A view of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held the third Day of October in the Twelfth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second in the Year of our Lord 1738 by Henry Walter Gent Steward there
Essoignes none
The Jury as well for our Lord the King as the Lord of the Mannor | George Rempnant |
James Towers |
Who being Sworn & Charged present as Follows
Election of Officers
Moses Evered Constable
Humphrey Field Tythingman
Wm Goodener Hayward
John Hopper Aletaster
Now of the Court Baron
They present that the Widow Ford died since the last Court seized of a Copyhold Messuage & about Five acres of Land & there hapned a Fine & Herriott to the Lord
They also present that Robert Harding purchased of Thomas Sweatman a Copyhold Messe & about ten Acres of Land & there hapned a Fine to the Lord
They likewise present that the Widow Freeland died since the last Court seized of a Copyhold Messe & Backside & about an Acre of Land & there hapned a Fine & Herriott to the Lord her Son James the next Heir
At this Court the Homage present that Thomas Sweatman one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor out of Court and since the last Court (to wit) on the Second day of July last Did Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of John Marter and Henry Whitwell two other Customary Tennants of this Mannor All that his Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with all the Land to the same belonging To the use and Behoofe of Arthur Harding of Bisley af.d Husbandman his Heirs & assigns for ever And the said Arthur Harding being present here in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes aforesaid To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid Hath Granted the premes af.d To Have and to Hold to the said Arthur Harding his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such Estate as appears in the Margin [-] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty.
At this Court the Homage also present that Thomas Sweatman one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor out of Court and since the last Court to wit on the Second day of July last Did Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of John Marter and Henry Whitwell two other Customary Tennants of this Mannor All that one parcell of Customary Healthy Lands called Feets containing by Est.n three Acres more or less with the Appurts lying in Bisley aforesaid To the Use and Behoofe of Arthur Harding of Bisley af.d Husbandman his Heirs & ass.s for ever And the said Arthur Harding being present here in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes aforesaid To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the premes To Have and to Hold to the said Arthur Harding his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due and of Right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [both Fines £6 5s] & so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty.
At this Court came Arthur Harding one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor and in full and open Court did Surrender into the Hands of the Lord by the Acceptance of the Steward All that Copyhold Messe with the Lands thereunto belonging And Also one parcell of Customary Heath Land called Feets containing by Estim three Acres more or less with the Appurts lying in Bisley aforesaid and lately purchased by the said Arthur Harding of Thomas Sweatman To the use of Richard Symmonds of Horsell in the County of Surry Husbandman his Heirs & assigns for ever On this Condition nevertheless that if the said Arthur Harding shall and do well & truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Rich.d Symmonds his Heirs or ass.s the full & just Sum of Eighty pounds of Lawful money of Great Britain with Int for the same till paid after the Rate of Four pounds by the Hundred by the Year Then this Surrender to be void or else to be & remain in full Force Arthur Harding This Surrender was taken in Court by me Henry Walter Steward
At this Court the Homage present that Mary Freeland Widow one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor on the Twelfth Day of June last Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of the Steward all that his Copyhold Messe or Tenement and all and singular the Lands Buildings & premes thereto belonging To such uses Trusts Intents & Purposes and to & upon such Conditions and Limittations as she the said Mary Freeland by her last Will and Testament appoint the same Mary Freeland Taken & Accepted by me in the Mannor of Bisley the day & Year above Henry Walter Steward
At this Court came Richard Freeland and prayed to be admitted according to a Demise in the last Will & Testament of Mary Freeland his Mother deced (Dated the twelfth of June last) To all that one Messuage and three Closes of Land containing by Estimation two Acres more or less with the Appurts in Bisley Af.d To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the premes (Subject nevertheless to the Conditions & Devises in the said Will mentioned) To have and to Hold to the said Richard Freeland his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£8 8s] and so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord.
At this Court came John Kidder & in full & open Court Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of the Steward One Customary Messuage or Tenement with the Orchard formerly in The Tenure of Philip Roberts and one Close of Land to the same belonging containing by Estim one Acre more or less and one Acre of Land more or less lying in Neltro within this Mannor with the Appurts To the use & Behoofe of William Grove of Worplesdon aforesaid Gent his Heirs & Ass.s for ever Provided always & on this Condition nevertheless that if the said John Kidder his Exors Admors or Ass.s shall and do well & truly pay or cause to be paid to the said William Grove his Heirs or assigns the full & just Sum of Fifty pounds of Lawful money of Great Britain with Int for the same till paid & all Charges Then this Surrender to be void & of none Effect or else to be & remain in full Force John Kidder
At this Court the Homage present that Sarah Ford Wid. (of Edward Ford Gen Deced) a Customary Tennant of this Mannor out of Court to wit on the twenty fifth Day of January last Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the Acceptance of the Steward One Customary Messuage or Tene.t with the Barns Stables Buildings & Orchards & Six Acres of Lands with all and singular the Appurts more or less called Waters To such uses Trusts Intents & Purposes & on such Conditions as she the said Sarah Ford sho.d in & by her last Will & Testament in writing Executed in the presence of three or more Credible witnesses Limit Direct and appoint the same & to no other use Trust Intent or Purpose whatsoever Sarah Ford Taken & Accepted the day & Year above written by Henry Walter Steward Witness James Rapley
Henry Walter