Bisley Manor Court Roll 26 November 1883
At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable William Hillier Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Monday the twenty sixth day of November in the Forty seventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three Before Humphrey Percy Smallpeice Gentleman Deputy of Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.
Death of William Eacott
At this Court came here into Court William Eacott of Ottershaw near Chertsey in the County of Surrey Laborer and George Eacott of Bisley in the said County Farmer by Christopher Hicks of Guildford in the said County of Surrey their Attorney and informed the said Steward that William Eacott late one of the copyhold or customary tenants of this manor who held to him and his heirs by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece of land containing by estimation One acre more or less lying and being in the Common Field called Neltro within the said Manor abutting towards the South on the hedge there and towards the North on land late of Sarah Sibthorpe bounded on the East by land late of James Nesmith and on the West by land late of _________ Hammond by the yearly rent of One penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs And also all that one Messuage or Tenement called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices garden orchards curtilages and three closes of land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation seven acres one close of land called Long Close containing by estimation one acre and two acres of land lying in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the land formerly of Sarah Sibthorpe on the South lands late of John Hone on the North and lands late of John Goreing on the East by the yearly rent of Two shillings and eleven pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs (subject as to all the said premises to a Conditional Surrender thereof made by him the said William Eacott to the use of Henry Colebrook on the twenty seventh day of February One thousand eight hundred and fifty) to all which said premises the said William Eacott was admitted tenant at a General Court Baron held in and for the said Manor on the sixteenth day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty two died on the second day of June last so thereof seized
His Will
And the said William Eacott and George Eacott by the said Christopher Hicks their Attorney also produced to the said Steward the Probate of the last Will and Testament of the said William Eacott deceased which Will bore date the fourteenth day of December One thousand eight hundred and seventy five and (with a Codicil thereto not affecting the devises hereinafter set forth) was proved in the principal registry by the Executors therein named on the twenty first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighty three Whereby the said Testator devised his copyhold messuage or dwellinghouse buildings and garden situate at Bisley aforesaid together with the pieces or parcels of land thereto belonging called or known by the several names of the Wheat field Daffey meadow and Hoppits then in his own occupation unto and to the use of his Son the said William Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever subject to the payment to his (the said Testators) Wife Mary Eacott during her life or widowhood of such a sum as should be equal to a rack rent for the time being of the said premises such rent to be ascertained and fixed as in the said Will is mentioned and subject also to the following legacies namely Forty pounds to his (the said Testators) Son the said George Eacott payable at the time and in the manner therein mentioned and the sum of Ten pounds to each of his (the said Testators) three daughters namely Mary Eacott Magdalene Wife of John Steptoe and Esther Wife of George Waller payable at the times and in the manner in the said Will mentioned and the said Testator devised his three acres of copyhold land (arable) situate in Neltro Common Field Bisley aforesaid also his copyhold meadow called Longbrook situate near Newbridge Bisley and also his field of copyhold land called “Across the Green” situate near to premises of John Eacott of Bisley aforesaid all in his own occupation unto and to the use of his Son the said George Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever subject to the payment his (the said Testators) Wife Mary Eacott during her life or widowhood of such a sum as should be equal to a rack rent for the time being of the said premises such rent to be ascertained and fixed as in the said Will is mentioned and subject also to the following legacies namely Forty pounds to his (the said Testators) Son the said George Eacott payable at the time and in the manner therein mentioned and the sum of Ten pounds to each of his (the said Testators) three daughters namely the said Mary Eacott Magdalene Steptoe and Esther Waller payable at the times and in the manner in the said Will mentioned
Admission of William Eacott
Now at this Court upon the first Proclamation came here into Court the said William Eacott by the said Christopher Hicks his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All
that copyhold messuage or tenement in Bisley aforesaid called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices gardens Orchards curtilages and three closes of land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation seven acres three roods and six perches called or known by the several names of the Wheatfield Daffey meadow and Hoppits situate at or near to Bisley Green within and holden of the said Manor lately in the occupation of the said William Eacott deceased but now of George Eacott which said premises are part and parcel of the said copyhold hereditaments heretofore described on the Court Rolls of this Manor as “All that one messuage or tenement called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices gardens Orchards curtilages and three closes of land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation seven acres one close of land called Long Close containing by estimation one acre and two acres of land lying in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the land formerly of Sarah Sibthorpe on the South lands late of John Hone on the North and lands late of John Goreing on the East” which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said William Eacott deceased To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said William Eacott (the son) his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless to the before mentioned Conditional Surrender made to the said Henry Colebrook and also as in the said Will of the said William Eacott deceased is mentioned) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned rent of One shilling and eleven pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£40] and his fealty was respited.
