Bisley Manor Court Roll 19 October 1737

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View of Frank Pledge with a Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held the Nineteenth day of Oct.r 1737 & in the Eleventh year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gent Steward there

Essoignes none

George Rempnant
Richard Hod
Henry Whittall
John Bicknoll
George Martin
James Collyer

} }Sworn

William Goodener
Moses Wood
John Crouch
Henry Freeland
James Harding
James Wye

} Sworn
} Sworn

Who being Sworn and Charged present & Elect as follows
Election of Officers
John Cobbett Constable
Robert Dover Tythingman
William Goodener Hayward
John Hooper Aletaster

Now of the Court Baron
They present that John Towers died seized of a Copyhold Cottage & Orchard & there hapned a Fine & Herriott to the Lord John Towers his Son next Heir

At this Court came John Towers Son & Heir of John Towers dece.d & prayed to be admitted to the Customary Tenem.t with the Appurts within this Mannor late in the Occupation of Richard Collyer which came into the Hands of the Lord by the Death of the said John Towers  To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid Hath Granted the premes aforesaid with the Appurts To Have and to Hold to the said John Towers his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£3] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty.

At this Court came Stephen Hewett and prayed to be admitted to All that Customary Messuage or Tenement One Garden one Barn and one Stable with their Appurts lying and being in Bisley Green within the said Mannor and three Quarters of an Acre of Land there & four Acres of Land with the Appurts lying in the Common Field called Widecroft heretofore the Messuage & Land of John Cobbett & Elizabeth his Wife And also one other Acre of Land with the Appurts lying in the Common Field aforesaid and one Acre of Land with the Appurts lying in the Common Field called Burcroft and one Acre of Meadow lying in the Common Field called Westburn Mead sometime since Roger Cobbetts and late Land of William Hewett & Elizabeth his Wife.

And the said Stephen Hewett prayed also to be admitted to one Cottage with a Garden Yard & Appurts which together with af.d premes were Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the acceptance of the Steward by George Ansley & Dinah his Wife (the said Dinah being secretly examined by the Steward & consenting thereto) by their Surrender dated the fourteenth of September 1733 to the use of the said Stephen Hewitt his Heirs & Assigns for ever Conditional to be void on payment of One hundred & forty six pounds & fifteen shillings with Interest at the rate of Five pounds by the Hundred pounds by the Year which said Conditions are now performed
To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d Hath Granted the af.d premes with the Appurts To Have and to Hold to the said Stephen Hewitt his Heirs & Assigns for ever subject to the Condition in the said Surrender on satisfaction by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Sev.l Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed & he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£12 12s] and so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to ye Lord.

Henry Walter Steward