Bisley Manor Court Roll 16 May 1865
The General Court Baron of The Right Honorable Arthur George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Tuesday the sixteenth day of May in the twenty eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and sixty five Before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward there.
The Homage
James Bedford Foreman Sworn | ||
William Eacott |
} |
{ Richard Loveland |
Admittance of Edward Chitty
At this Court upon the third proclamation came here into Court Edward Chitty (by Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that Barn and the land whereon a messuage formerly stood called Cowhurst and two Closes called the Barn closes containing by estimation Four acres and one Close called the Church Close containing by estimation three acres and one Close abutting upon the Barn late of Thomas Blundell containing by estimation three acres which came into the hands of the Lord of this manor on the death of John Lipscomb To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Edward Chitty his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of One shilling and eight pence heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£26] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the third proclamation came again into Court Edward Chitty (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that parcel of land called Cobbetts Coppice containing by estimation two acres more or less which came into the hands of the Lord of this manor on the death of the said John Lipscomb To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Edward Chitty his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of two pence heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£5] and his fealty was respited.
2nd Proclamation
At this Court the second proclamation was made for the heir at law of Thomas Baxter or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that copyhold close or parcel of arable land situate at Bisley aforesaid containing by estimation Five acres and seven perches more or less late in the occupation of Joseph Bedford afterwards of Stephen Steptoe and then of James Hill Stephen Steptoe and the said James Bedford which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Thomas Baxter to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came whereupon the second proclamation and default are here inrolled.
Will of Henry Street
The Homage aforesaid being sworn and charged on their Oath do present that Henry Street whose death was presented at a General Court Baron held for this Manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty three duly made and published his last Will and testament in writing bearing date the twenty fourth day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty two (the original whereof was produced and read in open Court) whereby he devised as follows “I give and devise unto my said Wife Eliza Street All that my Copyhold Messuage or tenement garden ground with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging Also three pieces or parcels of land containing in the whole by estimation six acres more or less all situate lying and being in the parish of Bisley aforesaid and now in my own occupation To hold the same unto and to the use of my said Wife Eliza Street her heirs and assigns for ever according to the custom of the Manor of Bisley aforesaid”
Admittance of Eliza Street
Now at this Court upon the third proclamation came here into Court in her own proper person the said Eliza Street and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that piece or parcel of land or ground containing One acre three roods and thirty two perches situate and being in Burket Common Field which under the award of the Commissioners appointed for dividing allotting and inclosing the Common Fields in the parish of Bisley was awarded to the said Henry Street in lieu of all his rights profits and interest in and upon the lands and grounds so agreed to be divided and inclosed And also all that Messuage or tenement situate and lying in Bisley Green with the Barn Stable Edifices Orchard and Garden thereto belonging and two acres of land called Palmers and Anthonies and one close of land called Westwood with the appurtenances which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Henry Street To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold (subject to a certain Conditional Surrender made thereof by the said Henry Street to Joseph Hockley) to the said Eliza Street her heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of One shilling and sixpence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so she was admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such her admittance as appears in the margin [£20 10s] and her fealty was pardoned.
Absolute Surrender William Steptoe to Stephen Steptoe
At this Court came here again into Court in his proper person William Steptoe one of the Copyhold or customary tenants of the said Manor and in consideration of the Sum of One hundred and forty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain and Ireland of English value and currency to him paid by Stephen Steptoe of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of the Steward aforesaid According to the Custom of the said manor All those Four acres called Radsells lying in two closes within this Manor one close whereof is arable land and the other meadow ground To the only proper and absolute use and behoof of the said Stephen Steptoe his heirs and assigns for ever
Admittance of Stephen Steptoe
Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here into Court in his proper person the said Stephen Steptoe and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All those Four acres called Radsells lying in two closes within this Manor one close whereof is arable land and the other meadow ground in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Stephen Steptoe his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of Eight pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£6 15s] and his fealty was respited.
