Bisley Manor Court Roll 13 November 1876

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable William Hillier Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held in and for the said Manor on Monday the thirteenth day of November in the fortieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six Before Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Steward there.

Death of Jane Loveland
At this Court came here into Court The Reverend William Tringham of Busbridge in the County of Surrey Clerk in Holy Orders by William John Nichols his Attorney and informed the said Steward that Jane Loveland late one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this manor who held to her and her heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor  All that Messuage in Bisley Green with the edifices gardens orchard and parcel of land to the same adjoining containing by estimation half an acre be the same more or less by the yearly rent of three pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs And also All that little Meadow Platt called Turks Platt containing an acre of land more or less and also one acre of land in Neltro in two parcels one acre of land in Widecroft one acre of land in South Earsh and one acre of wood with the appurtenances or the allotment awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioner for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley by the yearly rent of two pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs And also All that Meadow containing by estimation four acres adjoining the lane leading to Church Mead on the East part and lands now or late of John Phillips on the West part by the yearly rent of sixpence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs And also All that customary messuage or Tenement called Belfers with the barns edifices gardens Orchards and curtilages to the same belonging with the appurtenances And also all the customary lands to the same belonging formerly in the tenure or occupation of William Cobbett lying in Bisley within this manor by the yearly rent of Two shillings Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs And also Five acres and an half of customary lands with the appurtenances lying in divers places dispersedly in Bisley or the allotment awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioner for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley by the yearly rent of Ten pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs (to all which premises the said Jane Loveland was admitted tenant at a General Court Baron held in and for the said Manor on the twelfth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy four) died since the last court so thereof seized.
Her Will
And the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney also produced to the said Steward an Office Copy of the last Will and Testament of the said Jane Loveland which Will bore date the twenty second day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventy three And thereby she willed and directed that the Copyhold Estates and hereditaments which at the time of her decease she should be in any manner entitled unto or interested in whether at law or in equity or ever which she had any disposing power for her own benefit should be sold as soon as conveniently might be after her decease And for the greater convenience of performing such her Will she devised the same Copyhold Hereditaments To such uses as her daughter Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith of Number 18 Canterbury Place Lambeth Road in the County of Surrey Builder or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of that her Will should by any deed or deeds to be executed within twenty one years from her decease appoint in order to complete any Sale or Sales to be made pursuant to her said Will and in default of appointment to the use therein mentioned.

Deed of Appointment
Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith to The Rev.d William Tringham

