A Court Baron held for the said Mannor on the Twenty ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty eight at the Dwellinghouse of the Abel Walter Esq.r Lord of the said Mannor at Hobridge in Surrey by the Lord in person.
At this Court came Joseph Neale the Elder of Chobham in the said County of Surry Husbandman & prayed to be Admitted to all that Parcel of Copyhold Brook Ground pasture or feeding land lying in four ????ds containing by Estim.n four Acres more or less adjoining to Lands of John Kidder on the East One Acre of Arable Land in the Common Field called Neltro one half acre of Arable land in the same Field adjoining to the Lands of George Rempnant One half Acre of arable land lying in the same Field abutting on the Lands of Richard Hod one other half Acre of arable Land lying in the same Field abutting also on the Lands of Richard Hod One half Acre of Arable land in a Common field called Widecroft and also one Acres of Arable Land in the same field & also one other half Acre of Arable Land in the same Field called Widecroft which said prem.es are situate & being in the Mannor of Bisley aforesaid and were Surrendered to the said Joseph Neale his Heirs & Assigns for ever by John Kidder of Warplesdon in the said County of Surry Yeoman dec.d conditioned to be void by his Surrender bearing date the third of April one thousand seven hundred & thirty three Conditioned to be void if the said John Kidder his Exors Admors or Assigns ?? & pay to the said Joseph Neale his Exors Admors or Assigns the full Sum of Fifty two pounds of lawful money of Great Britain on the third day of April one thousand seven hundred & thirty four and it appearing that the Condition in the said Surrender mentioned has not yet been performed therefore the Lord of the said Mannor hath granted the prem.es aforesaid with the Appurts To Have and To Hold to the said Joseph Neale his Heirs & his assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of this Mannor by the Rents Customs & Services therefore formerly due & of right accustomed subject nevertheless to such rights of redemption as the Heirs Exors Admors or Assigns of the said John Kidder have therein And he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Estate as appears in the Margin [£9] & so he was admitted Tennant had seizin by the Rod & did Fealty to the Lord.
Witness Henry Walter Steward