Licence to Charlton and Lowless
Be it remembered that on the second day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five The Lord of this Manor by Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward of the said Manor did grant licence to Thomas Charlton and William Lowless two of the
copyhold or customary Tenants of the said Manor to dispense with the rebuilding of a certain Barn called Old Barn lately standing on part of the copyhold Lands of them the said Thomas Charlton and William Lowless lying and being within and holden of the said Manor and which was destroyed by fire on or about the month of September last past so and in such manner that the said Copyhold Lands may hereafter be had and holden of the said Manor without the said Barn by the rents Suits and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And the said Thomas Charlton and William Lowless gave to the Lord as a fine for this Licence ten pounds.
Examined by
Joseph Hockley