Bisley Manor Court Roll 16 December 1842

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The General Court Baron of The Right Honorable Arthur George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor there held in and for the said Manor on Friday the sixteenth day of December in the sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen defender of the Faith And in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two Before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward there.


Homage to wit

Thomas Loveland   Foreman Sworn

James Street

James Loveland

John Robinson

Henry Hill

James Searle

James Steptoe



} Sworn




{ George Hill

{ James Hone

{ Henry Cook

{ William Chandler

{ James Bedford



Will of Stephen Steptoe

The Homage aforesaid having been sworn and charged on their oath do say and present That Stephen Steptoe late one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor and whose death was presented at the Court Baron held in and for this Manor on the thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty one duly made and published his last Will and Testament in writing (now produced and read in open court) bearing date the twenty second day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty six Whereby he devised as follows “I give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife Sarah Steptoe all and every my copyhold messuages or Tenements Buildings Gardens Lands hereditaments and all other my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and Also all and singular my monies and securities for money Book debts household furniture Plate Linen and china Farming Stock crops and all other my personal estate and effects of every sort and kind To have and to hold the said Messuages or Tenements Buildings Gardens Lands hereditaments and real and personal Estates unto and to the use of my said Wife Sarah Steptoe her heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever according to the nature and tenure thereof respectively”

Admittance of Sarah Steptoe

Now at this Court upon the third proclamation came here into Court in her own proper person the said Sarah Steptoe and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All those four acres called Radsells lying in two Closes in Bisley within this Manor one Close whereof is arable land and the other Meadow Ground which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Stephen Steptoe To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To hold to the said Sarah Steptoe her heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of eight pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so she was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord for a Fine for such her admittance as appears in the Margin [£10] and her fealty was pardoned.

Admittance of Same

And again at this Court upon the third proclamation came here into Court in her own proper person the said Sarah Steptoe and humbly prayed to be admitted tenant to All that Copyhold Cottage or Tenement with the Turfhouse Gardens Orchard or Backside and all other the appurtenances situate lying and being between Cowshott and Staverke Lane in Bisley within the said Manor which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Stephen Steptoe To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said Sarah Steptoe her heirs and assigns for ever by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of four pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so she was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord for a Fine for such her admittance as appears in the Margin [£10] and her fealty was pardoned.


Admittance of William Eacott

Also at this Court upon the second proclamation came here into Court in his own proper person William Eacott and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that piece of Land containing by estimation one Acre more or less lying and being in the Common Field called Neltro within the said Manor abutting towards the South on the hedge there and towards the north on Land of Sarah Sibthorpe and bounded on the east by Land of James Nasmith and on the West by Land of ________ Hammond which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of William Eacott his father  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod To hold to the said William Eacott the Son his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott the father deceased is mentioned) by Copy of Court roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord for a Fine for such his admittance as appears in the Margin [£2.12s] and his fealty was respited.

Admittance of same

And again at this Court upon the second proclamation came here into Court in his own proper person the said William Eacott the Son and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that one Messuage or Tenement called Bonnells otherwise Edmeads with the Barns Edifices Gardens orchards curtilages and three Closes of Land to the said Messuage adjoining and belonging containing by estimation Seven acres One Close of Land called Long Close containing by estimation one acre and two acres of land lying in the Common Field called Neltro abutting on the Land formerly of Sarah Millest on the south Lands of John Hone on the north and Land of John Goreing on the east  which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said William Eacott his father  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said William Eacott the Son his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott the father deceased is mentioned) by Copy of Court roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned rent of two shillings and eleven pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord for a Fine for such his admittance as appears in the Margin [£33.2s] and his fealty was respited.


Admittance of Stephen Eacott

Also at this Court upon the second proclamation came here into Court in his own proper person Stephen Eacott and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that one close of Land called Hunger Hills containing by estimation one Acre and an half and four Acres of Land lying and being in the common field called Widecroft and two Acres of Land lying in the Common Field called South Earsh and one Acre of land lying in the common field called Burcroft  And also one Mead called New Bridge Mead containing by estimation one Acre and an Acre and an half in Westburn Mead and half an Acre of Meadow in Churchburn Mead which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of William Eacott his father  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott the father deceased is mentioned) by copy of Court roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned rent of two shillings and six pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  The fine to the Lord for such his admittance was set at twenty eight pounds and ten shillings to be paid to the Steward aforesaid at the public house called the Hen and Chickens in Bisley aforesaid for the use of the Lord of the said Manor on the thirty first day of December instant between the Hours of five and six of the clock in the afternoon and his fealty was respited.

Admittance of same

And again at this Court upon the second proclamation came here into Court in his own proper person the said Stephen Eacott and humbly prayed to be admitted to All that one Meadow called Bisley mead adjoining to Newbridge containing by estimation One acre more or less which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of William Eacott his father  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott the father deceased is mentioned) by copy of Court roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of six pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  The fine to the Lord for such his admittance was set at three pounds to be paid at the time and place aforesaid and his fealty was respited.


