Bisley Manor Court Roll 28 December 1921

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable Richard William Alan Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on the twenty eighth day of December in the Twelfth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth and in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and twenty one Before Frederic Ferdinand Smallpeice Gentleman Chief Steward there.

Absolute Surrender Walter Faggetter to James Cook
At this Court came here into Court James Francis Edward Cook of Mount William Street Gordon in the state of New South Wales Clerk by Harry Pearn Russell of Bexley Heath in the County of Kent Solicitor his Attorney and informed the said Steward that by a certain Surrender taken out of Court on the first day of September one thousand eight hundred and ninety one (which Surrender has been duly entered on the Court Rolls) Walter Faggetter for the consideration therein mentioned did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and by the acceptance of the Deputy Steward and according to the custom of the said Manor All that piece or parcel of land formerly parcel of the waste of this Manor lying near Staveck (since known as Staffords) Lake containing by estimation Seventy rods more or less together with the three cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up formerly in the occupation of William Harding and Misses Hickley and Inwood but now of Stevens and Pocock and Mrs Petre To the use of James Cook his heirs and assigns for ever at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor at and under the rents suits and services therefor due and of right accustomed
[Margin Note: I certify that this Surrender was duly stamped.  Ferdinand Smallpeice Steward]

Death of James Cook
And the said James Francis Edward Cook by his said Attorney informed the said Steward that the said James Cook died on the eighth day of March One thousand nine hundred and twenty intestate without having been admitted tenant to the said premises
Heirship of J. F. E. Cook
And the said James Francis Edward Cook by his said Attorney informed the said Steward that he is the eldest son of the said James Cook and heir at law and heir according to the custom of the said Manor

Admission of J. F. E. Cook
Whereupon at this Court came here again into Court the said James Francis Edward Cook by his said Attorney and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that the said piece or parcel of land lying near Stafford’ Lake containing by estimation Seventy rods more or less together with the three cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up and now in the occupations of Stevens and Pocock and Mrs Petre and called or known as Hawthorn Cottages and Ivy Cottage To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered seisin thereof by the rod To hold to the said James Francis Edward Cook his heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the will of the lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one penny heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefor formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted tenant thereof in form aforesaid gave to the lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the margin [£77] and his fealty was respited

Ferdinand Smallpeice 


To all to whom the Presents shall come I James Francis Edward Cook of Mount William Street Gordon in the state of New South Wales Clerk send greeting  Whereas James Cook formerly of Ivy Cottage Bisley in the County of Surrey England Labourer lately one of the copyhold or customary tenants of the Manor of Wokeing in the County of Surrey at the time of his death hereinafter mentioned held to him and his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor All those hereditaments mentioned in the First Schedule hereto to which the said James Cook was admitted tenant at a Special Court Baron holden in and for the said Manor on the tenth day of December One thousand nine hundred And whereas on the First day of September One thousand eight hundred and ninety one Walter Faggetter one of the copyhold or customary tenants of the Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor of Bisley All the hereditaments mentioned in the second Schedule hereto to the only use and behoof of the said James Cook (then a Farmer) his heirs and assigns for ever at the Will of the Lord to the custom of the said Manor of Bisley And whereas the said James Cook left England in the Year One thousand nine hundred and eleven for Australia and died at Gordon aforesaid on the eighth day of March One thousand nine hundred and twenty intestate without ever having been admitted tenant to the hereditaments mentioned in the Second Schedule hereto leaving me his eldest Son and heir at law And whereas I attained my majority on or about the twenty ninth day of September One thousand nine hundred and seventeen And whereas I am desirous of selling and disposing of the said hereditaments mentioned and described in the First and Second Schedules hereto and all other (if any) the hereditaments in England to which I may be entitled as the heir-at-law of my Father the said James Cook deceased Now know ye that I the said James Francis Edward Cook hereby irrevocably appoint Harry Pearn Russell of Bexley Heath in the County of Kent (the Solicitor acting for the Public Trustee in England in the administration of the Estate in England of the said James Cook deceased for the use and benefit of the Public Trustee of the State of New South Wales) to be my lawful Attorney for one year from the date hereof for me and in my name and for my use to perform the following acts:-
1  To sell and dispose of all and singular the said hereditaments with the appurtenances either by private contract or by public auction and either together or in separate parcels or lots for such price as to him shall seem reasonable
2  Upon the receipt of the consideration or purchase money for the same or any part thereof to give a good receipt therefor which receipt shall exonerate the persons paying such money from seeing to the application thereof or being responsible for the loss or misapplication thereof
3  To sign and seal and as my act and deed deliver any deed or instrument in writing and to do every other thing whatsoever which may be necessary or proper for carrying any agreement for the purchase into complete effect and execution in such manner that all my Estate right title and interest in or to the said hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances may be effectually and absolutely conveyed surrendered and assigned unto and to the use of the Purchaser or respective Purchasers thereof his and their heirs and assigns for ever or unto such other person or persons and for such estate or estates therein and in such manner and form as he or they shall direct or appoint
4  To appear (if my said attorney shall consider it necessary) at any General or Special Court Baron to be holden for the said Manors or either of them and then and there for my sole use and benefit to pray admittance unto and to be admitted tenant of all or any part of the said hereditaments to the end that I my heirs and assigns may hold the same by Copy of Court Role at the Will of the respective Lords according to the customs of the said Manors respectively by the rents duties and services therefor due and of right accustomed and for me and in my behalf to pay all such fines dues and monies as shall then and there be payable for or by reason of such admittance
5 To surrender (if my said attorney shall consider it necessary) into the hands of the respective Lords of the said Manors according to the custom of the same Manors respectively all or any part of the said hereditaments to the use of the Purchaser or respective Purchasers thereof his and their heirs and assigns for ever according to the customs of the same Manors respectively
6 And also for me the said James Francis Edward Cook and in my name to execute and do all such deeds and things as shall be needful and requisite for procuring me to be admitted the copyhold or customary tenant of the said Manors respectively (if my said Attorney shall consider it necessary) and for making and perfecting such Surrender as aforesaid and for procuring the Purchaser or respective Purchasers his and their heirs and assigns to be admitted to the said copyhold or customary accordingly as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes whatsoever as I the said James Francis Edward Cook could do if I were personally present
And I the said James Francis Edward Cook hereby declare that all and every the receipts deeds matters and things which shall be by my said Attorney given made executed or done for the aforesaid purposes shall be as good valid and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever as if the same had been signed sealed delivered given or made or done by me in my own proper person
And I hereby agree to ratify all that my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises and I promise to indemnify him against all charges expenses and losses which he may incur in the execution of the Powers hereby conferred on him In witness whereof I the said James Francis Edward Cook have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of June One thousand nine hundred and twenty one

The First Schedule above referred to
Manor of Woking in the County of Surrey
All that messuage or tenement and the buildings formerly erected and built by William Johnson with the piece or parcel of garden ground used therewith as the same was formerly in the occupation of Richard Jackman situate at Kingfield within the said Manor being part of certain hereditaments called “Bastards”.

The Second Schedule above referred to
Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey
All that piece or parcel of land formerly parcel of the waste of the Manor of Bisley lying near Staveck (now known as Staffords) Lake containing by estimation Seventy rods more or less Together with the three Cottages or tenements thereupon erected and set up then lately in the occupation of James Hill George Mitchell and Boylett and then of William Harding and Misses Hickley and Inwood with the appurtenances in Bisley – Jas. F E Cook Signed Sealed and Delivered by the above named James Francis Edward Cook in the presence of W E Small J.P.

Ferdinand Smallpeice 