Bisley Manor Court Roll 24 June 1922
At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable Richard William Alan Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Saturday the Twenty fourth day of June in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth and in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and twenty two Before Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.
Absolute Surrender James Francis Edward Cook to Andrew Tayler
At this Court came here into Court Andrew Tayler of Mount Cottage Horsell in the County of Surrey Painter by Benjamin Horsman Grace his Attorney and delivered to the said Steward a certain Absolute Surrender taken out of Court and since the last General Court to wit on the eighth day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty two Whereby James Francis Edward Cook of Mount William Street Gordon in the state of New South Wales Clerk one of the copyhold or customary tenants of this Manor by Harry Pearn Russell of Bexley Heath in the County of Kent Solicitor his Attorney lawfully authorised by virtue of a Power of Attorney under the hand and seal of the said James Francis Edward Cook dated the twenty fourth day of June one thousand nine hundred and twenty one in consideration of the sum of One hundred and twenty five pounds to the said Harry Pearn Russell as Attorney for the said James Francis Edward Cook paid by the said Andrew Tayler did out of Court surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the hands and acceptance of Harry Hunt Deputy Steward for that turn and purpose only of the said Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice by the rod according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of land formerly parcel of the waste of this Manor lying near Staveck (now known as Stafford’s) Lake containing twenty two rods more or less Together with the cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up known as No.s 1 and 2 Hawthorne Cottages and now in the occupation of Messrs Pocock and Stevens to which said customary or copyhold hereditaments together with other customary or copyhold hereditaments the said James Francis Edward Cook was admitted tenant at a Special Court Baron holden for the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of December One thousand nine hundred and twenty one To the use of the said Andrew Tayler his heirs and assigns for ever at the will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor and under and subject to the rents duties suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed but free from all incumbrances.
[Margin Note: I hereby certify that this Surrender is duly stamped. Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]
Admission of Andrew Tayler
Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court the said Andrew Tayler by his said Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said piece or parcel of land formerly parcel of the waste of this Manor lying near Staveck (now known as Stafford’s) Lake containing by estimation twenty two rods more or less Together with the cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up known as No.s 1 and 2 Hawthorne Cottages and now in the occupation of Messrs Pocock and Stevens which said copyhold or customary hereditaments formed part of the copyhold or customary hereditaments to which the said James Francis Edward Cook was admitted tenant at a Special Court Baron holden for the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of December One thousand nine hundred and twenty one under the description of All that said piece or parcel of land lying near Stafford’s Lake containing by estimation Seventy rods more or less together with the three cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up and now in the occupations of Stevens and Pocock and Mrs Petre and called or known as Hawthorn Cottages and Ivy Cottage To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the rod To hold to the said Andrew Tayler his heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned rent of one half penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor due and of right accustomed And so the said Andrew Tayler was admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid gave to the lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£24] and his fealty was respited
Ferdinand Smallpeice