A Special Court Baron of Abel Walter Esq.r held for this Mannor at Dwelling House of the said Abel Walter Esq.r in Clarges Street Picadilly the Tenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty six and in the Twentieth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second by the Lord in person.
At this Court Samuel Hall & Jane his Wife the said Janes being first solely & secretly examined by the said Lord and consenting thereto did Surrender into the Hands of the said Lord All that one Close of Arable Land formerly the Close called Westwards lying in this Mannor & containing by Estimation four Acres more or less To the use & behoof of William Hippisley of London Gentleman his Heirs & Assigns for ever And the said William Hippisley being present in Court prayed to be Admitted to the said prem.es To Whom the Lord hath Granted the prem.es af.d To Have and T Hold to the said William Hippisley his Heirs & Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [Fine see Chobham Court same day] & so he was admitted Tennant has seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord
Witness Henry Walter Steward