Bisley Manor Court Roll 30 May 1864
The General Court Baron of The Right Honorable Arthur George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Monday the thirtieth day of May in the twenty seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and sixty four Before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward there.
The Homage
James Bedford Foreman Sworn | ||
William Steptoe |
} |
{ William Eacott |
2nd Proclamation on the death of John Lipscomb
At this Court the second proclamation was made for James Lipscomb Edward Chitty and John Stedman or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that Barn and the land whereon a messuage formerly stood called Cowhurst and two closes called the Barn closes containing by estimation Four acres and one close called the Church close containing by estimation three acres and one close abutting upon the Barn late of Thomas Blundell containing by estimation three acres Which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said John Lipscomb to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came Whereupon the second proclamation and default are here inrolled.
2nd Proclamation on death of the same
Also at this Court the second proclamation was made for James Lipscomb Edward Chitty and John Stedman or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that parcel of land called Cobbetts Coppice containing by estimation two acres which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said John Lipscomb to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came whereupon the second proclamation and default are here inrolled.
Death of Thomas Baxter
The Homage aforesaid being sworn and charged on their Oath do present that Thomas Baxter late one of the Copyhold or customary tenants of this Manor who held to him and his heirs by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said manor All that copyhold close or parcel of arable land situate at Bisley aforesaid containing by estimation Five acres and seven perches more or less late in the occupation of Stephen Steptoe and then of James Bedford together with the Messuage or tenement thereon erected and built and late in the occupation of the said Thomas Baxter by the yearly rent of Four pence heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly and of right accustomed Died since the last Court so thereof seized whereupon a heriot to wit the best live Beast of the said Thomas Baxter became due to the Lord of this manor and that a Cow was seized and compounded for with his heir at law for the sum of Five pounds
The Homage also present that Francis Baxter is the eldest son and heir at Law of the said Thomas Baxter
1st Proclamation on the death of Thomas Baxter
Now at this Court the first proclamation was made for the said Francis Baxter or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that the said Copyhold close or parcel of arable land situate at Bisley aforesaid containing by estimation Five acres and seven perches more or less late in the occupation of Joseph Bedford afterwards of Stephen Steptoe and then of James Hill Stephen Steptoe and the said Thomas Baxter which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Thomas Baxter to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came whereupon the first proclamation and default are here inrolled.
William Tringham enfranchisement
The Homage also present and it is acknowledged by the Lord by the said Steward that the Lord of this manor did by Indenture dated the twenty fifth day of March one thousand eight hundred and sixty three Infranchise unto William Tringham of Long Cross Chertsey in the County of Surrey Esquire his heirs and assigns Firstly all those three pieces or parcels of land situate in the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey that is to say A meadow containing by estimation three acres or thereabouts The lower Field containing by estimation two acres and three quarters or thereabouts and a piece or parcel of land part of the Upper Field containing by estimation one acre and three quarters or thereabouts together with a messuage or tenement lately erected by Nathan Searle on the lastly described piece of land and which pieces or parcels of land are parts and parcels of certain premises formerly described on the Court Rolls of the said manor as All those three pieces of land being coppice ground containing by estimation one acre and a half called Brook ground more or less and one close of land called Rough ground containing by estimation three acres with the appurtenances in Bisley And secondly All that piece or parcel of land formerly waste of the said manor situate at Bisley Green in the parish of Bisley aforesaid and containing by estimation Fifteen rods more or less and bound on the South by the Highway leading from Chobham to Frimley on the West by land of Robert Bates Wade on the North by land of the said William Tringham and on the East by land of the Reverend Thomas Hockley
Absolute Surrender Henry Lowless to Thomas Joseph Farr
