Bisley Manor Court Roll 9 November 1744

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A Court Leet and Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r there held this ninth day of November one thousand seven hundred and forty four and in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by Henry Walter Gent Steward there

Jury as well for the King as the Lord of this Mannor

George Rempnant
Richard Hod the Elder
Henry Whittall the Elder
William Goodener
Moses Evered
Henry Whittall the Younger

James Towers
John Crouch
James Martin
James Collyer
Arthur Harding
John Loveland

Who being Sworn and Charged on their Oaths present as follows

That Mrs Rempnant died seized of two Copyhold Estates and that her son George is the next Heir  They present all those who owe Suit & Service at this Court and have not appeared here this day to perform the same and Amerce them in Four Pence each

They Elect

John Stedman  Constable
Robert Dover  Headborough
Jeremiah Freeland  Aletaster
John Martin  Hayward

At this Court came James Freeland one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor and in full and open Court Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord by the acceptance of the Steward All that one Messuage or Tenement  and three Closes of Land containing by estim two Acres more or less now in the possession of Henry Hayward   To the use and Behoofe of Henry Freeland of Bisley aforesaid Husbandman his Heirs & Assigns for ever and the said Henry Freeland being present in Court prayed to be admitted the premes af.d To whom the Lord by his Steward af.d hath granted the premes af.d To Have and to Hold to the said Henry Freeland his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£3 13s 6d] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court came George Rempnant and prayed to be admitted as Son & Heir of Mary Rempnant Dec.d To all that one Messuage or Tenement in Bisley called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barn Edifices Gardens orchards Curtilages and three Closes of Land to the said Messuage adjoyning and belonging containing by Estim seven Acres one Close of Land called Longclose containing by Est one Acres one Close of Land called Hunger Hill containing by Estim one Acre and an half and four acres of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Widecroft and two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called Southearsh and one Acre of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Bur Croft and two Acres of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the Lands formerly of Sarah Millest on the South and Land of John Hone on the North and Land of John Goreing on the East  And also one Mead called Newbridge Mead containing by Estim one Acre and an Acre and half in Westburn Mead and half an Acre of Meadow in Churchburn Mead by the yearly Rent of Five shillings and Sixteen Pence came into the Hands of the Lord by the Death of the said Mary Rempnant  To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath granted the premes aforesaid To Have and to Hold to the said George Rempnant his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the yearly Rent of Five shillings and five Pence and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estates as appears in the Margin [-] and so he was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod and did Fealty to the Lord.
And the said George Rempnant likewise prayed to be admitted to all that one Meadow called Bisley Meadow adjoyning to Newbridge Mead containing by Estim one Acre more or less came into the Hands of the Lord by the Death of the said Mary Rempnant his Mother  To whom the Lord by his Steward afd hath granted the premes aforesaid To Have and to Hold as above by the yearly Rents Customs and Services therefore formerly due as above and so he was admitted Tennant as above.

At this Court came George Rempnant and in full and open Court Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the acceptance of the sd Steward All that one Messuage  or Tenement in Bisley called Edmeads Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices Gardens orchards Curtilages and three Closes of Land to the said Messuage adjoyning and belonging containing by Est seven Acres one Close of Land called Longclose containing by Estim one Acre One Close of Land called Hunger Hill containing by Estim one Acre and an half and four acres of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Widecroft and two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called South Earsh and one Acre of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Burcroft and two Acres of Land lying and being in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the Lands formerly of Sarah Millest on the South and Land of John Hone on the North and Land of John Goreing on the East  And also one Mead called Newbridge Mead containing by Estim one Acre and an Acre and half in Westburn Mead and half an Acre of Meadow in Churchburn Mead the Appurts  To the Use and behoofe of Mary Rempnant Infant Daughter of Edward Rempnant dece.d her Heirs and Assigns for ever  And the said Mary Rempnant being now present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath granted the premes aforesaid To Have and to Hold to the said Mary Rempnant her Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the yearly Rent of Five shillings and five Pence and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and she gave to the Lord as a Fine for such her Estates as appears in the Margin [-] and so she was admitted Tennant had Seizin by the Rod but her Fealty was respited.
And the said George Rempnant did likewise in full and open Court Surrender in to the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the acceptance of the said Steward all that one Meadow called Bisley Meadow adjoyning to Newbridge Mead containing by Estim one Acre more or less To the Use and behoofe of the said Mary Rempnant her Heirs and Assigns for ever  And the said Mary Rempnant being now present in Court prayed to be admitted to the premes af.d To whom the Lord by his Steward aforesaid hath granted the premes aforesaid To Have and to Hold to the said Mary Rempnant her Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord as above  and so she was admitted as above. [Fine for all admissions £48]

