Bisley Manor Court Roll 11 OCT 1748

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View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held the Eleventh day of October 1748 & in the Twenty second year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gentleman Steward there.

Jury as well for the King as the Lord of the Mannor


George Rempnant
Richard Hod
John Crouch
James Towers
James Wye
William Goodener

Henry Whittall
Henry Freeland
John Loveland
James Harding
Arthur Harding
Moses Evered

Who being Sworn & Charged on their Oaths Present as Follows.  
They Present that James Collyer died since the last Court possessed of a Copyhold Cottage & Orchard & there became a Fine & Herriot due to the Lord.
They present that Robert Kidder hath a Copyhold Cottage & Orchard in this Mannor out of Repair whereby it becometh Forfeited to the Lord of this Mannor.
They also present that William Towers hath a Copyhold Cottage & Orchard in this Mannor out of repair whereby it becometh Forfeited to the Lord of this Mannor.

They Elect

John Whittall - Constable
James Stone - Headborough
William Cobbet - Aletaster   Sworn
Arthur Harding - Hayward   Sworn


For the year ensuing

They present all Defaulters for not appearing at this Court & amerce them in four pence each.

At this Court came Moses Evered Son & Heir of Moses Evered dec.ed & prayed to be admitted to all that one Messuage or Tenemt. Called Goddins the Barn Edifices Curtilage Garden & Orchard to the same belonging and three Parcells of Land with the Appurts to the same adjoyning one parcell whereof is called the Meadclose containing by Estimation three Acres with the Appurts in Bisley af.d within this Mannor  To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the af.d To Have and To Hold to the said Moses Evered his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [Fine afterw.ds] & so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord

At this Court came Moses Evered Son & Heir of Moses Evered dec.ed & prayed to be admitted to all those two Closes of Arable Land containing by Estimation three Acres more or less the Appurts in Bisley af.d lately bought of William Feltham & Anne his Wife  To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the aforesaid To Have and To Hold to the said Moses Evered his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the yearly Rent of three pence & other Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£12] & so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord

At this Court came John Loveland one of the Copyhold Tenn.ts of this Mannor & in full & open Court Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of the said Steward All that Customary Messuage or Tenement the Barns Stables Buildings Orchards & Six Acres of Land with the Appurts more or less called Waters To the use and behoofe of Thomas Loveland of Bisley aforesaid Husbandman third Son of the said John Loveland & to his Heirs & Assigns for ever And the said Thomas Loveland being present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes af.d the Appurts To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid Hath granted the premes af.d To Have & To Hold to the said Thomas Loveland his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rent Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of Right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Court Rolls [£5 5s] & so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court the Homage present that John Cobbet Surrendered his Copyhold Estate in this Mannor since the last Court in the words following “Mannor of Bisley in Surry. Be it remembered the ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and & forty seven & in the Twenty first Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second of Great Britain &c John Cobbet of Bisley af.d Yeoman one of the Customary Tennants of the s.d Mannor came before Henry Walter Gentleman Steward of the Courts of the said Mannor & did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by the Acceptance of the said Steward according to the Custom thereof by the Rod All that Customary Messuage or Tenem.t with the Barn Buildings Garden Orchard & Backside together with all & every the Copyhold Lands & Hereditaments whatsoever or wheresoever & all arable meadow pasture & feeding Lands with their & every of their Appurts situate lying and being in the said parish of Bisley & within & holden of the said Mannor as the same were formerly in the Possession of William Cobbett or his Assigns & now are in the Tenure of & belonging to the said John Cobbet To the use & behoofe of John Sadler of Sunbury in the County of Middlesex Butcher his Heirs & Assigns for ever  Provided always & upon Condition notwithstanding that if the said John Cobbet his Heirs Exors Admors or Assigns shall & do well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Samuel Hare his Exors Admors or Assigns the full sum of Five hundred pounds of Lawful Interest for the same of good & lawfull money of Great Britain on the ninth day of August next ensuing the Date hereof without any Deduction or Abatement of or for any manner of Taxes or other Impositions whatsoever Then this Surrender to be void or else to remain in full force & Virtue In witness whereof the said John Cobbet hath hereunto set his Hand the Day & Year first above written  John Cobbet This Surrender was duly taken the Day & Year above written by Henry Walter Steward.
[Margin Note: Be it Remembered that John Sadler in this surrender named on the sixth day of January 1761 Acknowledged to have had and received of and from John Cobbet the Sum of One hundred Pounds in part of Five hundred pounds due on this Surrender And that he had promised & agreed not to demand or receive from John Cobbett in this Surrender also named any more than after the rate of Four pounds for the hundred by the year as Interest for the remaining One hundred pounds By a Warrant under his hand Dated the 6th day of January 1761.  J Chatfield Stew.d]
[Margin Note: Be it Remembered that on this 11th day of October 1768 I John Sadler in this surrender named recd from John Cobbett in this Surrender also named the further Sum of One hundred Pounds in full for all Principal & Interest due on this Surrender. Witness my hand  John Sadler  J Cobbett  J Chatfield Stew.d]