The Homage aforesaid also present a certain Surrender taken out of Court and since the last general Court to on the Fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty three Whereby Henry Lowless of Alpha Cottage Lesser Clayton in the County of Middlesex Gentleman one of the Copyhold or customary tenants of the said manor in consideration of the sum of Five hundred and sixty pounds sterling to him paid by the reverend Thomas Joseph Farr Rector of Bisley in the County of Surrey Clerk did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of Herbert Walter Nelson Gentleman Deputy Steward of the said manor for this time and purpose especially appointed and according to the custom of the said manor Firstly All those lands on which a Barn called Old Barn formerly stood and all other the lands to the same belonging now better known as Ramps seven acres (part of Ramps Farm) containing together with the lands hereinafter fourthly surrendered seven acres three roods and three perches of which premises the said Henry Lowless was firstly admitted tenant at a Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty Secondly All that allotment piece or parcel of land or ground containing five acres two roods ten perches situate and being in Burkett Common Field and bounded on the North by Old inclosure land formerly belonging to the estate of Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Farr on the East by a piece or parcel of meadow land called or known by the name of Cuckoo Plat on the South by the allotment awarded to James Street and numbered thirty on the Inclosure plan next to the award made in respect of the Bisley Common Field inclosure dated the sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight and also by old inclosed land belonging in part to John Loveland and in part formerly to the estate of the said Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Low which allotment last hereinbefore described is numbered two on the same plan and includes the road leading into the same and lying between the said allotment numbered 31 and the said Old inclosure land belonging to the said Stephen Eacott but is exclusive of the Public footway depicted to pass over the same and also two acres of Coppice called Moltridge now better known as the Orchard (part of Lavender Farm) and containing one acre two roods and twenty two perches and two acres of Coppice parcel of a Coppice called Church Grove forming part of a piece of land now better known as Great Coppice containing Four acres three roods and twenty seven perches of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was secondly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty and also all other lands if any of which the said Henry Lowless was at such Court secondly admitted tenant Thirdly All those customary lands called Ramps late Whitings now better known as Ramps Four Acres (part of Ramps Farm) and containing Four acres two roods of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was thirdly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty Fourthly All that one parcel of land called Ramps containing by estimation three acres with the appurtenances of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was fourthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty and now forming part of Ramps seven acres Fifthly All that allotment piece or parcel of ground containing two acres one rood and thirty seven perches and situate and being in Neltro or Nulstrow Common field and bounded on the North by a Road leading into and formerly part of the allotment awarded to Sarah Marshall and numbered 3 on the said Inclosure plan annexed to the award hereinbefore referred to on the East by the said last mentioned allotment and on the West by old Inclosed land formerly belonging to the estate of the said Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Farr and which allotment hereinbefore described is numbered Number 1 on the plan annexed to the said award and also one acre parcel of a Coppice called Church Grove forming the remaining part of the said piece of land now known as Great Coppice of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was fifthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty and also all other lands if any to which the said Henry Lowless was at such Court fifthly admitted And lastly All that messuage or tenement and garden part of Pound Farm with the appurtenances called Edmead and containing one rood and two perches of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was sixthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty To the use of the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever
Admittance of Thomas Joseph Farr
Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All those lands on which a Barn called Old Barn formerly stood and all other the lands to the same belonging now better known as Ramps seven acres (part of Ramps Farm) containing together with the lands hereinafter fourthly surrendered seven acres three roods and three perches of which premises the said Henry Lowless was firstly admitted tenant at a Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof by his said attorney in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£15] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to all that allotment piece or parcel of land or ground containing five acres two roods ten perches situate and being in Burkett Common Field and bounded on the North by Old inclosure land formerly belonging to the estate of Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Farr on the east by a piece or parcel of meadow land called or known by the name of Cuckoo Plat on the South by the allotment awarded to James Street and numbered 31 on the Inclosure plan next to the award made in respect of the Bisley Common field inclosure dated the Sixth day of August One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight And also by old inclosed land belonging in part to John Loveland and in part formerly to the estate of the said Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Farr which allotment last hereinbefore described is numbered 2 on the same plan and includes the road leading into the same and lying between the said allotment numbered 31 and the said Old inclosure land belonging to the said Stephen Eacott but is exclusive of the public footway depicted to pass over the same and also two acres of Coppice called Moltridge now better known as the Orchard (part of Lavender Farm) and containing one acre two roods and twenty two perches and two acres of Coppice parcel of a Coppice called Church Grove forming part of a piece of land now better known as Great Coppice containing Four acres three roods and twenty seven perches