Admittance of Sarah Gosden

Also at this Court upon the second proclamation came here into Court in her proper person Sarah Gosden wife of Daniel Gosden and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to One parcel of Land containing by estimation one quarter of an acre lying within this manor which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of William Eacott  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To hold to the said Sarah Gosden her heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott is mentioned) by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of six pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and so she was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord as a fine for such her admittance as appears in the Margin [£5 12s] and her fealty was pardoned.

Admittance of Same

And again at this Court came here into Court in her proper person the said Sarah the wife of Daniel Gosden and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that parcel of land containing by estimation four acres more or less part of a certain parcel of land late of Sarah Stimson containing five acres or thereabouts heretofore inclosed out of the common field called Neltro with the appurtenances which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of William Eacott  To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said Sarah Gosden her heirs and assigns for ever (subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable as in the Will of the said William Eacott is mentioned) by copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one penny Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and so she was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord as a fine for such her admittance as appears in the Margin [£9 16s] and her fealty was pardoned.


2nd Proclamation on the death of Isaac Gosden

Now at this Court the first Proclamation was made for James Gosden or any other person or persons who hath or have a right to be admitted to All that one piece or parcel of Land called or known by the name of Widecroft common field and containing by estimation four acres And also all that piece or parcel of land called or known by the name of South Earsh common field and containing by estimation one acre and an half And also All that piece or parcel of land called or known by the name of Palmers field and containing by estimation four acres And also All that piece or parcel of land called or known by the name of Burcroft common field containing by estimation Two acres And also all that piece or parcel of land called or known by the name of Burn Mead and containing by estimation one acre within and held of the said Manor which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the death of the said Isaac Gosden to come into Court and take the same out of the hands of the Lord of this Manor but no one came Whereupon the second proclamation and default are here inrolled


Conditional Surrender Henry Cook + Wife to Charles Howard

The Homage aforesaid also present a certain Surrender taken out of Court and since the last Court in the words following to wit “Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey. Be it remembered that on the Tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two Henry Cook of Bisley in the County of Surrey Gardener and Sarah his Wife late Sarah Gyles Widow which said Sarah is one of the copyhold or customary Tenants of the said Manor (in consideration of the Sum of thirty three pounds ten shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to them in hand paid by Charles Howard of Chobham in the said County of Surrey Grocer at or immediately before the making this Surrender as the said Henry Cook and Sarah his Wife do hereby acknowledge and declare came before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward of the Courts of the said Manor out of Court and the said Sarah being first separately examined apart from her said husband by the said Steward and freely and voluntarily consenting thereto) Have and each of them Hath surrendered and each of them Doth surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the said Steward according to the custom of the said Manor All that Cottage or Tenement with all the Land thereunto belonging containing by estimation one Acre and an half or thereabouts formerly in the occupation of John Crouch and late of John Carman situate lying and being within and held of the said Manor by the yearly rent of six pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Services and Customs  And also all those two acres of land part of a parcel of land called Miles Grove within this Manor and which said two Acres of land adjoin Port Lane on the east the Copyhold land late of William Walden called Wheat Leaz on the West two acres other part of Miles Grove heretofore surrendered by James Living to the use of James Steadman on the North and to an Acre other part of Miles Grove heretofore surrendered by the said James Living to the use of James Steadman and another acre part of Miles Grove also heretofore surrendered by the said James Living to the use of James J???e on the South held by the yearly apportioned rent of one penny Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Services and Customs to which the said Sarah Cook was admitted at a General Court Baron holden for the said Manor the thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty one on the death of James Gyles  And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof And all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Henry Cook and Sarah his Wife and each of them of in and to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof  To the only proper use and behoof of the said Charles Howard his heirs and assigns for ever according to the custom of the said Manor. Provided always and upon this condition nevertheless that if the said Henry Cook and Sarah his Wife or either of them their or either of their heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Charles Howard his executors administrators or assigns the full and just sum of thirty three pounds ten shillings together with interest for the same after the rate of five pounds for one hundred pounds for a year of lawful money of Great Britain upon the tenth day of March next ensuing the date hereof without any deduction or abatement to be made or taken out of the same on any account whatsoever and without fraud or further delay Then this surrender to be void and of no effect otherwise to remain in full force and virtue  Henry Cook ~ The Mark  of Sarah Cook  ~  This Surrender was taken the day and year first above written By the acceptance of me Joseph Hockley Steward ~ witness Edmund Vincent Received on the day and year first above written of and from the above named Charles Howard the sum of thirty three pounds ten shillings being the consideration money above mentioned to be paid by him to us £33.10-  Henry Cook ~ The Mark  of Sarah Cook  ~  Witness Joseph Hockley

[Margin note:  Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of June One thousand eight hundred and fifty one Alice Howard Calib Howard Charles Howard and Isaac Hodd Executors of Charles Howard in this Surrender named did acknowledge that they had that day had and received of and from Henry Cook and Sarah his Wife in this Surrender also named All Principal and Interest Monies due and owing upon and by virtue of this Surrender  And the said Alice Howard Caleb Howard Charles Howard and Isaac Hodd did by Writing under their hands of that date authorise and empower the Steward of this Manor to enter this their acknowledgement of having received such satisfaction upon the Court Rolls or Books of the said Manor accordingly  Witness my Hand

