Bisley Manor Court Roll 6 OCT 1745

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View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of & To Abel Walter Esq.r there held the Twenty sixth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty five and in the 19th year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gent. Steward there.

Jury as well for the King
And the Lord of the Mannor

George Rempnant
James Wye
Richard Hod
John Loveland
Mercy Evered
James Martin

John Crouch
James Collyer
James Hone
William Goodener
Henry Whittall
Arthur Harding

who being Charged & Sworn on their Oaths present as follows.

They present that Henry Whittall died since last Court Seized of two Copyhold Estates & Henry Whittall his Son is the Heir and there became two Fines & two Heriots due to the Lord
They also present that the Widow Patient died since the last Court Seized of a Copyhold & there became a Heriot due to the Lord.  William Patient her grandson is the Heir
They also present that John Martin died since the last Court Seized of a Copyhold and John Martin his Son is the Heir & there became a Fine & Heriot due to the Lord 

They Elect

Edmond Clifton  Constable
William Cobbett  Tythingman
Jeremiah Freeland  Aletaster
Arthur Harding  Hayward

At this Court came Daniel Heather Son & Heir of Daniel Heather dece.d and prayed to be admitted To all that one Acre of Land lying in the Common Field called Herled in Bisley af.d which came into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the death of the said Daniel Heather To whom the Lord by his Steward hath granted the aforesaid  To Have and To Hold to the said Daniel Heather his heirs and Assigns by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of  the said Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services herefore _____ due & of right accustomed and he gave _____ Lord for a fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [?] & so he was admitted Tenant had Seizin by the Rod and Did fealty to ye Lord
At this Court the Homage present that Henry Whittall the Elder one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor did out of Court to wit on the Twelfth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty four Surrender into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of Richard Hod & John Colyer two other Customary Tenants of this Mannor All that his Copyhold Messuage or Tenement called or known by the name of Staple Brooks with the Barn and all buildings Orchards Gardens Yards and closes of Meadow Land by Estimation two Acres and one Close of Arable or Pasture Land by Estimation one Acre more or less thereto belonging abutting on Land of James Martyr & the Common there situate & being in Bisley af.d within the said Mannor To the use & behoof of Elizabeth Goring of Chobham in the said County Spinster her Heirs & Assigns for ever Conditional to be void if he the said Henry Whittall his Heirs Exors or Admors should pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Elizabeth Goring her Exors Admors or assigns the sum of Seventy Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with Interest for the same after the Rate of four pounds for a hundred pounds by the Year on the Twelfth of October Instant And the Homage likewise present that the said Henry Whittall has since died & the money on the said above recited Surrender mentioned remain unpaid to the said Elizabeth Goring  And the said Elizabeth Goring being now present in Court prayed to be admitted to the  To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the af.d To Have and To Hold to the said Elizabeth Goring her Heirs and Assigns (subject to Redemption as in the said Surrender is mentioned) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed and she gave to the Lord as a Fine for such her Estate as appears in the Court Roll [?] & so she was admitted Tenant & had Seizin by the Rod

At this Court the Homage pres.t that Henry Whittall the Elder one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor did out of Court to wit on the Twelfth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty four Surrender into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of Richard Hod & James Collyer two other Customary Tenants of this Mannor All that his Copyhold Messuage or Tenement Barn Yard Outhouses Work houses Gardens Orchard & Backsides thereunto belonging together with a Close of Arable or Pasture Land thereto also adjoining by Estimation one acre more or less abutting on the Glebe land & Common there on the South part thereof Situate and being in Bisley af.d within the said Mannor & now in the Occupation of the said Henry Whittall or his Assigns To the use & behoofe of Elizabeth Goring of Chobham in the said County Spinster her Heirs & Assigns for ever Conditional to be void if he the said Henry Whittall his Heirs Exors or Admors should pay or Cause to be paid unto the said Elizabeth Goring her Exors Admors or assigns the sum of Thirty Eight Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with Interest for the same after the Rate of Four pounds for one hundred pounds by the Year on the Twelfth of October Instant And the Homage likewise present that the said Henry Whittall is since dead and the money on the said above recited Surrender mentioned remain due & unpaid to the said Elizabeth Goring  And the said Elizabeth Goring being now present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premise  To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath granted the af.d To Have and To Hold to the said Elizabeth Goring her Heirs and Assigns (subject to Redemption as in the said Surrender so mentioned) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & she gave to the Lord as a Fine for such her Estate as appears in the Margin [11.0.0] & so she was admitted Tenant and had Seizin by the Rod.

