Bisley Manor Court Roll 31 Aug 1812

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At a Special Court Baron of The Right Honorable George Earl of Onslow Lord of the said Manor there held for the said Manor on Monday the Thirty first day of August in the Fifty second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith And in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twelve Before Joseph Hockley Gentleman Steward there.

The Homage
John Mose       }  Sworn 
William Woods }               

At this Court came here into Court in his proper Person John Hone of the Parish of Chobham in the County of Surrey Farmer One of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor and in Consideration of the sum of Six hundred and thirty pounds to him paid by William Chandler of the Parish of Bisley in the said County Farmer Surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the rod and Acceptance of the Steward aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor All his two undivided Moieties or equal half parts the whole into two equal parts to be divided of and in All that piece or parcel of Land called or known by the name of Westwood Field and containing by estimation Four acres and also of and in all that piece or parcel of Land called or known by the name of Westwood Mead and containing by estimation Two acres And also of and in all that piece or parcel of Land called or known by the name of Neltro Common Field (in Two pieces) and containing by estimation Two acres And also of and in all that piece or parcel of Land called or known by the name of Butts Field and containing by estimation Two acres within and held of the said Manor To the only proper and absolute Use and Behoof of the said William Chandler his heirs and assigns for ever according to the Custom of the said Manor And the said John Hone by Writing under his hand did declare upon a Sale for the Consideration of Six hundred and thirty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain agreed for as the full purchase money.
Now at this Court came here into Court in his proper person the said William Chandler and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to One Moiety or equal half part of and in the said several pieces or parcels of Land To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To Hold to the said William Chandler his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned Rent of One shilling and seven pence halfpenny Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Services and Customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in Form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears after And his Fealty was respited.
And again at this Court came here into Court in his proper person the said William Chandler and humbly prayed to be admitted Tenant to the other Moiety or equal half part of and in the said several pieces or parcels of Land To whom the Lord of the Manor aforesaid by his Steward aforesaid granted the same and delivered Seizin thereof by the Rod  To Hold to the said William Chandler his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the yearly apportioned Rent of One shilling and seven pence halfpenny Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Services and Customs therefore formerly due and of right accustomed And so he was admitted Tenant thereof in Form aforesaid Gave to the Lord as a Fine for such hisAdmittance as appears in the Margin [£21 5s] And his Fealty was respited.

Examined by
Joseph Hockley