Bisley Manor Court Roll 27 Apr 1781

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A View of frankpledge with a General Court Baron of The Right Honorable George Lord Onslow and Cranley Lord of the said Manor held for the said Manor on Friday the Twenty Seventh day of April in the Twenty first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth  And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Eighty one Before John Chandler Gentleman Steward there.

Present Officers


Richard Daborn the Constable being called did not appear.


James Stevens the Tythingman being called did not appear.


Charles Collyer the Hayward being called did not appear.


William Stovell the Aletaster being called appeared and was sworn.

The Jury to inquire for our Sovereign Lord the King and the Lord of the Manor
Moses Evered - first Sworn

Thomas Loveland
John Dudman
William Tunnell
William Stovall
John Street
William Spong

} Sworn

{ Richard Daborn
{ Joshua Longley
{ Samuel Suddeby
{ William Cobbett
{ William Reed

Election of Officers


Richard Daborn is continued Constable there.


James Stevens is continued Tythingman there.


Charles Collyer is continued Hayward there.


William Stovell is continued Aletaster there.

Of the Court Baron

The Homage Present that Henry Rogers of Windlesham in the County of Surrey Yeoman one of the Copyhold or Customary Tenants of the said Manor Did out of Court to wit on the fifteenth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one did Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod and by the hands and Acceptance of John Street and Thomas Loveland two other Customary or Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor All that his Customary or copyhold Estate or Estates Messuage or Tenement Messuages or Tenements Farms Lands and Premises Situate lying and being within the Parish of Bisley in the said Manor of Bisley with their and every of their Appurtenances and held of the said Manor  To The Use and Behoof of such Person or Persons and to such Use or Uses Intents and Purposes as by his last Will and Testament in Writing hath given limitted and appointed or shall give Limit or appoint the same.

The Homage also Present that Arthur Harden a Customary or Copyhold Tenant of the said Manor Did on the twenty ninth day of March last Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor by the Rod by the hands and Acceptance of John Dudman and William Cobbett two other Customary or Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor All that his Customary or copyhold Estate or Estates Messuage or Tenement Messuages or Tenements Farm Land and Premises Situate lying and being within the Parish of Bisley in the said Manor of Bisley with their and every of their Appurtenances and held of the said Manor  To The Use and Behoof of such Person or Persons and to such Use or Uses Intents and Purposes as by his last Will and Testament in Writing hath given Limitted and appointed or shall give Limit or appoint the same.

The Homage also present That George Martin a Copyhold or Customary Tenant of this Manor Died since the last Court Seized of two several Copyhold Estates and that his Son James Martin is his next heir of full Age and that upon his Death the two best living Cattle of the said George Martin became due to the Lord for Heriots but whether the said George Martin had any living Cattle at the time of his Death the Homage knew not Whereupon at this Court the first Proclamation is made If the said James Martin or any other Person or Persons who hath or have a right to be Admitted to the said two Several Copyhold Estates would come into Court and take the same out of the Lords hands he She or they should be heard but Nobody came Whereupon the first Proclamation and Default are here Inrolled

At this Court came William Field the Eldest Brother and Heir of Robert Field whose Death was presented at a Court Baron Holden for the said Manor on the Eighteenth day of April one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Seven and Prayed to be Admitted to All that Messuage Barn Garden Orchard and one Acre and an half of Arable and Meadow Land with the Appurtenances in the Parish of Bisley which came into the hands of the Lord of this Manor on the Death of the said Robert Field  To Whom the Lord of this Manor by his said Steward Granted the Same To Hold to him the said William Field his Heirs and Assigns for ever by Copy of Court Roll at the Will of the Lord according to the Custom of the said Manor by the Yearly Rent of one Shilling and Eight Pence Heriot when it shall happen Suit of Court and other Customs and Services therefore formerly due and of Right accustomed and he gave to the Lord as a Fine for such his Admittance as appears in the Margin [£4.10s]  he is admitted Tenant thereof hath Seizin by the Rod and his Fealty is Respited until or.  And because it appears to this Court that the said William Field is under the age of Twenty one Years Viz.t of the age of Twenty years or thereabouts the Custody as well of the Person of the said William Field as of the Estate of the said William Field is granted to William Field his Father until the said William Field the Son shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years he the said William Field the Father Keeping and Observing the Customs of the said Manor in all Things and Keeping the said Premises in Repair and rendering an Account thereof to the said Infant when he shall attain the said Age of Twenty one Years And the said William Field the Father is Admitted Guardian accordingly.