henry Pritchard his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly rent of Sixpence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admission as appears in the Margin [] he is Admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court upon the second Proclamation cometh here into Court John Whithall Eldest Son and next Heir of Susanna the Wife of Henry Whitall formerly Susanna Badman and humbly Prayeth to be Admitted to All that Messuage in Bisley Green with the Edifices Gardens Orchard and Parcell of Land to the same adjoining containing by Estimation half an Acre be the same more or less And also One Acre  Parcell of Land containing by Estimation two Acres abutting on the Parsonage Mead on the East part And also one other Parcel of Land containing by Estimation one Quarter of an Acre lying within the said Manor which came into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor upon the Death of the said Susanna the Wife of the said Henry Whithall As presented and Inrolled at a Court Baron held for the said Manor the twentieth day of October One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two To whom the Lord of the said Manor by his said Steward Granted the same To hold to the said John Withall his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Cy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly rent of Sixpence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right Accustomed And the said John Withall paid as a Fine for such his Admission as appears in the Margin [] He is Admitted tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court cometh here into Court John Rogers a Customary Tenant of the said Manor and Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Acceptance of the said Steward  All and every his Copyhold Messuages or Tenements Lands and Heredits with their Appurts held of the said Manor To the use and behoof of such Person or Persons and for such Estate and Estates and under such Directions Limitations and Appointments as he the said John Rogers shall in and by his Last Will and Testament in Writing duely Executed Limit Direct or appoint the same.