At this Court the Homage Present that John Bicknell of Chiswick in the County of Middlesex Yeoman in Cons. of Fifty pounds to him in hand paid by John Whitall of Bisley yeoman did Out of Court & since the last Court to wit on the Second day of October instant Surrender into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of William Collyer & James Wye two Customary Tenants of this Mannor All that his Copyhold Messuage or Tenement together with the Barn & all other Outbuildings Orchard Garden yards & backsides & Appurt.s thereto belonging lately in the Tenure of William Johnson or his assigns To the use & behoofe of the said John Whitall his Heirs & Assigns for ever And the said John Whitall being present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premise  To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the af.d To Have and To Hold to the said John Whitall Heirs & Assigns by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Court Rolls [?] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord
At this Court the Homage Present that John Bicknell of Chiswick in the County of Middlesex Yeoman in Cons. of Eighty pounds to him in hand paid by John Whittall of Bisley yeoman did Out of Court & since the last Court to wit on the Second day of October instant Surrender into the hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of William Collyer & James Wye two Customary Tenants of this Mannor All those his five Closes of Copyhold Arable Meadow or Pasture Land containing together by Estimation seven Acres more or less abutting on the Land of John Kidder on the South part & the Land of John Martyr on the North and the Common & a Lane there on the West and East all which said premes are situate lying and being in Bisley af.d  within the said Mannor & now in the possession of the said John Whittall & lately belonged to William Johnson  To the use & behoofe of the said John Whittall his Heirs & Assigns for ever And the said John Whittall being present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premise  To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the af.d To Have and To Hold to the said John Whittall Heirs & Assigns by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [7-10-0] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court the Homage Present that Elizabeth Patient Widow did Surrender her Copyhold Estate in this Mannor in the Words following “Bisley Mannor in the County of Surry Be it Remembered that on the sixteenth day of November in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith & so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Forty four Elizabeth Patient of Bisley in the County of Surry af.d Widow one of the Customary Tennants of the Mannor of Bisley af.d in Cons.n of the Naturall Love and affection which she hath & beareth unto her Daughter Joane Patient of Bisley af.d singlewoman and to her Grandson William Patient Son of her dec.d Son William Patient late of Chobham in the County of Surry Husbandman Dec.d Did Surrender and by these presents Doth Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by the Hands & acceptance of Richard Hod & Henry Whittall the Elder two other Customary Tennants of the said Mannor  All that her Customary Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with the Outbuildings Orchards Gardens Yards & Backsides thereunto belonging & adjoining formerly Henry Carters abutting on the Common there on the East & North parts & the Land formerly Thomas Martins on the West & South situate & being in Bisley af.d within the said Mannor To be & remain with all & every their appurts (immediately from & after my Decease) To the only uses of benefit or behoof of my said Daughter Joane Patient for & during the term of her natural life without impeachment of Wast & from & after the decease me the said Elizabeth Patient & my said Daughter Joane Patient then to and for the only uses ass and Behoofe of my said Grandson William Patient & to his Heirs & Assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Mannor except and always reserving full power for me the said Elizabeth Patient at any time before the next Court Baron that shall be holden in and for the said Mannor to alter & make void this Surrender & every thing herein contained if I the said Elizabeth Patient shall think fit so to do or else remain & be in full power force & Virtue  +  The mark of Elizabeth Patient  This Surrender was taken & accepted within this Mannor the day and year first above written by me Richard Hod   H The mark of Henry Whitterole the Elder.

Henry Walter Steward