Bisley Manor Court Roll 15 OCT 1746

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View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of & To Abel Walter Esq.r there held the fifteenth day of October in the Twentieth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second & in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty six by Henry Walter Gentleman Steward there.

Jury as well for the King
And the Lord
of the Mannor

George Rempnant
Henry Whittall
James Towers
John Loveland
James Collyer
James Martin

John Whittall
James Wye
Edmund Clifton
William Goodener
John Crouch
Moses Evered

who being Charged & Sworn on their Oaths Present as Follows.

They present that since last Court died Daniel Stedman Seized of a Copyhold Estate about half an Acre whereby there hape.d a Fine & Heriot due to the Lord

They Elect

Henry Freeland  Constable
John Tedder  Tythingman
Arthur Harding Hayward Jeremiah Freeland  Aletaster

And they present all Defaulters & amerce them two pence each.

At this Court the Homage present that John Whittall one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor out of Court & since the last Court Surrendered his Copyhold Estate in this Mannor as follows to wit “Mannor of Bisley in the County of Surrey Be it Remembered that on the Twenty ninth day of October in the nineteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith & so forth & in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty five Henry Whittall of Bisley in the County of Surrey Yeoman one of the Customary Tennants of the Mannor of Bisley af.d Did Surrender and by these presents Doth Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by the Hands & Acceptance of George Rempnant & Moses Evered two other Customary Tenants of the said Mannor All that his Customary Copyhold Messuage or Tenement together with the Barn & all other Outbuildings Orchards Backsides Easements Privileges Commodities & Appurts to the same belonging & also all those his Five Closes of Customary Copyhold Arable Meadow & Pasture Land containing together by Estimation Seven Acres more or less abutting on Land of John Hone on the South part of the Land of John Marter on the North & a Common & a Lane there on the West & East all said premes are situate & being in Bisley aforesaid within the said Mannor and now in the Occupation of the said John Whittall to be & remain all & every their Appurts To the sole use & behoof of Henry Blissett of Horsell in the said County Husbandman his Heirs & Assigns for ever Provided always that if he the said John Whittall his Heirs Exors Admors or Assigns shall and do pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Henry Blissett his Exors Admors or assigns the full sum of Eighty Pounds with Interest for the same after the Rate of four pounds & ten shillings by the hundred by the Year on the Twenty ninth day of October which shall come the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & Forty six at one whole entire payment without any manner of Fraud & Delay then this Surrender shall be void or else in full force  John Whittall This Surrender was taken the day & year first above written by me George Rempnant The Mark + of Moses Evered.”
[Margin Note] Memorandum that at a General Courten holden for this Manor on Thursday the  15 day of October 1767 Mary Blissett of Horsell in the County of Surrey Spinster only Child and Daughter of the said Henry Blissett named in this Surr.r Came in to Court & in Open Court Acknowledged that she had this day rec.d of and from Ja.s Whittall Son & Heir of John Whittall also named in this Surrender by the hands of William Thick of Frimley in the said County Wheelwright the Sum of Eighty Seven Pounds and ten shillings in full satisfaction & with int. due on the same Witness her hand Mary Blisett Witness John Chandler Stew.d of this Manor.

At this Court the Homage present that Richard Hod the Elder Surrendered his Copyhold Estate in this Mannor as Follows  “Mannor of Bisley in the County of Surrey. Be it Remembered that on the one and Thirtieth day of December in the 19th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith & so forth & in the year of our Lord God 1745 Richard Hod of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey af.d Yeoman one of the Customary & Copyhold Tennants of the said Mannor Bisley af.d Did Cond.l Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by the Hands & Acceptance of George Rempnant the Younger & James Martin two of The Customary Tenants of the said Mannor All that his Copyhold & Customary Messuage or Tenement with the Barn Stables Yards Gardens Backsides & Orchards & together with four Closes of Land thereunto adjoining containing by Estimation four Acres & an half be the same more or less with all & every the Appurts situate lying & being in the Parish of Bisley and now in the Tenure or Occupation of him the said Richard Hod or his Assigns within the Jurisdiction of the said Mannor Suit of Court & other Services To such use & uses Intents & purposes as in & by the last Will & Testament of him the said Richard Hod shall be Devised given limited expressed & Declared & to & for no other use or uses Intents or purposes whatsoever  Richard Hod This Surrender was taken the year above mentioned & before the said Richard Hod  & signed Sealed & delivered his Will which bears date herewith Witness his Hand George Rempnant The Mark + of James Martin.”

Henry Walter Steward