Joseph Hockley Steward]


Absolute Surrender John Knowles & James Steadman to Edmund Vincent

The Homage also present a certain other Surrender taken out of Court and since the last Court in the words following to wit on the twelfth day of November one thousand eight hundred and forty two Whereby John Knowles of Horsell in the County of Surrey Farmer and James Steadman of Horsell aforesaid Farmer (The Devisees in trust of William Smith late of the parish of Bisley in the said County Farmer deceased) two of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor in consideration of the Sum of three hundred pounds to them paid by Edmund Vincent of Guildford in the said County of Surrey Gentleman did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the Steward of the said Manor and according to the custom thereof  All those four field or closes of Arable land called Wheat Leaz containing by admeasurement fourteen acres two roods and seventeen perches be the same more or less lying in the parish and Manor of Bisley in the County of Surrey and abutting upon Miles Green there and which said premises are described on the Court Rolls of the said Manor as All that parcel of Copyhold Land called Wheat Leaz with the appurtenances containing by estimation ten acres more or less situate in the parish of Bisley within the Manor aforesaid  To the only proper and absolute use and behoof of the said Edmund Vincent his heirs and assigns for ever.

Admittance of Edmund Vincent

Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here into Court the said Edmund Vincent and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All those the said Copyhold Lands called Wheat Leaz situate in the parish and Manor aforesaid in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the rod  To hold to the said Edmund Vincent his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one Shilling Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed and so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  Gave to the Lord as a fine for such his admittance as appears in the Margin [£19 7s] and his fealty was respited.


Absolute Surrender John Knowles & James Steadman to Stephen Eacott

The Homage also present a certain other Surrender taken out of Court and since the last Court in the words following to wit on the second day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty two Whereby John Knowles of Horsell in the County of Surrey Farmer and James Steadman of Horsell aforesaid Farmer (The Devisees in trust of William Smith late of the parish of Bisley in the said County Farmer deceased) and two of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor in consideration of the Sum of two hundred and eighty pounds to them paid by Stephen Eacott of Bisley aforesaid Farmer did surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the Steward of the said Manor and according to the custom thereof  All that one messuage with the appurtenances at Gateshed end with the Barn Garden Orchard and about one acre and an half of Land to the same adjoining and belonging lying within the said Manor heretofore in the occupation of Thomas May And also all that quarter of an acre of Land with the appurtenances in Bisley within this Manor late Richard Freelands whereon a Cottage did lately stand  To the only proper and absolute use and behoof of the said Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever.

Admittance of Stephen Eacott

Now at this Court upon the first proclamation came here into Court in his proper person the said Stephen Eacott and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that one messuage with the appurtenances at Gateshed end with the Barn Garden Orchard and about one acre and an half of Land to the same adjoining and belonging in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To hold to the said Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of four pence Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  The fine to the Lord for such his admittance was set at eighteen pounds seven shillings and six pence to be paid to the Steward aforesaid at the public House called the Hen and Chickens in Bisley aforesaid for the use of the Lord of the said Manor on the thirty first day of December instant between the Hours of five and six of the clock in the afternoon and his fealty was respited.

Admittance of the Same

Also at this Court upon the first proclamation came here again into Court in his proper person the said Stephen Eacott and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to All that quarter of an acre of Land with the appurtenances in Bisley within this Manor late Richard Freelands whereon a Cottage did lately stand in pursuance of the said Surrender To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To hold to the said Stephen Eacott his heirs and assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the custom of the said Manor by the yearly rent of one penny Heriot when it shall happen suit of Court and other services and customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in form aforesaid  The fine to the Lord for such his admittance was set at one pound two shillings and six pence to be paid at the time and place aforesaid and his fealty was respited.


Conditional Surrender Henry Knight to Thomas Hockley

At this Court came here into Court in his proper person Henry Knight one of the copyhold or customary Tenants of the said Manor and in consideration of the Sum of twenty five pounds of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland current in Great Britain to him paid by the Reverend Thomas Hockley late of Tadley in the County of Southampton but now of Shanklin in the Isle of Wight Clerk Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the acceptance of the Steward aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor All that Copyhold Cottage or Tenement with all the Copyhold lands by estimation half an Acre of land more or less situate lying and being near Bisley Green with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging late the estate of Elizabeth Dudman formerly Elizabeth Collyer  To the only use and behoof of the said Thomas Hockley his heirs and assigns for ever Upon condition nevertheless to be void if the said Henry Knight his  heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Thomas Hockley his executors administrators or assigns the full sum of twenty five pounds together with interest for the same of lawful money aforesaid on the sixteenth day of March now next ensuing over and besides the principal Sum of Seventy five pounds and the interest henceforth to grow due for the same secured by a Conditional surrender or Mortgage of the same premises made by the said Henry Knight to the said Thomas Hockley  on the tenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine


Examined by

Joseph Hockley
