Bisley Manor Court Roll 4 November 1863

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Mr Harry Bell to Mr Henry Lowless
Disentailing Deed of Equitable Estate in Tail in Copyhold of the Manor of Bisley
This Indenture made the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three Between Harry Bell of Russell Terrace Oakley Square in the County of Middlesex Gentleman of the one part and Henry Lowless late of Gwynnes Place Hockley Road in the County of Middlesex but now of Alpha Cottage Upper Clapton in the same County Gentleman of the other part Witnesseth that in order to defeat the estate tail of the said Harry Bell as the heir of the body of William Batts Bell deceased under or by virtue of the Will of Joseph Bell late of Leeds Farm in the Parish of Chobham in the County of Surrey deceased of and in the Copyhold or Customary hereditaments holden of the Manor of Bisley in the same County thereby devised and to which the said Henry Lowless was admitted Tenant at a Court holden for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and sixty by six several admissions and all estates rights titles interests and powers to take effect after the determination or in defeazance of such estate tail and in order to vest such Copyhold hereditaments in the said Henry Lowless his heirs and assigns Upon the trusts hereinafter declared absolutely freed and discharged of such Estates tail and all estates rights titles interests and powers to take effect after the defeazance thereof  He the said Harry Bell Doth by this deed intended to be entered upon the Court Rolls of the said Manor of Bisley pursuant to the Statute for the abolition of Fines and Recoveries and for the Substitution of more simple modes of disurance Grant Release and Confirm unto the said Henry Lowless and his heirs All and singular the copyhold or customary hereditaments to which the said Henry Lowless was so admitted Tenant as aforesaid and all other the Copyhold hereditaments holden of the said manor (if any) of which the said Harry Bell is now equitable tenant in tail under or by virtue of the aforesaid Will with their and every of their rights members easements and appurtenances And all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of the said Harry Bell in to or out of the said hereditaments respectively To the end and intent that the said Henry Lowless his heirs and assigns may from henceforth stand seized of the said Copyhold or customary hereditaments freed and discharged as aforesaid Upon and for the trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes agreements and declarations expressed or declared concerning the same by an Indenture of Settlement dated the second day of October one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven and made between the said William Batts Bell and Harriet his Wife of the first part Henry Lowless and Alfred Lowless of the second part Joseph Lowless of the third part and Thomas Charlton and William Lowless of the fourth part or such and so many of such trusts intents and purposes powers provisoes agreements and declarations as are still subsisting undetermined and capable of taking effect in the same manner in all respects as if the estate tail in the said Copyhold hereditaments created by the said Will of the said Joseph Bell had been barred by the said William Batts Bell prior to the execution of the said Indenture of Settlement  In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written  Harry Bell – Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Harry Bell in the presence of Thomas Goodman 2 Hatton Court Threadneedle St. Sol.r (Indorsed)
This Deed was produced to me on Saturday the seventh day of November one thousand eight hundred and sixty three and on that day the same was entered on the Court Rolls of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey in pursuance of the Act of 3rd and 4th William 4th Cap 74 -

Joseph Hockley 
Steward of the said Manor

Examined by
Joseph Hockley 