of which premises the said Henry Lowless was secondly admitted tenant at a Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty And also all other lands if any of which the said Henry Lowless was at such Court secondly admitted tenant in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£10 10s] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All those customary lands called Ramps late Whitings now better known as Ramps Four Acres (part of Ramps Farm) and containing Four acres two roods of which premises the said Henry Lowless was thirdly admitted tenant at a Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£17 5s 6d] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to all that one parcel of land called Ramps containing by estimation three acres with the appurtenances of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was fourthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty and now forming part of Ramps seven acres
in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£5 5s] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that allotment piece or parcel of ground containing two acres one rood and thirty seven perches and situate and being in Neltro or Nulstrow Common Field and bounded on the North by a Road leading into and formerly part of the allotment awarded to Sarah Marshall and numbered 3 on the said Inclosure plan annexed to the award hereinbefore referred to on the east by the said last mentioned allotment and on the West by old Inclosed land formerly belonging to the estate of the said Joseph Bell but now to the said Thomas Joseph Farr and which allotment hereinbefore described is numbered Number 1 on the plan annexed to the said award and also one acre parcel of a Coppice called Church Grove forming the remaining part of the said piece of land now known as Great Coppice of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was fifthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty and also all other lands if any to which the said Henry Lowless was at such Court fourthly [sic] admitted in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£3 15s] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Thomas Joseph Farr (by the said Edward Charles Quilley his attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to all that messuage or tenement and garden part of Pound Farm with the appurtenances called Edmeads and containing one rood and two perches of which last mentioned premises the said Henry Lowless was sixthly admitted tenant at the said Court held for the said manor on the seventeenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty
in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Thomas Joseph Farr his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof (by his said attorney) in form aforesaid gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£10 10s] and his fealty was respited.
2nd Proclamation on the death of Henry Street
At this Court the second proclamation was made for the heir at Law of the said Henry Street or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that piece or parcel of land which under the Award of the Commissioners Appointed to enclose the Common fields within the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey was awarded unto the said Henry Street And also all that messuage or tenement situate and lying in Bisley Green with the Barn Stable edifices orchard and Garden thereto belonging and two acres of land called Palmers and Anthonies And one close of land called Westwood with the appurtenances which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Henry Street to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came whereupon the second proclamation and default are here inrolled
Consent of the Homage to Thomas Poulter Harris Inclosure
At this Court the Homage do consent and agree that the Lord of this Manor may grant by Copy of Court Roll for such estate as he may think proper unto Thomas Poulter Harris of Staines in the County of Middlesex Brewer All that piece or parcel of land waste of this Manor containing about eighteen rods more or less bounded by the garden and field belonging to the Hen and Chickens Public House at Bisley on the East side by a road leading to Mr Farrs land on the West and by a road leading from Guildford to Bagshot on the North and that the said Thomas Poulter Harris may inclose the said piece or parcel of land and hold the same inclosed for ever hereafter
Grant to Thomas Poulter Harris
Now at this Court the Lord of this Manor by his Steward aforesaid doth as far as in him lieth and he lawfully can or may with the Consent of the Homage grant to the said Thomas Poulter Harris All that the said piece or parcel of land waste of this Manor containing about eighteen rods more or less bounded by the garden and field belonging to the Hen and Chickens Public House at Bisley on the East side by a road leading to Mr Farrs land on the West and by a road leading from Guildford to Bagshot on the North To have and to hold the same unto the said Thomas Poulter Harris his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of Sixpence Heriot certain One shilling on the death of every person dying seized thereof or of any part thereof suit of Court at the Courts Baron to be held for the said Manor fine at the will of the Lord and such other services as are customarily rendered by the Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor And so the said Thomas Poulter Harris was admitted tenant thereof accordingly hath seizin by the rod and giveth to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [1s] and his fealty was respited.
Examined by
Thomas Russell