And the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney also produced to the said Steward a certain Indenture of Appointment bearing date the twenty eighth day of September last and made between the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith of the first part Sarah Elizabeth Cox of the second part and the said William Tringham of the third part in the words following  This Indenture is made the twenty eighth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy six Between Maria Jane Cox of 15 Cambridge Street Hyde Park in the County of Middlesex Spinster and Henry Smith late of Number 18 Canterbury Place Lambeth Road but now of Number 18 Clarence Street Clapham in the County of Surrey Builder of the first part Sarah Elizabeth Cox of 15 Cambridge Street aforesaid Spinster of the second part and The Reverend William Tringham of Busbridge in the County of Surrey Clerk in Holy Orders of the third part  Whereas Jane  Loveland late of Number 2a Old Quebec Street Oxford Street in the County of Middlesex Widow was at the time of her death seized of or entitled to the messuages lands and hereditaments hereinafter particularly described and expressed and intended to be hereby assured for an estate of inheritance in possession to her and her heirs according to the custom of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey free from incumbrances And whereas the said Jane Loveland by her last Will and Testament duly executed and attested dated the twenty second day of  May One thousand eight hundred and seventy three after bequeathing her personal estate and devising her freehold hereditaments in manner in the said Will expressed did thereby will and direct that the copyhold estates and hereditaments which at the time of her decease she should be in any manner entitled unto or interested in whether at law or in equity or ever which she had any disposing power for her own benefit should be sold as soon as conveniently might be after her decease and for the greater convenience of performing such her Will she devised the same copyhold hereditaments To such uses as her daughter Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith of Number 18 Canterbury Place Lambeth Road in the County of Surrey Builder or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of that her Will should by any deed or deeds to be executed within twenty one years from her decease appoint in order to complete any Sale or Sales to be made pursuant to her said Will And in default of appointment to the use of the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith their heirs and assigns upon trust to sell the said Copyhold hereditaments as soon as conveniently might be after her decease And she did thereby direct that the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor or other the trustees or trustee for the time being of that her Will should stand and be possessed of the proceeds of her said personal estate and of the moneys to arise from the sale or sales of her said freehold and copyhold hereditaments upon trust to pay the costs and expenses attending such sale or sales together with her funeral and testamentary charges and expenses And also all such debts as she should justly owe at the time of her decease and subject thereto Upon trust to retain pay and divide the residue  thereof unto amongst and between the said Maria Jane Cox  and her (the Testatrix’s) two other daughters Emma the wife of Thomas French and the said Sarah Elizabeth Cox or such of them as should survive her in equal shares for their absolute use and benefit Provided always that if any or either of her said daughters should die in her lifetime leaving lawful issue which should survive her (the said Testatrix) such issue should take the share to which his her or their parent or respective parents would have been entitled if such parent or parents had survived her (the said Testatrix) And the said Jane Loveland thereby appointed the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith Executrix and Executor of that her will And whereas the said Jane Loveland died on the twenty sixth day of July last and on the Eighteenth day of August last the said Will was duly proved by the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith in the principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice And whereas the said Emma French died in the lifetime of the said Jane Loveland namely on the fourteenth day of August One thousand eight hundred and seventy four without ever having had any issue And whereas the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith in exercise of the powers or direction contained in the said Will of the said Jane Loveland and with the privity and approbation of the said Sarah Elizabeth Cox certified by her being party to and executing these presents have agreed with the said William Tringham for the absolute sale to him of the messuages lands and hereditaments hereinafter particularly described and expressed to be hereby assured and the absolute inheritance thereof according to the custom of the said Manor of Bisley subject as hereinafter mentioned but free from all other incumbrances for the sum of One thousand and nineteen pounds Now this Indenture witnesseth that for carrying into effect the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of One thousand and nineteen pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith paid by the said William Tringham at or immediately before the execution hereof the receipt whereof the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith do hereby acknowledge and from the same sum do hereby release the said William Tringham They the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith by force and virtue and in exercise and execution of the power or authority to them for this purpose given by the hereinbefore recited Will of the said Jane Loveland and of every or any other power or authority enabling them in this behalf Do and each of them Doth by this present Deed bargain sell appoint and dispose of and at the request of the said William Tringham the said Sarah Elizabeth Cox Doth hereby remise release and quit claim unto the said William Tringham and his heirs and assigns All those two messages or cottages with the edifices and garden thereto belonging situate in Bisley Green within the said Manor of Bisley one thereof being now or late in the occupation of M.r H Kates and the other in the occupation of M.r W Dayburn Together with the piece or parcel of land to the same adjoining called Pococks Field now in the occupation of M.r Richard Martin which said hereditaments contain together One acre One rood and twenty six perches or thereabouts and are with the situation boundaries and abbutals thereof delineated and shewn in the plan drawn on the skin of parchment annexed to these presents and are therein coloured Blue and Numbered 41 42 and 43 And also All that piece or parcel of land called Turks Meadow containing two roods and thirty one perches or thereabouts now in the occupation of Daniel Gosden and delineated in the said plan and therein coloured Green and Numbered 80  And also All that piece or parcel of land called Coppice Mead containing One acre two roods and twenty four perches or thereabouts in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden and delineated in the said plan and therein coloured Green and Numbered 206  And also All that piece or parcel of land called Kiln Lane Mead or Kiln Mead containing One acre and fourteen perches or thereabouts in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden and delineated in the said plan and therein coloured Green and Numbered 214 And also All that piece or parcel of land called Corner Field or Ellis’s Mead containing Four acres two roods and nineteen perches or thereabouts in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden and delineated in the said plan and therein coloured Yellow and Numbered 208 And also All that messuage or tenement called Belfers with the garden thereto belonging in the occupation of M.r Henry Loveland and the Barn yard and buildings thereto adjoining in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden which said messuage garden barn yard and buildings contain together one rood and twenty one perches and are delineated in the said plan and therein colored Brown and Numbered 130 And also All that piece or parcel of land called Gales Plat adjoining to the premises lastly hereinbefore described and containing three roods and seven perches or thereabouts in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden and delineated