Conditional Surrender Stephen Steptoe to Martha Jackman
And afterwards at this Court came here again into Court in his proper person the said Stephen Steptoe one of the Copyhold or customary tenants of the said Manor and in consideration of the Sum of Two hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to him paid by Martha Jackman of Woking in the County of Surrey Spinster Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of the Steward aforesaid According to the Custom of the said manor All those Four acres called Radsells lying in two closes within this Manor one close whereof is arable land and the other meadow ground to which premises the said Stephen Steptoe had at this Court immediately before been admitted And also all that Copyhold cottage or tenement with the Turf House garden and orchard or Backside and all other the appurtenances situate lying and being between Cowshot and Stavick Lane in Bisley within the said Manor to which premises the said Stephen Steptoe was admitted tenant at a General Court Baron held for this manor on the Twenty ninth day of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven To the use and Behoof of the said Martha Jackman her heirs and assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor Upon condition nevertheless to be void if the said Stephen Steptoe his heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Martha Jackman her executors administrators or assigns the full sum of Two hundred pounds together with interest for the same at and after the rate of Five pounds for One hundred pounds for a year of lawful money on the Sixteenth day of November now next ensuing
[Margin note: Be it remembered that Augustus Carter of Knaphill in the County of Surrey Corndealer and Stephen Steptoe of Bisley in the said County Farmer Executors of the Will of Martha Jackman in this Surrender named did by writing under their hands bearing date the twenty first day of November one thousand eight hundred and eighty four acknowledge and declare that they as Executors had been paid and satisfied all principal and interest monies due and owing upon and by virtue of this surrender And did thereby empower authorize and require me to enter that their acknowledgement of having received such satisfaction upon the Court Rolls or Books of the said manor which I have done accordingly So witness my hand this twenty ninth day of November one thousand eight hundred and eighty four. F Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]
Conditional Surrender John Loveland to Emily Upfold
The Homage aforesaid also present a certain Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court in the words following to wit Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey The twelfth day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty four Be it remembered that on the day and year above written John Loveland of Homebush Farm in the parish of Horsell in the County of Surrey Bailiff a copyhold tenant of the said Manor came before me Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward of the said Manor and did out of Court in consideration of the sum of One hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to him the said John Loveland paid lent and advanced by Emily Upfold of Shalford in the said County of Surrey Spinster at or immediately before passing the Surrender hereinafter expressed the receipt whereof the said John Loveland doth hereby and by the receipt hereunder written acknowledge Surrender out of his hands into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the hands and acceptance of me the said Steward by the rod according to the custom of the said manor All that little meadow plat called Turks Platt containing an acre of land more or less and also one acre of land in Neltro in two parcels one acre of land in Widecroft one acre of land in South Earsh and one acre of Wood with the appurtenances held by the yearly rent of Two pence heriot suit of Court and other services And also all that meadow containing by estimation Four acres adjoining the Lane leading to Churchmead on the East part and lands now or late of John Phillips on the West part held by the yearly rent of Sixpence heriot suit of Court and other services to which premises the said John Loveland was admitted tenant at a General Court Baron held for the said manor on the twenty seventh day of October One thousand eight hundred and twenty five save and except such of the said pieces of land as were mentioned to be divided allotted and inclosed under the award hereinafter mentioned And also all that piece or parcel of land or ground containing three acres situate and being partly in Wilcot common field and partly in Southridge Common field and bounded on the South West by an allotment awarded to William Tringham and numbered 22 on the Inclosure plan of the said award on the North East by an allotment awarded to the said John Loveland and numbered 24 on such plan on the South East by an allotment awarded to Joseph Hockley and numbered 26 on the same plan and on the South West allotments awarded to Henry Downes and Stephen Eacott respectively numbered 20 and 21 on the same plan and which allotment above described is numbered 25 on the said Inclosure plan and is exclusive of the public footway directed to pass over the same all which piece or parcel of land containing three acres was under the award of the Commissioner appointed for dividing allotting and inclosing the open Common lands and fields in the parish of Bisley dated the sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight allotted to the said John Loveland in lieu of and for all the lands grounds rights of common and all other his rights profits interest Copyhold of the said Manor of Bisley to which he was admitted as aforesaid in over and upon the lands and grounds so agreed to be divided and inclosed as aforesaid and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly and other rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof And all the estate right title interest inheritance use trust property possession power claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of him the said John Loveland of in upon or out of the same hereditaments and premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances To the use