Conditional Surrender Stephen Eacott to James Morris
Be it remembered that on the fourteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one Stephen Eacott of the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Yeoman one of the copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor personally came before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward of the Courts of the said Manor out of Court and in consideration of the sum of Five hundred and twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to him for his use paid by James Morris of Guildford in the said County Gentleman Hath Surrendered and Doth Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of the said Steward and according to the custom of the said Manor All that one close of land called Hunger Hills containing by estimation one acre and an half more and four acres of Land lying and being in the common field called Wide Croft and two acres of land lying in the common field called South Earsh and one acre of land lying in the common field called Bur Croft and also one Mead called Newbridge Mead containing by estimation one acre and an acre and an half in Westburn mead and half an acre of Meadow in Churchburn mead and also all that one meadow called Bisley Mead adjoining to Newbridge containing by estimation one acre (more or less) to which he the said Stephen Eacott was admitted on the death of William Eacott his Father at a General Court Baron held for the said Manor on the sixteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty two And also all that one messuage with the appurtenances at Gateshed end with the Barn Garden Orchard and about one acre and an half of Land to the same adjoining and belonging And also all that quarter of an acre of land with the appurtenances in Bisley within this manor late Richard Freelands whereon a Cottage did lately stand to which he the said Stephen Eacott was admitted on the Surrender of John Knowls Farmer and James Stedman Farmer at the said General Court Baron held on the said sixteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty two And all other the Copyhold Lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever of him the said Stephen Eacott situate lying and being within and holden of the said Manor And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents Issues and profits thereof And also all the Estate right title interest use trust property claim and demand whatsoever of the said Stephen Eacott of in and to the same To the only proper use and Behoof of the said James Morris his heirs and assigns for ever To hold by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the rents Suits and services therefore due and of right Accustomed Subject nevertheless to and upon this express Condition that if the said Stephen Eacott his heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said James Morris his executors administrators or assigns the sum of Five hundred and twenty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain and the sum of Thirteen pounds of like lawful money as and for half years interest for the same at the rate of five pounds for every one hundred pounds for a year making together the sum of Five hundred and thirty three pounds on the fourteenth day of May next ensuing the date hereof without any deduction or abatement whatsoever out of the same for or in respect of any taxes charges assessments or impositions whatsoever (except the property tax) and without fraud or further delay being the same principal money and interest as is secured or intended to be secured by a Certain Indenture of Mortgage bearing even date herewith made between Alice Howard Widow Caleb Howard Schoolmaster Charles Howard Grocer and Isaac Hodd Farmer of the first part the said Stephen Eacott of the second part Sarah Eacott widow of the third part and the said James Morris of the fourth part Then this Surrender to be void and of no effect otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Stephen Eacott. This Surrender was taken the day and year first above written by the acceptance of me Joseph Hockley Steward In the presence of Edmund Vincent Received on the day and year first above written of and from the above named James Morris the sum of Five hundred and twenty pounds being the consideration money above mentioned to be paid by him to me £520 Stephen Eacott Witness Edmund Vincent.
[Margin note: Be it Remembered that on the fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight George Morris Beck of Ormesly in the County of Norfolk Miller and Farmer and Thomas Bowyer of Guildford in the County of Surrey Brewer the Executor of James Morris in this Surrender named did acknowledge that they had that day had and received all principal and interest monies due and owing upon and by virtue of this Surrender And the said George Morris Beck and Thomas Bowyer did by writing under their hands of that date authorize the Steward of this Manor to enter full satisfaction and discharge of the said Surrender on the Court Rolls or Books of the said Manor accordingly Witness my hand Thomas Russell Steward]
Examined by
Edmund Vincent