A Court Leet and Court Baron of John Walter Esq.r there held the Twenty Eighth day of May in the Seventh year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second and in the year of our Lord 1734 by me Henry Walter Gent Steward there
Essoigns none
Homage as well for the King as for the Lord of the Mannor | George Rempnant the Younger |
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George Martin |
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Who being sworn & Charged Present as follows & First They present & Charge James Collyer Constable for the year ensuing - Henry Freeland Tythingman - William Goodener Hayward - Thomas Hod Ale Taster
They Report that One Philip Beauchamp died seized of a Copyhold Estate held of this Mannor via Freehold whereupon there happened a Fine & two Herriots to the Lord And that they were Informed that He Surrendered his Copyhold to the use of his Will & by his Will devised the same to his Son Anthony They also present all that have not appeared here this day and who owe Suit & Service and amerce them in Four Pence each Attested by George Rempnant Moses Evered
Whereas Philip Beauchamp the Elder of Chobham in the County of Surry Gent did at a Court held for this Mannor The Tenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Twenty eight Surrender in to the Hands of the Lord of this Mannor by the acceptance of the Steward All his Copyhold Estate in Bisley to the Use of his last Will & whereas the said Philip Beauchamp is since dead and before his death duly published his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the Eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Twenty nine and amongst other things devises his said Estate in Bisley in the words following (that is to say) Item I devise give and bequeath unto my said youngest Son Anthony Beauchamp & to the heirs of his body for ever All that my Copyhold Land Arrable Meadow and Pasture with the Appurts containing by estimation ten Acres more or less lying & being in the said parish of Bisley & now in my own possession W.ch said Copyhold Land I have Surrendered into the Hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Bisley aforeaid to the use of my last Will And the said Anthony Beauchamp being Pr.t in Court desired to be admitted to ye premes afsd according to ye last last Will of his said Father To whom the Lord by his Steward afsd hath granted the premes afsd with the Appurts (subject to the Legacies & Conditions in the said Will as aforesaid) to have and to hold to the said Anthony Beauchamp the Heirs of his Body for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Mannor by the Rents Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and he gives to the Lord for a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£96] and he is admitted Tennant has Seizin by the Verge and did fealty to the Lord
[Margin note: ??]
Henry Walter Steward