in the said plan and therein coloured Brown and Numbered 129 And also All those three pieces or parcels of land now thrown together and containing ten acres three roods and fourteen perches or thereabouts in the occupation of the said Daniel Gosden and delineated in the said plan and therein coloured Red and Numbered XXIII XXIV and XXV And which said last mentioned three pieces of land were formerly parts of Southridge Common Field and Wilcot Common Field and were under the Award of the Commissioner appointed for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey dated the sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight allotted to John Loveland (the late husband of the said Jane Loveland) in lieu of and for certain of his hereditaments and rights Copyhold of the said Manor of Bisley therein mentioned  All which said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore described and intended to be hereby assured are situate at Bisley in the County of Surrey and are the hereditaments to which the said Jane Loveland was admitted Tenant at a General Court Baron and Customary Court held for the said Manor of Bisley on the twelfth day of June One thousand eight hundred and seventy four and in the said admission of the said Jane Loveland and in the Court Rolls of the  said Manor described as follows that is to say All that messuage in Bisley Green with the edifices gardens orchard and parcel of land to the same adjoining containing by estimation half an acre be the same more or less All that little Meadow Platt called Turks Platt containing an acre of land more or less And also one acre of land in Neltro in two parcels one acre of land in Widecroft one acre of land in South Earsh and one acre of wood with the appurtenances or the allotments awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioners for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley All that Meadow containing by estimation four acres adjoining the lane leading to Church Mead on the East part and lands now or late of John Phillips on the West part All that customary messuage or Tenement called Belfers with the barns edifices gardens Orchards and curtilages to the same belonging with the appurtenances and also all the customary lands to the same belonging formerly in the tenure or occupation of William Cobbett lying in Bisley within this manor All Five acres and an half of customary lands with the appurtenances lying in divers places dispersedly in Bisley or the allotments awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioners for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common Lands and Fields in the parish of Bisley Together with all buildings erections walls fences hedges ditches way paths passages waters watercourses lights easements commons privileges rights members and appurtenances to the said messuages cottages pieces of land and hereditaments or any of them belonging or appertaining or therewith or with any of them or any part thereof usually held and occupied or enjoyed as part parcel or member thereof And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof  To have and to hold All and singular the said messuages lands hereditaments and premises hereinbefore described and expressed to be hereby appointed or otherwise assured with the appurtenances unto and to the use of the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever  But nevertheless according to the custom of the said Manor of Bisley and subject to the rents fines customs and services payable and to be performed to the Lord or Lady or Lords or Ladies of the said Manor for the time being for or in respect the said hereditaments and premises or any part thereof And each of them the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith severally separately and apart from the other of them doth hereby for herself and himself and her and his own heirs executors and administrators and as to and concerning her and his own respective acts deeds and defaults and not further covenant and declare with and to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns that the said covenanting party hath not at any time or times heretofore done committed or knowingly suffered any act deed matter or thing to incumber or prejudicially affect the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore appointed and assured or intended so to be or any part thereof in title estate or otherwise howsoever or whereby the said Maria Jane Cox and Henry Smith are prevented from appointing and assuring the said hereditaments and premises unto and to the use of the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns in manner hereinbefore expressed  In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and date first above written.
Maria Jane Cox – Henry Smith – Sarah Elizabeth Cox  Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Maria Jane Cox and Sarah Elizabeth Cox in the presence of Joseph A Aldred  Clerk to Robinson & Rushton Solicitors 22 Fleet EC.  Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Henry Smith in the presence of Fred.k Tho.s Rushton Sol.r 22 Fleet Street E C – Received the day and year first within written of and from the within named William Tringham the sum of One thousand and nineteen pounds being the consideration money within mentioned to be paid to us – M J Cox – Henry Smith – Witness to the signature of Miss M J Cox  Joseph A Aldred   Witness to the signature of the within named Henry Smith  Fred.k Tho.s Rushton

Admittance of The Rev.d William Tringham
Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here into Court the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said Messuage in Bisley Green with the edifices gardens orchard and parcel of land to the same adjoining containing by estimation half an acre be the same more or less which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Jane Loveland To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin by the rod To hold to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of three pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said little Meadow Platt called Turks Platt containing an acre of land more or less and also one acre of land in Neltro in two parcels one acre of land in Widecroft one acre of land in South Earsh and one acre of wood with the appurtenances or the allotment awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioner for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Jane Loveland To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin by the rod To hold to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of two pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that Meadow containing by estimation four acres adjoining the lane leading to Church Mead on the East part and lands now or late of John Phillips on the West part which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Jane Loveland To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin by the rod To hold to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of six pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said customary messuage or Tenement called Belfers with the barns edifices gardens Orchards and curtilages to the same belonging with the appurtenances And also all the customary lands to the same belonging formerly in the tenure or occupation of William Cobbett lying in Bisley within this manor which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Jane Loveland To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin by the rod To hold to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of two shillings Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears afterwards and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said William Tringham by the said William John Nichols his Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to the said Five acres and an half of customary lands with the appurtenances lying in divers places dispersedly in Bisley or the allotment awarded in lieu of any part of the same premises by the Award of the Commissioner for dividing allotting and enclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Jane Loveland To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin by the rod To hold to the said William Tringham his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ten pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was by his said Attorney admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his five several Admittances as appears in the Margin [Fine for the whole £88] and his fealty was respited.  And all which said hereditaments to which the said William Tringham was so admitted Tenant at this Court as aforesaid are better and more particularly described in the said Indenture of Appointment of the twenty eighth day of September last.

Ferdinand Smallpeice 