Bisley Manor Court Roll 4 JULy 1857
At a Special Court
Baron of The Right Honorable Arthur George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said
Manor held for the said Manor on Saturday the fourth day of July in the twenty
first Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith and
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifty seven Before Joseph
Hockley Gentleman Steward of the Courts of the said Manor.
At this Court came here into Court in his proper person George Holt of Guildford
in the County of Surrey Cabinet maker and delivered to the said Steward the
memorandum of a certain Surrender taken
out of Court on the said fourth day of July instant Whereby Henry Cook of Bisley in the
County of Surrey Gardner and Sarah his Wife the
said Sarah being one of the copyhold or
customary Tenants of the said Manor in consideration of the Sum of Three
hundred and Seven Pounds and ten shillings due and owing from them the said Henry Cook and Sarah
his Wife to the said George Holt did Surrender
into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance
of the said Steward According to the custom of the said manor All that Cottage or Tenement with all
the lands thereunto belonging containing by estimation one acre and an half or
thereabouts formerly in the occupation of John Crouch and
late of John Carman situate lying and being
within and held of the said manor by the yearly rent of sixpence heriot when it
shall happen suit of Court and other Services and customs And also all those
two Acres of land part of a parcel of land called Miles
Grove within this manor and which said two acres of land adjoin Port lane on the East the copyhold land late of William Walden called Wheat
Leas on the West five acres other part of Miles
Grove heretofore surrendered by James Living
to the use of James Stedman on the north and to
an acre other part of Miles Grove heretofore
surrendered by the James Living to the use of James Stedman and other part of Miles Grove also heretofore surrendered by the
said James Living to the use of James Hone on the South held by the yearly
apportioned rent of one penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and
other customs and Services To the
use and Behoof of the said George Holt his
heirs and assigns for ever
Admittance of George Holt
And thereupon the said George Holt
humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to the said Cottage or Tenement with the
lands thereunto belonging containing one acre and an half or thereabouts with
the appurtenances in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid
Granted the same and delivered seizin thereof by the rod To
hold to the said George Holt his heirs and
assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the
custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of sixpence heriot when it shall
happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and
of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form
aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in
the Margin [£11 5s] and his fealty was respited.
Admittance of the same
Also at this Court came here again into Court in his proper person the
said George Holt and humbly prayed to be
admitted Tenant to all those the said two Acres of land part of a parcel of
land called Miles Grove within this manor in
pursuance of the said Surrender To whom
the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid Granted the same and
delivered seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said George Holt his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of
Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by
the yearly apportioned rent of one penny heriot when it shall happen Suit of
Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right
accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid Gave
to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the Margin [£3 15s]
and his fealty was respited.
Joseph Hockley Steward