and behoof of the said Emily Upfold her heirs and assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor But subject nevertheless to and upon express condition that if the said John Loveland his heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall on the twelfth day of January now next ensuing well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Emily Upfold her executors administrators or assigns the full sum of One hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with interest for the same at the rate of Five pounds percent per annum to be computed from the date of this Surrender without any reduction or abatement whatsoever Then this Surrender to be void and of no effect otherwise to be and remain in full and virtue And in case default shall be made in payment of the principal or interest money hereby secured agreably wish the proviso for redemption hereinbefore contained it shall be lawful for the said Emily Upfold or her heirs executors administrators or assigns at any time thereafter without the consent of the said John Loveland his heirs or assigns to sell and dispose of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned by Public auction or private contract and subject or not subject to any oficial or other conditions or stipulations relative to the title or evidence of title or otherwise as appear expedient and with full power to buy in the said hereditaments and premises or any part thereof at any Auction and to rescind or vary the terms of any Contract for sale or proceed to enforce the same or otherwise act in relation to such sale or sales as may be reasonably deemed expedient and to take admittance when requisite and surrender and convey and assure the same hereditaments and premises or any part thereof to the use of the purchaser or purchasers and his her or their heirs and assigns or as he she or they may direct and also to give receipts for all purchase and all other monies thence arising and which receipts shall effectively discharge all purchasers and other persons paying money thereupon from all liability as to the application misapplication or nonapplication of the monies therein expressed to be received and out of the monies to arise by such sale or sales and the rents and profits which she he or they shall receive shall and may pay and discharge all costs charges and expenses occasioned by nonpayment of the said principal and interest monies respectively or by or incidental to such sale or sales and completing or enforcing any Contract in relation thereto or in obtaining possession of the said hereditaments and premises and in the next place pay and discharge so far as the same will extend all principal money and interest for the time being due under this Security and the surplus (if any) of such monies after such payments shall pay to the said John Loveland his heirs or assigns John Loveland This Surrender was taken the day and year above written by me Joseph Hockley Steward In the presence of Edw.d Cha.s Quilley Received the day and year first above written of and from the above named Emily Upfold the sum of One hundred and fifty pounds being the consideration money above mentioned to be paid by her to me £150 John Loveland Witness Joseph Hockley.
[Margin note: Be it remembered that on the eighth day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven Bristow Herbert Hughes and Emily his Wife formerly Emily Upfold Spinster in this Surrender named did acknowledge that they had been paid and satisfied by the said John Loveland in this Surrender also named all principal and Interest monies secured by and due upon this surrender And the said Bristow Herbert Hughes and Emily his Wife did by writing under their respective hands of that date empower and authorize the Steward of this Manor to enter their acknowledgement of such satisfaction upon the Court Rolls or Books of the said manor accordingly Witness my hand Thomas Russell Steward]
Encroachment by John Eacott
The Homage also present that John Eacott has encroached upon the waste of this Manor at Bisley Green by inclosing about seven acres of the said Waste and that it be left to the Lord of the Manor to deal with it as he thinks fit either by grant thereof from the Lord with the consent of the Homage at this Court or otherwise.
Consent of the Homage to grant to William Triggs
At this Court the Homage do consent and agree that the Lord of this Manor may grant by Copy of Court Roll for such estate as he may think proper unto William Triggs of Guildford in the County of Surrey Watchmaker All that piece or parcel of the waste of this Manor containing about fifty yards in length and six yards in depth and being contiguous to and adjoining the east end of his premises situate at Riding Hill within this Manor and also that small slip of the waste of this Manor adjoining to the North West side of the said premises containing about seventy yards in length and two yards in width and that the said William Triggs may inclose the said pieces or parcels of land and hold the same inclosed for ever hereafter
Grant to William Triggs
Now at this Court the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid Doth as far as in him lieth and he lawfully can or may with the Consent of the Homage grant to the said William Triggs All that piece or parcel of the Waste of this Manor containing about fifty yards in length and six yards in depth and being contiguous to and adjoining the east end of his premises situate at Riding Hill within this Manor And also that small slip of the Waste of this Manor adjoining to the North west side of the said premises containing about seventy yards in length and two yards in width To have and to hold the same unto the said William Triggs his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of Sixpence heriot certain one shilling on the death of every person dying seized thereof or of any part thereof suit of Court at the Courts Baron to be held for the said Manor fine at the will of the Lord and such other services as are customarily rendered by the copyhold tenants of the said Manor And so the said William Triggs was admitted tenant thereof accordingly hath seizin by the rod and giveth to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [1s] and his fealty is respited.
Ex.d by
Thomas Russell