Admission of George Eacott
Also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came here into Court the said George Eacott by the said Christopher Hicks his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that piece or parcel of land or ground containing by admeasurement One acre being part of an arable field called Neltro situate within and holden of the said Manor which said piece or parcel of land is numbered 11 on the plan annexed to the Bisley Inclosure Award dated the Sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight and is bounded on the North by allotments awarded to William Chandler and Sarah Marshall on the East by an allotment awarded to the said William Eacott and numbered 10 on the same plan on the South by old enclosed land of Daniel Gosden and on the West by an allotment to the said Sarah Marshall and was lately in the occupation of the said William Eacott and now of _______ Chandler and was allotted to the said William Eacott in lieu of his said copyhold hereditaments heretofore described on the Court Rolls of this Manor as “All that piece of land containing by estimation One acre more or less lying and being in the Common Field called Neltro within the said Manor abutting towards the South on the hedge there and towards the North on land late of Sarah Sibthorpe bounded on the East by land late of James Nesmith and on the West by land late of _________ Hammond” which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said William Eacott deceased To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said George Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless to the before mentioned Conditional Surrender made to the said Henry Colebrook and also as in the said Will of the said William Eacott deceased is mentioned) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of One penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears afterwards and his fealty was respited.
Admission of same
Also at this Court upon the first Proclamation came here again into Court the said George Eacott by the said Christopher Hicks his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that piece or parcel of land or Garden ground known as “Across the Green” containing one acre one rood and thirty six perches (more or less) situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid late in the occupation of the said William Eacott deceased and now of the said George Eacott which said piece of land is part and parcel of the said copyhold hereditaments heretofore described on the Court Rolls of this Manor as “All that one messuage or tenement called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices gardens Orchards curtilages and three closes of land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation seven acres” also all that piece or parcel of land called Long Close otherwise Longbrook containing one acre two roods and twenty three perches (more or less) situate lying and being in Bisley aforesaid late in the occupation of the said William Eacott deceased and now of the said George Eacott And also all that piece or parcel of land containing by admeasurement two acres and twelve perches being part of an arable field called Neltro situate within and holden of the said Manor which said piece or parcel of land is numbered 10 on the plan annexed to the Bisley Inclosure Award dated the sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight and is bounded on the North by an allotment awarded to Sarah Marshall on the East by the road leading from Guildford to Bisley on the South by an allotment awarded to Joshua Turner and by old enclosed lands of Daniel Gosden and on the West by an allotment awarded to the said William Eacott and numbered 11 on the same plan and was lately in the occupation of the said William Eacott and now of _______ Chandler which said last mentioned piece or parcel of land containing Two acres and twelve perches is part of or was allotted to the said William Eacott deceased in lieu of part of the said copyhold hereditaments heretofore described on the Court Rolls of this Manor as “All that one messuage or tenement called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the barns edifices gardens orchards curtilages and three closes of land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation seven acres one close of land called Long Close containing by estimation one acre and two acres of land lying in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the land formerly of Sarah Sibthorpe on the South lands late of John Hone on the North and lands late of John Goreing on the East” which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said William Eacott deceased To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said George Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless to the before mentioned Conditional Surrender made to the said Henry Colebrook and also as in the said Will of the said William Eacott deceased is mentioned) by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned rent of One shilling heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his two several admittances as appears in the margin [£30] and his fealty was respited.
F Ferdinand Smallpeice