At this Court it is presented by the Homage that Robert Kidder one of the Copyhold Tennants of this Mannor Hath Suffered his Copyhold Messuage & necessary out buildings in Chattern Row in this Mannor to be greatly Out of repair whereby the said Copyhold Estate is become forfeited to the Lord of this Mannor Whereupon the said Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the premes af.d the Appurts to John Eyres Bayliffe of this Mannor To Have & To Hold to the said John Eyres & his Heirs for ever (In Trust nevertheless that the said John Eyres & his Heirs shall Surrender the same to such use & uses Person & persons as he the said Abel Walter his Heirs or Ass.s shall by any writing under his or their Hands & Seals in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses limit direct or appoint the same) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & so he was admitted Tennant & had seizin by the Rod.

At this Court it is presented by the Homage that William Towers one of the Copyhold Tennants of this Mannor Hath Suffered his Copyhold Messuage & necessary outbuildings to be greatly Out of repair whereby the said Copyhold Estate is become forfeited to the Lord of this Mannor Whereupon the said Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the premes af.d the Appurts to John Eyres Bayliffe of this Mannor To Have & To Hold to the said John Eyres & his Heirs for ever (In Trust nevertheless that the said John Eyres & his Heirs shall Surrender the same to such use & uses Person & persons as he the said Abel Walter his Heirs or Assigns shall by any writing under his or their Hands & Seals in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses limit direct or Appoint the same) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & so he was admitted Tennant & had seizin by the Rod.

Whereas the Customary Messuage or Tenement late in the possession of Peter L?e??ell dec.ed lying within this Mannor is greatly Out of repair and become untenantable whereby the same is become forfeited to the Lord of this Mannor The said Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the premes af.d with the Appurts to John Eyres Bayliffe of this Mannor To Have & To Hold to the said John Eyres & his Heirs for ever (In Trust nevertheless that the said John Eyres & his Heirs shall Surrender the same to such use & uses Person & persons as he the said Abel Walter his Heirs or Assigns shall by any writing under his or their Hands & Seals in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses limit direct or Appoint the same) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & so he was admitted Tennant & had Seizin by the Rod.

Whereas the Customary Messuage or Tenement of John Martin late a Customary Tennant of this Mannor is greatly Out of repair & become untennantable whereby the same is become forfeited to the Lord of the said Mannor The said Lord by his Steward aforesaid Hath Granted the same with the Garden or Orchard thereunto belonging situate in Chatten Row & within the said Mannor with its Appurts to John Eyres Bayliffe of this Mannor To Have & To Hold to the said John Eyres & his Heirs for ever (In Trust nevertheless that the said John Eyres & his Heirs shall Surrender the same to such use & uses Person & persons as he the said Abel Walter his Heirs or Assigns shall by any writing under his or their Hands & Seals in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses limit direct or Appoint the same) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & so he was admitted Tennant & had Seizin by the Rod.