Bisley Manor Court Roll 9 OCT 1759

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A View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of the most Hon.ble Richard Lord Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Tuesday the Ninth day of October in the Thirty Third Year of the reign of of Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &r and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Fifty nine Before John Chatfield  Gentleman Steward there.

Present Officers

Thomas May


William Gosden


Robert Dover

Ale Taster

William Goodener


Jury to inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King

George Rempnant first Sworn
Henry Whittall
Moses Everitt
William Collyer
Thomas Loveland
John Stiles

} Sworn

William Stovall
James Collyer
John Whittall
William Goodener
Arthur Harding
James Peeter

} Sworn

They Elect

Andrew Finch is Elected Constable there


William Gosdeon is continued Tythingman there


William Stovold is Elected Ale Taster there

Ale Taster

William Goodener is continued Hayward there


The Homage present that Sarah Collyer Widow who held to her and her Heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with the Garden thereto belonging containing by Estimation one Rod formerly belonging to Blanch Wisdom with the Appurtenances within this Manor by the Yearly Rent of two Pence Herriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed died since the last Court upon whose Death there became due and ought to have been Seized to the use of the Lord of the said Manor A Heriot (to wit) the best Live Animal But the said Sarah Collyer at the time of her Death had not any Animal But who is her next Heir they know not  Whereupon Proclamation was made for the Heir at Law of the said Sarah Collyer or any other Person or Persons Intitled to the said Copyhold Premises will come into Court and claim the same SHe or they shall be heard but nobody came  Whereupon the first Proclamation and Default is here inrolled.

The Homage Also present that Richard Hodd Senior and Mary his held to them and their Heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor One Messuage called Brizes one Close called Brizes by estimation two Acres a Meadow a Meadow and one Brook by estimation Two Acres One Acre of Land in Neltro one Acre of Land in Widecroft One Acre of Land in South Esh One Acre of Wood with the Appurtenances within this Manor by the Yearly Rent of Eight Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and that the said Richard Hodd died since the last Court upon whose Death there became due and ought to have been Seized to the Use of the Lord of the said Manor A Heriot (to wit) the best Live Animal but the said Richard Hodd at the time of his Death had not any Animal And that the said Mary his Wife hath Survived the said Richard Hodd and by Survivorship now holds the Said Premises to her and her Heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor.
The Homage Also present that the said Richard Hodd at his Death also held to him and his Heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor All that  Messuage called Edsawes and four Closes of Land by Estimation Four Acres and a half with the buildings Gardens Orchards and Appurtenances thereto belonging by the Yearly Rent of Four Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and that the said Richard Hodd died since the last Court upon whose Death there likewise became due and ought to have been Seized to the Use of the Lord of the said Manor A Heriot (to wit) the best Live Animal But the said Richard Hodd at the time of his Death had not any Animal And that Richard Hodd of Wokeing Yeoman is his only Son and next Heir And that the said Richard Hodd deceased by his last Will and Testament bearing date the twenty Fifth day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty nine Devised the same Premises to his said Son Richard Hodd his Heirs and Assigns. Whereupon at this Court at the first Proclamation came the said Richard Hodd the Son and humbly prayed of the Lord of the said Manor to be admitted to the said Messuage called Edsawes with the Land Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging To whom the Lord of the said Manor by his said Steward Granted the same To hold to him the said Richard Hodd his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly rent of Four Pence Herriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other customs and Services therefore formerly due and of Right Accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admission as appears in the Margin [?]  he is Admitted Tenant thereof and hath Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty.