Bisley Manor Court Roll 25 June 1870

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Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey Edmund Lephard and James Luff to Miss Catherine Luff Absolute Surrender
Whereas on the twenty second day of July One Thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
John Hill of the parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Laborer one of the Copyhold or Customary tenants of the said Manor Surrendered the Copyhold hereditaments hereinafter described To the use and behoof of Edward Lephard of Plaistow in the Parish of Kirdford in the County of Sussex Shopkeeper his heirs and assigns for ever according to the custom of the said Manor subject nevertheless to a proviso for making void the said Surrender on payment of the Sum of Two hundred Pounds and interest on a day in the said Surrender now in recital named and since past And whereas the said Edward Lephard duly made and published his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the twenty ninth day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty three and thereby gave and devised a certain messuage and hereditaments therein described and all other his real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto his Wife Sarah Lephard and his Brother in law George Balchin their heirs and assigns In trust as in the said Will now in recital is mentioned and the said Testator appointed his said Wife and his said Brother in law George Balchin Executrix and Executor of his said Will And whereas the said Edward Lephard died on or about the thirtieth day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty three and his said Will was duly proved by the said Sarah Lephard and George Balchin in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the third day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty four And whereas the said George Balchin died on or about the twenty first day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty four leaving the said Sarah Lephard him surviving And whereas the said Sarah Lephard duly made and published her last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the eleventh day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixty four and thereby appointed her Son Edmund Lephard and her Son in law James Luff Executors and gave devised and bequeathed unto the said Edmund Lephard and James Luff theirs heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the respective natures and qualities thereof respectively All and every her real and personal Estate upon certain trusts therein mentioned And whereas the said Sarah Lephard died on or about the twenty second day of May One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven leaving the said Edmund Lephard her heir at law and also heir at law of the said Edward Lephard deceased and the said Testatrixes said Will was duly proved by the said Edmund Lephard and James Luff in the Principal Registry of her Majestys Court of Probate on the twenty eighth day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixty eight And whereas the said principal sum of Two hundred pounds still remains due and owing upon the said recited mortgage security and the said Edmund Lephard and James Luff were on the thirtieth day of May One thousand eight hundred and seventy duly admitted to the said copyhold hereditaments hereinafter described And whereas it was some time since agreed that the said James Luff as the husband of one of the children of the said Edward Lephard deceased should take a transfer of the mortgage security given by the said John Hill for securing the said sum of Two hundred pounds in satisfaction and discharge of the sum of Two hundred pounds on account of his share under the said Will of the said Edward Lephard deceased as such husband of one of the children of the said Edward Lephard and for the purpose of carrying out the said agreement the said James Luff has requested that the said copyhold hereditaments shall be surrendered as hereinafter mentioned Now be it remembered that on the twenty fifth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy Edmund Lephard and James Luff came before me Thomas Russell Gentleman Steward of the said manor and in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of premises did (the said Edmund Lephard also as heir at law as aforesaid) out of Court Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of the said Thomas Russell Steward of the said Manor according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of land some time since enclosed from the waste containing by estimation one acre and twenty two rods lying at Riding Hill on the North west side of the Garden now or late of the said John Hill (to which the said Edmund Lephard and James Luff were admitted at a Court held for the said Manor on the thirtieth day of May One thousand eight hundred and seventy) and all the Estate and interest of them the said Edmund Lephard and James Luff and each of them in the said hereditaments  To the use and behoof of Catherine Luff daughter of the said James Luff and her assigns for her life And after her decease To the use of such person or persons for such Estate and Estates upon such trusts and for such ends intents and purposes as the said James Luff shall by any deed or deeds duly executed and attested or by his last Will and Testament or any Codicil thereto direct limit or appoint give or devise the same And in default of such direction limitation or appointment gift or devise and so far as the same shall not extend To the use of the said Catherine Luff her heirs and assigns for ever ~ Edmund Lephard – James Luff  Taken and accepted by and before me Thomas Russell Steward In the presence of H.y J Oakley Clerk to M.r Hugh T Day Sol.r Godalming

Exam.d by
Thomas Russell 