Bisley Manor Court Roll 27 June 1809

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Tuesday the twenty seventh day of June in the Forty ninth year of the Reign of King George the third One thousand eight hundred and nine Before Joseph Pickstone Gentleman Steward there.

The Homage

Stephen Steptoe
William Walker


The Homage aforesaid being Sworn and Charged on their Oaths do say and present That Henry Halsey Esquire one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor who held to him and his heirs of the Lord of this Manor by Copy of Court Roll at the will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor  All those several parcels of Arable and Wood Ground called Widestrod and Newlands Burchet And also one Grove of Wood containing by estimation Two acres called Gonwins Grove and one plot of Land containing by estimation Seven acres in Bisley Wood formerly William Martins And also one Croft called Newins lying near Ramshurst Heath All which premises contain together Thirty and three acres little more or less and are situate in Bisley and held of the said Manor by the yearly rent of Three shillings and ten pence and Four pounds on the Death of every Tenant in lieu of and in full Satisfaction for an Heriot and by other Customs and Services Died since the last General Court Baron holden for this Manor so thereof seized Whereupon the Sum of Four pounds became due to the Lord of this Manor in lieu of an Heriot And that the said Henry Halsey in and by his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the seventeenth day of April One thousand eight hundred and seven After giving and devising (among other things) his Manors of Henly Park and Pirbright in Surrey And all other his real Estates in Pirbright Ash and Worplesdon in Surrey (Subject to Mrs Halseys Jointure under their Marriage Settlement) Gave and Devised All other his real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever not thereinbefore specified or otherwise devised or disposed of whether in possession reversion or expectancy unto his Wife Mary Halsey Westgarth Snaith of Mansion house Street London Esquire Caleb Woodyer of Guildford in the County of Surrey Surgeon and Apothecary and John Antrobus of Cheam in the said County of Surrey Esquire their heirs and assigns To the Use of his the Testators Son Henry William Richard Westgarth Halsey for Life without impeachment of waste with remainder To the Use of the first and other Sons of his said Son in Tail General with divers remainders over
Now at this Court came here into Court the said Mary Halsey Westgarth Snaith Caleb Woodyer and John Antrobus (by William Woods the Younger their Attorney) and humbly prayed to be admitted to All those said several parcels of Arable and Wood Ground called Widestrod and Newlands Burchet And also one Grove of Wood called Gonwins Grove and one plot of Land formerly William Martins And also one Croft called Newins which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Death of the said Henry Halsey  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To hold to the said Mary Halsey Westgarth Snaith Caleb Woodyer and John Antrobus their heirs and assigns Upon the Trusts and to and for the several Uses Intents and purposes mentioned and declared by the said Henry Halsey in and by his said last Will and Testament by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly Rent of Three shillings and ten pence and Four pounds in lieu of an  Heriot on the death of every Tenant Suit of Court and other Services and Customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so they were admitted Tenants thereof in Form aforesaid by their said Attorney And the Fine for such their Admittance was set at One hundred and twenty three pounds seven shillings and four pence to be paid to the Steward aforesaid at the public house called the Hen and Chickens in Bisley within this Manor for the use of the Lord of the said Manor on or before the thirty first day of July now next ensuing  And their Fealties were Respited.

The Homage also Present That Henry Attfield and Ann his Wife late called Ann Goater Spinster The said Ann being one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of this Manor and (being first separately examined by the Steward aforesaid apart from her said Husband and consenting) did on the first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eight Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the aforesaid Steward All her Copyhold or Customary Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments parcel of this Manor  To the Use of such person or persons and for such Intents and Purposes as she shall in and by her last Will and Testament (notwithstanding her Coverture) Give Direct Limit or Appoint the same.

Exam.d by
Joseph Pickstone  Stew.d