And because it appears to this Court that the said Mary Rempnant is an Infant of the age of ________ or thereab.ts therefore the Custody of the Body as well as of the Lands to the af.d Mary Rempnant has now been admitted is granted to the said George Rempnant her Uncle untill she shall attain her full age so that he pays and performs the Rents Customs & Services therefore due & of right accustomed and renders to the said Mary a reasonable account when she shall attain her full Age and so he was admitted Guardian to the sd Mary and did Fealty to the Lord.

At this Court the Homage present that John Kidder one of the Customary Tennants of this Mannor out of Court and since the last Court to wit on the 20th Day of October 1743 Surrendered his Copyhold Estates in this Mannor in the Words & Form following “Be it remembered that on the thirtieth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty three  John Kidder of Warplesdon in the County of Surry Yeoman  one of the Customary Tennants of the Mannor of Bisley came before me Henry Walter Gent Steward of the Mannor aforesaid and by his Surrender lawfully stampt did Surr into the Hands of the Lord of the said Mannor by my Acceptance divers parcells of Arable and Wood Grd called Widestrode and Newlands Birchett in Bisley aforesaid and also one Grove of Wood containing by Estim two Acres called Gonwins Grove and also one Platt of Land containing seven Acres in Bisley Wood heretofore William Martins and one Croft called Newins lying near Bisley Wood Ramshurst Heath held by the Yearly payment of three shillings and ten Pence  And also one Messuage or Tenement the Appurts called Whistroods and one Close of Land adjoyning containing by Estimation one Acre in Bisley aforesaid And also one other Customary Messuage or Tenement with the Appurts formerly in the possion of Philip Roberts and one other Close of Land to the same adjoining containing by Est 1 Acre more or less lying in Neltro with the Appurts within this Mannor And also one other parcell of Land with the Appurts lying in four Severalls containing by Estimation seven Acres more or less and two Acres & an half of Land more or less lying in the Common Field called Neltro and two other Acres & an half of Land more or less  lying in the Common Field called Widecroft in Bisley af.d the Appurts and also one other Close of Customary Wood Land containing by Estim two Acres more or less & two Acres more or less lying in the Common Field called Northills in Bisley af.d the Appurts To the use and Behoofe of Ann Gilbert of Shalford le Bow in the County of Middlesex Widow her Heirs & Assigns for ever  Provided always and upon this Condition nevertheless that if the said John Kidder his Executors Administrators or Assigns some or one of them do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Ann Gilbert her Heirs or Assigns the full and just sum of Six Hundred and Fifty pounds with Interest for the same after the rate of Four pounds & ten shillings by the Hundred by the Year on the Twentieth day of October will be in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Forty four without any Abatement on any Account whatsoever Then this Surrender to be void and of none Effect or else to remain in full force  John Kidder  This Surrender taken the day and Year aforesaid by me Henry Walter Steward
[Margin Note: Nov 10th 1750  By Virtue of a Power of Attorney to me made dated the 19th day of Oct last under the Hands & Seale of Charles Brown of R????? T???? London Gent & Elizabeth his Wife which said Elizabeth is the Daur & Executrix of Anne Gilbert dec.d & was the Widow & Relict of _____ Roland I do acknowledge that the principall money & all Interest due on this Surrender was paid to the said Charles Brown & Elizabeth his Wife by Solomon Dayrolle of Henley Park in the County of Surry Esq. This twelfth day of Oct af.d & I do discharge the Estates in this Surrender mentioned from the payment of the same  Charles Brown  Eliz. Brown by James Rippe their Attorney  Witness Hen Walter Steward.]