Bisley Manor Court Roll 8 May 1783

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A View of Frank Pledge with a General Court Baron of the Right Honourable George Lord Onslow and Cranley Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Thursday the Eighth day of May in the Twenty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c And in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Before John Chandler Gentleman Steward there

Present Officers


William Spong the Constable being called appeared and was sworn


James Stevens the Tythingman being called appeared and was sworn.


Charles Collyer the Hayward being called appeared and was sworn.


William Stovell the Aletaster being called did not appear.

The Jury to inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King and the Lord of the Manor.
Moses Evered - first Sworn.

Thomas Loveland
John Street
Joshua Longley
William Spong
John Eacott
James Martin

} Sworn

{ Arthur Harding
{ John Dudman
{ William Cobbett
{ Edward Jenkins
{ James Knight

Election of Officers


John Hill Senior is chosen Constable there and Notice thereof is sent to him.


John Collyer is chosen Tythingman there and Notice thereof is sent to him.


Charles Collyer is continued Hayward there.


William Stovell is continued Aletaster there.

Of the Court Baron

The Homage Present a certain Surrender taken out of Court and since the last Court to wit on the fifth day of April One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three Whereby William Thick of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Wheelwright one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor Did Surrender by the Rod into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the acceptance of the said Steward according to the Custom of the said Manor All and Singular the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments holden of the said Manor  To the use and behoof of such Person or Persons for such Estate and Estates and for such Uses Intents and Purposes as he the said William Thick already had or thereafter should in or by his last Will and Testament in Writing or any Writing purporting to be his last Will and Testament Give devise Limit or appoint the same.

The Homage also present the said William Thick died since the last Court seized of four several Copyhold Estates holden of this Manor Viz.t  A Copyhold Messuage or Tenement together with the Barn and all other Outbuildings Orchards Gardens Yards Backsides and Appurtenances thereto belonging formerly in the Tenure of William Johnson  And also all those five Closes of Copyhold Arable Meadow or Pasture Land containing by Estimation Seven Acres more or less in Bisley And also all that Messuage Tenement or Cottage and one Acre of Land with the Appurtenances to the same adjoining lying in Bisley  And also a Scite of a Cottage or Tenement called Vanits and one Acre of Land to the same belonging with the Appurtenances  Also one Acre of Meadow Land late part of the Waste adjoining to a Close called Hassell Hill Whereupon there became due to the Lord of this Manor four Heriots Viz.t the four best living animals of the said William Thick  And that William Thick is his Eldest Son and next Heir under age Whereupon at this Court the first Proclamation is made if the said William Thick the Son or any other Person or Persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to the said four Several Estates or either of them would come into Court and take the same out of the Lords Hands he She or they should be heard but Nobody came Whereupon the first Proclamation and Default as to Each Estate are here inrolled.

Whereas by a certain Surrender taken out of Court to wit on the thirteenth day of May One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Thomas Attfield of Guildford in the County of Surrey Blacksmith by the direction of Robert Goodener of Wokeing in the said County Yeoman And also the said Robert Goodener Did duly Surrender into the hands of the Lord of this Manor by the acceptance of the said Steward according to the Custom of the said Manor All that  Parcel of Customary Arable Land with the Appurtenances called Lomepits lying in three severals containing in the whole by Estimation nine Acres and then or then late in the Occupation of the said Robert Goodener abutting upon the Lands of William Goodener on the South and on the Lands of Solomon Dayrolle on the East together with all the rights Members and Appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining  To the use and behoof of Henry Smith of Pirbright in the said County Husbandman his heirs and Assigns until Payment by the said Robert Goodener his Heirs Executors Administrators  or Assigns unto the said Henry Smith his Executors Administrators or Assigns of the full Sum of one hundred and Ten Pounds with Interest for the same after the rate of Five Pounds for one hundred Pounds for a year of lawful money of Great Britain And whereas at a Court Baron holden for this Manor on Tuesday the Sixteenth day of April One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty two It was presented that the said Robert Goodener Did also out of Court to wit on the Twenty fourth day of April  One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one duly Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor All that his three Acres of Land whereon a Messuage hath been erected with the Appurtenances  formerly Parcel of the Wast of the said Manor lying at Hassell Hall between Cowshott and Staverk Lane in Bisley aforesaid within the said Manor and then in the Occupation of the said Robert Goodener his undertenants or assigns To the only use and behoof of Henry Smith his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor Upon Condition to be Void on Payment of Forty eight Pounds and Interest as in the said Surrender is mentioned.  Now at this Court came into Court the said Henry Smith and suggested that All Principal and Interest (Except Fifty Shillings) now remained due to him on the said several mortgaged Premises And therefore humbly Prayed to be admitted thereto To whom the Lord of this Manor by his said Steward granted the same To hold to him the said Henry Smith his heirs and Assigns forever by two several Copies of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the several rents of ____________ and ___________ Heriots when the same shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed (Subject nevertheless to such Equity of Redemption as the said Robert Goodener is intitled unto) And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his admittances as Appears in the Margin [For the first £6, For the 2nd  £4.10] he is admitted Tenant thereof Severally hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is respited.

Whereas at a Court Baron holden for this Manor on the twenty Seventh day of October One thousand Seven hundred and fifty Seven It was presented that John Stiles of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Taylor A Copyhold or Customary Tenant of the said Manor Did out of Court to wit on the thirtieth day of May One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty Seven Surrender into the Hands of the Lord of the said Manor All that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement with the Outhouses Gardens and Appurtenances thereunto belonging Situate lying and being within this Manor heretofore in the Possession of John Towers and now of the said John Stiles  To the Use and Behoof of Richard Lee of Egley in the Parish of Wokeing aforesaid Yeoman his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor Upon Condition to be Void on Payment of Twenty Pounds and Interest as in the said Surrender is mentioned.  Now at this Court came into Court Richard Attfield Lee of Egley aforesaid Yeoman only Son and Heir of the said Richard Lee and as such Mortgagee of the said John Stiles and suggested that All the Principal Money and a great arrear of Interest now remained due to him on the said mortgaged Premises And therefore humbly Prayed to be admitted thereto To whom the Lord of this Manor by his said Steward granted the same To hold to him the said Richard Attfield Lee his heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of ____________ Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed (Subject nevertheless to such Equity of Redemption as the said John Stiles is intitled unto) And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his admittance as Appears in the Margin [£2.5s] he is admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is respited.

At this Court upon the Second Proclamation came into Court in his proper Person James Martin Eldest Son and Heir of George Martin deceased and humbly Prayed to be admitted to A Customary Messuage or Tenement called Bilfirs with the Barns Edifices Gardens Orchards and Curtileges to the Same belonging with the Appurtenances  And also All the Customary Lands to the same belonging formerly in the Tenure or Occupation of William Cobbett lying in Bisley within this Manor which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Death of the said George Martin To whom the Lord of this Manor by his said Steward granted the same To hold to him the said James Martin his heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of _________ Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed  And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his admittance as Appears afterwards he is admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is respited.
Also at this Court upon the Second Proclamation the said James Martin being still present here in Court humbly Prayed to be admitted to Five Acres and an half of Customary Land with the Appurtenances lying in divers Places dispersedly in Bisley which also came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Death of the said George Martin To whom the Lord of this Manor by his said Steward granted the same To hold to him the said James Martin his heirs and Assigns forever by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of _________ Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed  And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for this and his former admittance as Appears in the Margin [Fine for both £15] he is admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is respited.